Don't feed the wild life.

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Only owns one toaster
Dec 12, 2012
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A prospectors wife was bitten on the hand today. Not too serious fortunately, a small laceration and a few punctures wounds. Being elderly, she bruised up pretty good so it looked worse than it was. But it could have gone very badly, she was extremely lucky.

She was in camp alone as he detects and she reads. Apparently 3 dogs came in and she thought they looked friendly so she tried to feed one a biscuit and it latched on to her hand.

From her description I'd say probably all litter mates from this season pups.

The dogs are suffering through this drought just like everything else, so there's been an increase in sightings around water points, roads, camps and mine sites as they get desperate for water and easy food.
I don't think dog numbers have increased - apart from this years litters having just left the dens, I just think the drought has brought them to where human are.
I've very caringly euthanised O:) 13 since Sunday and it was about the same last week. A multitude of colours too, some nice looking dogs amongst them.

This years pups are out and about now usually in groups of 3 or 4 and haven't learnt to fear humans yet, so be mindful not to leave food and water accessible in camp and definitely don't try to feed them.
Very good warning Steve. We have even been getting more sightings of dogs in the northern part of the Esperance shire this year and I put it down to the lack of water also. Keep up the good work. Hopefully you will get some hay from farmers across boarders when the head up from Esperance in January
madtuna said:
Hay would be nice...some rain would be better! Heart breaking seeing dead things everywhere.
Went for a look see this afternoon and found 4 waterpoints smashed since yesterday by camels and horses and one well with a camel down it :(
How do you plan on getting the camel out ? I was going to ask if its alright but it probably isnt doing WELL :playful:
Rockhunter62 said:
Thanks for looking after the dogs and camels Steve. We haven't seen any here in over 2 weeks now. They must know the sound of my work ute and do a runner. Have seen lots of tracks though.


Where there's tracks there's camels. Cagey buggers are holed up in the bush travelling at night Cow and calves are staying close to waters and it the bulls all teamed up doing the wandering.

You seeing many dogs Doug?
Goldfreak said:
madtuna said:
Hay would be nice...some rain would be better! Heart breaking seeing dead things everywhere.
Went for a look see this afternoon and found 4 waterpoints smashed since yesterday by camels and horses and one well with a camel down it :(
How do you plan on getting the camel out ? I was going to ask if its alright but it probably isnt doing WELL :playful:
Got it out this morning. Lowered myself down the well and put a rope around its neck and winched it out.
Sometime during the night the camel morphed into a horse. By the time I got him to the top it looked like a giraffe...sort of stretched a bit.
As I said Steve, haven't seen any in over 2 weeks but lots of tracks. I'm sure a few will stick their head up at the wrong time shortly. Did you get the camel out of the well?

On the monday bore run one of our mills dropped the fan 30 secs before Carol would of walked under it to the tank. Very lucky lady. On the friday run we found one of our empty tanks over 100 mtrs from where it was sitting on the mound. Had to roll it back.

Got the excavator stuck :( in one of the dams on wednesday, had to get a D8 from the mine to pull it out. All good now.


Rockhunter62 said:
As I said Steve, haven't seen any in over 2 weeks but lots of tracks. I'm sure a few will stick their head up at the wrong time shortly. Did you get the camel out of the well?

On the monday bore run one of our mills dropped the fan 30 secs before Carol would of walked under it to the tank. Very lucky lady. On the friday run we found one of our empty tanks over 100 mtrs from where it was sitting on the mound. Had to roll it back.

Got the excavator stuck :( in one of the dams on wednesday, had to get a D8 from the mine to pull it out. All good now.


damn! very lucky indeed, it would slice you to bits if not kill you.
Sounds like you're having a ripper of a week...the next one will be better.
Goldfreak said:
goldtrapper said:
Wasn't there a famous writer...........Horse'n'Wells........ 8.(
Camels favourite singer......Engelbert Humperdinck :awful:
Or maybe this guy,
Camahl :lol: