Eye tests and Cataracts.

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user 14190

Too old to care anyway.
Dec 15, 2018
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As I am over 75 years I now have to have a yearly eye test and health assessment by Optometrist and Local Doctor, only need glasses for reading, long distance vision has not been a problem. In 2016 during an eye test some indication of Cataracts was found in both eyes, but was not a problem. Last eye test for licence was done in August this year and the cataracts were mentioned again as being a bit more noticeable during the eye tests. We had our holiday in the GT over September, but during the last few days my left eye was giving problems, being blurry in the lower right vision area.
Went to the Optometrist when we got home and the left eye has deteriorated to the stage where vision is now affected and something needs to be done.

Referral to Specialist and I am booked in for early November to have left cataract extraction and insertion of artificial lens. As with all operations money was talked about. Waiting list for Public System is around 12 months so we opted to self fund and get it over with. Luckily I have just spoken to neighbour that had the same operation (both eyes over 4 weeks) and he gave a few tips and was extremely happy with the treatment and follow up from Hospital Staff.

To have the same operation done locally in the Private system in Nowra was going to cost $1500.00 to $2000.00 more than taking a 1 hour, 80 km drive to Shellharbour Private Hospital. Total cost of operation in Shellharbour is close to $4100.00 and with some rebates that will bring down the costs. The same Surgeon would be doing the operation at which ever Hospital I choose to go to. Have been told that once the left eye is done the right will not be real good for vision and that I will probably have that done at some time not long after.

Shopping around to save money on eye Surgery is not something that would have crossed my mind. :Y:

I have no problems with cataracts Graham but my optometrist advised me to massage my tear ducts for blurry vision.
He was right it was caused by a waxy discharge. I'm a 1944 vintage as well.
Evie/bee, Ok thanks for that, when I was at the Specialists was told not to rub my eyes any more, they could see that they were very red and when asked what I had done I had to explain that I have a problem with mould, powders and perfumes and some certain foods cause a reaction and in particular the tear ducts get very itchy and once I touch/rub them they beg for more until they are so sore that I have to put some Vaseline to settle them and then I have to wait a while so my eyes will focus again. worked out been having too many tomatoes and associated type foods, been good for a couple of days now. Will not help with the cataracts, just have to use the drops a lot quicker and find something else to do with my hands.

I think the tomatoes are the problem, we are both trying to loose a bit of weight so for many many months we normally just have a salada with cheese and tomato and an apple for lunch, but then have a salad with more tomatoes for tea, so last night for a change home made meat pie with big dollop of mashed potatoes with onion, had bad indigestion last night, but it was worth it, enjoyed it for a change. :lol: :lol: :lol: Only have myself to blame for some things.
