blasts from the past

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Ross Langlands
Jun 17, 2013
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I dont know what you guys will make of this ...but i thought this might be an interesting post for some members..if you like you can chip in with a pic and explanation of your own...could be a whole new topic of conversation and such. The attached pic is of my dear old dad passing on a few pointers to a young and strong me..hehe i think this was on a trip to the Turon in 1983....sheez! has it been so long!...thats 33years ago. You younger blokes ...take note..get out there while you still can... For,the years go by like minutes, and the shadows come to stay.
Good to have fond memories of times shared with your father Reefer ............................ yeah I thought I'd be young forever and have beaten a lot of what life can throw at you along the way but one will never beat father time ;)
Lifes road has given the suspension a bit of a beating, the body ain't as pretty as it used to be :| I just figure I'm slowly wearing out :D
Funnily enough I have also noticed they make things a lot heavier than they did years ago :D :D :D

My father sleeper cutting with a swing saw Dunnolly area 1960. (Not much health care and safety back in those days) Below that is his father on his way to Gallipoli who was one of the lucky one's and came home. Most kids his age nowadays are riding skate boards ..................... far cry from being knee deep in the mud of a the Gallipoli trench.
I thank them both as I owe them much


oh! fabulous pics there Bogger! i got a pic of my Great Uncle taken at Cairo before they shipped to Gallpoli..I'll dig it up and post here.The one of ya dad with the swing saw...priceless mate i bet he was as strong as a bull! :cool: ...i know my old man was...he was 72 years old at the time the photo was taken and he could feed water into our old ground sluice(original Banjo) all day! and still beat me in a wrestle! :p They just don't make 'em like that anymore :cool: haha yep that garden rake and spade of mine weighs in well over 20Kg's these days...hehe and my 42inch barrel chest has slid down over my hips a bit...hehe...all the best to you mate ..cheers Rossco
my uncle Private Albert Vincent Goodwin is on the left and on the right is an unkown british officer
Reefer yeah strong as a bull and tough as nails. Check out the arms on him in the pic below .
As for tough ................ he was trimming a sleeper once and the axe glanced off and buried itself to the handle in his leg. His axe could shave the hairs of his arm mind you. He wrapped a hanky around it and drove the truck home, lit the chip heater and had a bath as he didn't want to go to the doctors dirty :rolleyes: I know where I would have been driving straight to ........................ hospital. Your right they just don't breed them like that anymore........................... sadly.

Pre school from 3 to 5 years I spent every day out in the bush with my Dad working ................................ taught me much about the bush and wish I'd had a detector back then as I would have cleaned up :)
Friday nights were best as I sat outside the pub (Winters Flat pub it usually was just outside Castlemaine) in the old Fargo truck and my dad brought me out a raspberry and lemonade with a packet of chips while he had a beer with the boys ..................... very fond memories indeed, and even as I think about it can taste and smell the water from the water bag that always hung from the trucks front bumper. Anyone that's drank water from a proper water bag will know of what I speak ;)
Didn't matter which way the tree was leaning you could put an x on the ground and he would drop the tree on it ..................... be good to see some other members Dads in action from years gone by ;) Reefer do you know how old your uncle was when pic was taken ?



A few other pics ....................... from the seventies .................Top of Ayers Rock signing the book before it was Uluru and you were allowed to climb it and ring barking camp out Mungallalah way (Qld) with a few of the boys that knew bush craft that no book could teach ;)

On a side note the Ayers rock pic was only two weeks before the infamous "Dingo got her baby" :rolleyes:


HAHA! Wow....Theres a lot o' memories there for you the way my family and friends refer to me as...Ross, Rossy,or Rossco.. i answer equally to all of those names but it was my late brother who first named me Rossco..and i answer to that one with the fondest regard :cool: With regard to Uncle Albert he was 'only 19' at the time of the pic and 20years when he copped the shell in Poziers on the Somme....Really interesting pics mate...LOVE LOOK'N BACK AT THE OLD DAYS!hehe :p i'll try and rustle up one more i have of me 'n the old man on the Turon which depicts dad feeding water to the old banjo...great stuff Bogger..thanks for sharing those precious memories of your dad and the days of yore :cool: away mate
Rossco your uncle was like so many at that time .................. just a lad when he went to war and even sadder just a lad when he died. Hate to admit it but not to sure I would be so keen to go :rolleyes: Also good to see the respect given as that is something the young one's appear to fall down a little with these days.
yeah mate your dead right.. i apologise for the repeat of the first photo..i was sure i pressed all the right icons but once more i goofed up... i'll try again when i find the right pic..
Great memories Reefer
Bogger do you think safety regulations would allow us to use saws like that without a guard?
Below is one of yours truly replacing a drive chain on a blast hole drill 47 years ago, platform and tower covered in oil and we didn't even use safety harnesses.
However if the boss caught us not wearing a hard hat we lost 2 weeks production bonus which was most times equal to a weeks net pay.
We just took care.

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unreal nightjar!...nice legs :p where was this mate?somewhere in Australia if those gumtrees in the background are gumtrees...if ya know what i mean..hehe.great pics mate...oh i'm posting the pic i meant to include rather then the goof-up that appeared :8 cheers Rossco
Nightjar not a chance :rolleyes: The belts would not even be allowed unguarded let alone the ripper blade that has teeth close of 50mm on it. Many killed thru the years as when the saw was sat down whilst still running could and would vibrate around and there were those that stepped back into it. As a young tacker I was strictly told where I was not allowed whilst the saw was running and as I'm sure your aware in those days if you didn't do as told ya arse yould sting.
As for you being untethered .................... nowadays I believe even a screw driver has to be . :) :) Also good to see you had your UV ray protective skin on also :eek:
Thrill seekers back then :) :)
Rossco ok you got the right pic after all :D I like how your supervising while your dad does the work :D :D That generation was born with hearts of lions ................... my son sooks if the dog licks him ;)
haha well i was lerning how to use a shovel :p thats not true...the old man had me shoveling stuff from 20mtrs away and we forgot to bring the bucket ..for which i got a rocket which echoed up the river ...YOU STUPID F576323 IDIOT! he tell me...i must of walked 20 flamin miles with that shovel in me hands...hehe. ;) I'd gladly walk twice that if only i could talk to him one last Ned said..'such is life'
Yeah I'm hearing you ................... Mike and the mechanics says it best for me "The Living Years"

The Living Years"

Every generation
Blames the one before
And all of their frustrations
Come beating on your door

I know that I'm a prisoner
To all my Father held so dear
I know that I'm a hostage
To all his hopes and fears
I just wish I could have told him in the living years

Crumpled bits of paper
Filled with imperfect thought
Stilted conversations
I'm afraid that's all we've got

You say you just don't see it
He says it's perfect sense
You just can't get agreement
In this present tense
We all talk a different language
Talking in defense

Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It's too late when we die
To admit we don't see eye to eye

So we open up a quarrel
Between the present and the past
We only sacrifice the future
It's the bitterness that lasts

So don't yield to the fortunes
You sometimes see as fate
It may have a new perspective
On a different date
And if you don't give up, and don't give in
You may just be O.K.

Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It's too late when we die
To admit we don't see eye to eye

I wasn't there that morning
When my Father passed away
I didn't get to tell him
All the things I had to say

I think I caught his spirit
Later that same year
I'm sure I heard his echo
In my baby's new born tears
I just wish I could have told him in the living years

Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It's too late when we die
To admit we don't see eye to eye
wow..i had not heard that song for a long time... thanks for sharing i will add it to my repetoire Here is I on giutar my nephew Adam on 5string and his daughter Bree keeping the beat on Tambo..hehe this was at Mookerawa central nsw wales at a Napfa meeting a couple of years back. :cool: In the living years :cool: would have gone down a treat. ;) cheers ta yer...Rossco.
reefer said: had not heard that song for a long time... thanks for sharing i will add it to my repetoire Here is I on giutar my nephew Adam on 5string and his daughter Bree keeping the beat on Tambo..hehe this was at Mookerawa central nsw wales at a Napfa meeting a couple of years back. :cool: In the living years :cool: would have gone down a treat. ;) cheers ta yer...Rossco.

That photo looks very similar to the one I took of you at the birthing of NAPFA Rossco!! :eek:

Hey!! On second look........It is the photo!!! 8) :D

What a great weekend that was!!!

Top stuff mate and when are you heading this way next? I can't play or sing music for shit but I can build a great fire!! ;)



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