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Prospecting Australia

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Mar 12, 2016
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Hi guys and gals,
Just thought I'd say a quick g'day to everyone. I came across this forum a couple of months ago but joined just recently after realising this is one of the more welcoming forums around.
I'm just starting out but in my past career has a forest officer have had the opportunity to visit quite a bit of historic mining area especially in Far East Gippsland but never tried my hand at prospecting. Anyway I'm looking at getting my first detector so any advice would great, I have know doubt there is a wealth of knowledge on here.
Look forward to chatting guys
Cheers :)
Welcome FarEast, I'm also a newbie to this forum, but if you're into gold detecting, then I highly recommend a thorough reading of:

I had been detecting for around 3 years before joining and still learned a lot from his knowledgeable diatribe. Then more from this forum in general and in meeting some out bush.

Luck mate! BW
Gday n welcome mate, how far east we talking.. like Sale? Gippsland's a bit of a struggle to swing a detector being so dense ..but you never know. You would have seen plenty in the past with that sort of work :D Gold detectors can reach into a few thousand dollars.