Petition For QLD Fossickers

Prospecting Australia

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We're up to 60 now....getting there. Need more, please share wherever you can guys.


Maybe do a printable pdf file that we could download off the forum/website, .. print up and place in corner stores on their display boards, with tear off sections on the bottom with the website details for people to take home and use. :D
Hey Len i am not on fb, but like silver said if i had paper petition i could get a fair few people to sign here at work
Gday len, well done on the fact finding mission so far. A thought occurred when reading your petition draft, since a petition is a good show of support for a particular issue it should get attention from your MP. Would it also be worth raising the matter with the state premier as well? Since this is a state issue and not simply a local one.
Also have you thought on the next steps to follow a petition? Calling for your MP to see if there is support amongst his party for the proposed changes or requesting he call for a committee enquiry into the qld fossicking laws seems like a good start.

So far things look good, might be worth asking someone who knows nothing of prospecting to read your proposal and see if they understand everything easily. This may help you re tune it as its likely your MP has no knowledge of the mechanics involved in prospecting.

All the best,
Good tips TGW...yeah have thought about what's next, contacting the Minister, the Petetion is going to the relevant State Minister for resources. Have had a bit of trouble getting through to the Premier, one of her advisers contacted me and palmed me off the this minister, but will try and send her a copy as well.

Yeah will get someone who isn't into prospecting to check it out as well....good Idea.

Hey cecc seems like a few in the groups really wanna get behind it which it good and have shared on also, hopefully we hit our first hundred soon
Len, a lot of good comments and suggestions in the posts. But as for contacting the Premier, well I think your up against it. Normally that would be a good idea but it seems she is Premier in name only.
Don't know who your local member is but that would be a good place to start.

Just my thoughts mate.
Cheers, yes Phoenix, good points and will try the local guy, will find out who that is. Yes I was going to try the old play one off against the other strategy.