Creating a ring from detecting

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May 19, 2015
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Hi all,

A plan of mine is to hopefully find enough gold and get a ring made up for the GF possibly a wedding/engagement along those lines one day.

I tried searching but couldn't find much info 8)

has anyone done the above? how much gold is required? how much does this process cost? is it worth it?
any other info would be great
I would probably need to buy the diamond/rock separately

I think it would be pretty damn awesome idea!

Thanks :)
Any jeweller worth his salt could do it, he'll, with a solid weekend and the right tools some tools you could diy.

Have a look at lost wax carving.

Somewhere between 5-10g would do, though for hardiness you might want to alloy it.

The wedding band anyway, engagement is trickier.
A member if this forum did just that a couple of years ago. I'm in my phone now so when I get on the computer I'll find the story and put a link up.

A very worthwhile project IMHO. Good luck with it
Hmm - one of our club members said a mate of his tried to do it with a nugget they had found. He said it looked great when it was finished but the bloke broke it the next day just lifting something heavy, reckons the gold was a bit too soft for a ring. Pendant might have been ok.
Thanks Guys for the replies
Ill have a read of that thread

Some of the wax carving is unreal
Any decent custom jeweller could do it, if 9ct you'd want about 2 grams of Aussie gold if 18ct double it. ..... It depends on how chunky you like your bling bling. :)

Anyway last blokes ring I detected was about 5g and 9ct gold with a Ruby and it feels about the right size wearing it. Find a nice Aussie Sapphire instead of buying a diamond, not that hard to come across in the right spot, diamonds are way overvalued I reckon....

I've got a nice black star sapphire I found which I'll get a ring made for myself sooner or later, just think I want platinum instead of gold though......
I think you would need between 4 to 8 grams depending on size and purity.....there will be people who can do it for you. Jukebox on this forum mentioned he had found a person in his lapidary class that could do it, I guess it all comes down to cost. Some will do it for free for the "experience", others probably will charge you that do it for a living. I'm in the same position I now have enough gold from my trips to have that ring I promised wife, and i'm stinging to set it with a beautiful pink garnet I have, however just recently met a Sri Lankan fellow whos family owns some mines back there....and he sells loose cut stones. He's bringing in a pink spinel for me to look at. If its a nice one ill snap it up! I'm sure the wife will be happy regardless of the stone I set, will complement the Aussie blue sapphire and Zambian emerald she wears. Makes it much more special when you have had the ring "made from scratch" !

Just be careful as the pure gold will be soft, 18 carat better wearing.
You would certainly want to alloy a ring with silver, copper or both depending on what color you prefer.

A solid gold ring, as cool as it would be, would just fold or break under minimal pressure, so mixing in a silver like mentioned above to a 9ct or 18ct would bring its durability right up and last a long time :)

I too will be doing the same thing. Ill be making a deal with a local jeweler offering alluvial gold for him to make me a ring out of more alluvial gold I've prospected for both my partner and myself. Ill be throwing him some florins and sixpence coins I've detected for the silver as well.

Lost wax casting at home is an option, but id practice with lead or something else first as losses in gold could occur if done incorrectly.