Australia Post - scam email advice

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Jul 20, 2013
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If you receive an email from Australia Post and were not expecting it, its a fake and contains a malicious attachment. This is the advice I got from my anti-virus supplier - it looks like this:


Your parcel (1) has been dispatched with Australia Post.

The courier company was not able to deliver your parcel by your address.

Label is enclosed to the letter.

Print a label and show it at your post office.

Label: RYR3500080

Print this label to get this package at our post office.

**Please note that this is an automatically generated email replies will not be answered

1) Grammar Its shockingly bad! Which reputable company would allow an email this badly worded to go out?!

2) Australia Post dont work like this they dont tell you to print a label and take it to the Post Office, they leave you a calling card. If in doubt, give them a call!

3) The attachment on this email its not a label, its a nasty executable file and if you double click on it to open it, you could put your computer and data at risk!
Thanks Loamer.
Been a lot of that lately.
Got one myself from UPS not long ago.Just delete them is what i say
If you dont recognise the sender dont open it.
There's been a few going around from the ANZ as well as Optus asking for account verification.
As you said, bad grammar, no letterhead and no contact details. Steer away.
Yep, there everywhere.
I got one very similar from FedEx. I just deleted it, easiest and safest thing to do.

loamer said:
If you receive an email from Australia Post and were not expecting it, its a fake and contains a malicious attachment. This is the advice I got from my anti-virus supplier - it looks like this:


Your parcel (1) has been dispatched with Australia Post.

The courier company was not able to deliver your parcel by your address.

Label is enclosed to the letter.

Print a label and show it at your post office.

Label: RYR3500080

Print this label to get this package at our post office.

**Please note that this is an automatically generated email replies will not be answered

1) Grammar Its shockingly bad! Which reputable company would allow an email this badly worded to go out?!

2) Australia Post dont work like this they dont tell you to print a label and take it to the Post Office, they leave you a calling card. If in doubt, give them a call!

3) The attachment on this email its not a label, its a nasty executable file and if you double click on it to open it, you could put your computer and data at risk!

Reasons why Email is a scam

Australia Post could never be that competent to have you print out a label !!
Leave a calling card ... I wish ! Compared to o/seas post its a 3 ring circus ...
I have had the Fed Ex one a few times....deleted and added it as junk mail...haven't seen the Aust Post one yet
Criminals are using information from social media websites to trick people into opening malicious attachments in emails that appear to come from Australia Post.

People who do open the attachments risk downloading ransomware called 'Locky' to their computer. This ransomware locks targeted files on the computer and demands that victims pay a ransom of hundreds of dollars for the digital key to unlock them. The criminals demand the payment be made in the digital currency bitcoin.

The ransomware captures personal details from social media, such as name, location, workplace and job description, and incorporates them in the fake message to mislead users into believing the email is legitimate.

The email claims that a package has arrived for the recipient at an Australia Post store, and asks them to print out the attachment that it describes as a 'shipment confirmation'.

- Backup your personal data. USB Drives are cheap, cloud storage is cheaper/free (Google Docs, DropBox, OneDrive. Etc.)
- Run sufficient anti-virus + anti-malware software and keep it up-to-date.
- Minimize how much data strangers can see on your social media sites.
- Only open attachments of email which you are expecting and trust.

I have had loads of these emails over the last month or so. They look very real and when you are expecting packages they can be very tempting to open. I always look at the email source and see the origin of the email before I open any email that I am not expecting.
I had that one arrive in my in box a while back , i just mark it as spam ..
The one I am getting now is from apple saying my apple id or icloud was accessed from windows ect and to log in anchange the takes you to a fake apple site ..
To add to what BigWave said, do not click on links provided in emails from these scammers. For instance if you get a paypal email wanting you to update details or the like, don't click on the link in the email, go to the legitimate paypal site and log in there. Usually if you click a dodgy link any malware/ransom ware will be automatically installed on your computer.

I've had a few Aus Post scam emails lately too. Was pretty easy to pick though, but wouldn't be for someone who is a novice on computers.

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