Detecting Agreements With Your Buddy.

Prospecting Australia

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Mar 4, 2018
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just wondering what agreements you guys use when going away on trips with your detecting buddy.. particularly when you both have shared knowledge, maps ect to decide on location.

I proposed the following to a mate which he's agreed with;

any nuggets <= 10oz is fully owned by the finder
any nuggets > 10oz is a 50/50 split and sold immediately

Thanks AL
I only detect with my wife there really is no argument! Problem is, no matter what sort of deal you strike
it will work well untill gold is found. Sounds negative but I have seen it over and over again....mates busting up over 0.7g.....a 3oz patch and the list goes on and on.
If you detect with someone and think they are trustworthy...wait until you hit a 200oz patch....then we will see the true nature of people come out!
Our family has always been..."keep what you find"...and has worked ok for us. On bigger projects where machinary is involved.....and the rare occasion we work with others, then any arrangements get written down and signed by everyone. Personally, if I was going to work a season with someone, I would have our agreement written down and signed.....just in case of dispute we can all re-read what was agreed to at the start. Sounds cynical.....but thats the game your in fellas.
We struck up a four way agreement back in 1990, unfortunately it is three way after the passing of a lifetime mate. (R.I.P my old buddy)
We shook hands on four way split when dryblowing and keep what you find while swinging a detector. There has never been a disagreement.
Do wish photos had been taken when dryblowing, all the gold was piled up on the table and using a knife it was divided into 4 sections. Never bothered with scales, never disputed, we were out to enjoy the life not let greed enter into the lifestyle.

Have heard stories where disputes have begun with so called "mates" when a member couldn't get away and then demanded his share when the others got home. Others not presenting gold found and keeping it for themselves. :awful:
Hi Guys

I have always worked on the agreement that you keep the first 1 oz per day (or trip)...anything more goes into the 50/50 (or how many other equal share split) pot. If you find a nice size piece you want to keep you negotiate a 50% or other depending on number in syndicate buy out price.

some good comments so far fellas... please keep them coming - be good or bad experiences

Personally, I think you need a 50/50 deal somewhere in the mix, that way your odds of finding gold automatically increase by 100% when 2 people are detecting.. you are effectively using 2 detectors instead of just 1.

NightJar, you touched on the very issue most people would have with detecting agreements.. what happens if one of the partners is unable to go detecting, the trust aspect could turn very ugly. Its a tough one
What is nine is nine..what is yours is mine too :lol: :lol: :lol:

If not stated you keep what you find

But always try and go 50/50

As if I was out with a mate I would ask them

I think as far as detecting goes the one who detects the nugget keeps it, would be the most common arrangement.
No doubt bitterness may occur to some who don't have much luck, or if a bigger nugget is found.

For sluicing or high banking a team of two would split the gold 50-50% as the effort was split between both participants.

There is a saying around that gold does strange things to people, i never really believed it at first though you do hear of things
going bad from time to time with hand shake mate deals.I did read in a prospecting book forget the title and author but it said
to decide amongst yourselves at the start what the split will be and don't let big finds or other things alter your original deal.
By changing your mind after a big find so you get more is going to threaten your friendship and limit your future adventures.
I just go on my own that way I get to keep all the rusty nails and bolts don't have to share ?
Have been out a couple times with brother in law we both have detectors ,what he finds is his and what i find is mine :100: :pickshovel: :poop: :beer: :beer:
What's hers is hers and....
What's mine is hers.
(That's my story and I'm stickin to it)
What would I want with anything anyway lol
:p :Y:
I have been burnt that often im done. I think that for near 15 to near 20 years I was the most stupid, dumb, naive person to have ever picked up a metal detector. These last 10 it does not happen. But I used to be silly to take people to lots of places where later I found out they cleaned up or as dogs burnt me. I mostly do prefer or am happy to let the majority of my own found patches die along side of me. ;)
Here and there I take the odd person. But im just about done doing that. :/

Gold will do funny things to people, including people you are related to and so called mates you think you know and think you can trust, also there are those out there who will think nothing of pocketing their finds and then sharing yours when you are good enough to be honest with them, I have seen it all believe me and have learnt from bitter experience that people no matter if its a nephew or a trusted friend or how well off they are, they can and will rip you off if they get the chance when gold is involved.

You really only have a couple of choices, either make sure you have an agreement of sharing finds before you hit the ground or just go finders keepers, if you make the agreement before you start detecting then no matter what is found you are both obligated to share with the other, you just never know one of you might hit the jackpot within minutes of switching on your detector, have seen this happen with one bloke ground balancing his detector and then ten steps later pinging a 7 ounce nugget, on the other hand if you go finders keepers until a patch is found and then work the patch together and split the proceeds is another method you can use, that way all parties can contribute by putting in the same amount of time on the ground.

There are also the parasites that will latch on to others and pretend to be new at the game so as to be led around to your spots and old patches and then pocket what they find without telling you about it,and then brazenly put out their hand for their share of what you have found when you have an agreement on sharing finds, all I am saying is take your time to get to know your partners and make sure you feel comfortable with them, because the more time you spend with these liars and assholes the sooner the cracks in their stories will appear and you will realize what sort of person you are dealing with.

Avoid people who are way too hungry for the gold, if its all important to them and they get the sads when others around them are getting a bit here and they are not, they are the type of person that I have found to be the most untrustworthy, and I have also found them to be the type who are very lazy and will contribute little or nothing to the legwork involved in finding a spot or patch, but when you do will be more than happy to dive in and clean it or just sneak back there on their own without telling you.


StayyerAU said:

Gold will do funny things to people, including people you are related to and so called mates you think you know and think you can trust, also there are those out there who will think nothing of pocketing their finds and then sharing yours when you are good enough to be honest with them, I have seen it all believe me and have learnt from bitter experience that people no matter if its a nephew or a trusted friend or how well off they are, they can and will rip you off if they get the chance when gold is involved.

You really only have a couple of choices, either make sure you have an agreement of sharing finds before you hit the ground or just go finders keepers, if you make the agreement before you start detecting then no matter what is found you are both obligated to share with the other, you just never know one of you might hit the jackpot within minutes of switching on your detector, have seen this happen with one bloke ground balancing his detector and then ten steps later pinging a 7 ounce nugget, on the other hand if you go finders keepers until a patch is found and then work the patch together and split the proceeds is another method you can use, that way all parties can contribute by putting in the same amount of time on the ground.

There are also the parasites that will latch on to others and pretend to be new at the game so as to be led around to your spots and old patches and then pocket what they find without telling you about it,and then brazenly put out their hand for their share of what you have found when you have an agreement on sharing finds, all I am saying is take your time to get to know your partners and make sure you feel comfortable with them, because the more time you spend with these liars and assholes the sooner the cracks in their stories will appear and you will realize what sort of person you are dealing with.

Avoid people who are way too hungry for the gold, if its all important to them and they get the sads when others around them are getting a bit here and they are not, they are the type of person that I have found to be the most untrustworthy, and I have also found them to be the type who are very lazy and will contribute little or nothing to the legwork involved in finding a spot or patch, but when you do will be more than happy to dive in and clean it or just sneak back there on their own without telling you.



Yep...I can relate to all mate

With my mates and I, it's whatever you find is yours. Yes sometimes we get a bit jealous if the other bloke finds a patch, but that's life.

Besides, I wouldn't want gold that I didn't find anyway. It wouldn't feel right.

I like knowing that all the gold in my jar at home is mine, I found it
SteveG said:
With my mates and I, it's whatever you find is yours. Yes sometimes we get a bit jealous if the other bloke finds a patch, but that's life.

Besides, I wouldn't want gold that I didn't find anyway. It wouldn't feel right.

I like knowing that all the gold in my jar at home is mine, I found it

You have nailed it SteveG, we have on occasions heard, "Lucky bathplug."
One thing I will add though, with our unwritten agreement that has already mentioned survived 30years.
If one of us walks onto a patch the others keep clear until the next day, then it's on for one and all, finders keepers.