baby dragon

Prospecting Australia

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Mar 26, 2016
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Hello everyone! i am brand new to the hole prospecting game but have recently got a few bags of paydirt from a aussie bloke and found that i love this type of hobby/lifestyle and really look forward to learning as much as i can. I have a mate who lives at black springs so will be keen to do some more research and the like around that( and other) areas.Any help would be greatly appreciated on all facets of prospecting, panning high banking and maybe even some detecting.Wal n Liz thanks for your how to pan for gold vid watched it and had a go, still pretty crap but it was enough to know i'm hooked. Cheers in advance everyon. Matt
Welcome smaug, lots of info on here to help you out, let the search function loose ! :)
Hi Smaug,
welcome to the forum.
Theres a series on youtube by an American called Dan Hurd, its videos from a class he taught on basic prospecting terms, techniques and equipment.
Its definitely worth checking out, just watch your download usage as they go between 10 and 30mins.

Seems that the power of gold is stronger than dragonspeech but the road goes ever on and on - all we can do is hope there's gold at the end!

Ps - sorry for the bad references there but given your username I just had to! :lol:

Goodluck on your quest to become Smaug the unassessably wealthy!
Thanks guys. TGW i have watched a couple of his vids and they are good, easy to get a grasp of. Who could ever get sick of dragon references