⭐ Gold Detecting Show'n Tell

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walshie1000 said:
Wish I was out finding some of this stuff today instead of moving house.
All found with the 4500.
To anyone that managed to get out this weekend, hope you all cleaned up!

Nice work Walshie.
Was this all in one day?
Which Coil do you prefer for the small gold?
Were they shallow?
Do you recall the settings you used?
I'm considering getting a 4500 and not sure what coil to get for the small shallow gold?
Cheers Dig'n-it :)
Geez SCROUNGER you and that SDC are a force to be reckoned with! That's a great tally for the time spent. Where I was on the weekend an SDC would do very well. I managed two pieces at .24 each. One was down 6-7 inches, which was a good effort I thought.

Them's be a couple of great lookin nuggets LoneWalker. I'd be stoked to have those beauties in the collection. Well done.

Nice work Teemore, ya gotta be happy with that haul. I'd be over the moon with the Penny. 1877 is a great find. Hopefully there's a gold sovereign or two with your name on it around there as well.
Thanks mate, i do reckon it's mostly because i'm detecting where the gold is though, rather than any special skill. I know that's stating the obvious but there are areas where i go that i detect hard for hours and only get one or two pieces and other areas where I KNOW there is more gold about and all i have to do is put in the hours and have my ears in tune to what's happening to get a piece every half hour or so. Once you're confident with what the detectors doing (which i mostly am now) it really is just a matter of finding the best areas where the gold is that suits the sdc and do the hours.
Hey Neo, if that's the case regards an area you've found where the sdc would work well, why don't you consider hiring one for a weekend? Might be that much around you'll end up buying one :lol:
Yeh true, I'm starting to find a few areas worth a bit more of an investigation. But I still haven't found anything like a patch yet. Though I tend to stay away from the mullock heaps and work everything in between. I'm still refining my techniques in locating the yella stuff. I live for the challenge and the hunt, between havin a flick with the Loomis and swinging my 4500 life is pretty good :D
I was thinking about getting one on the weekend. I reckon I'll see if they (CT or NF) bring out something like an 8" in the new windings style I might try that avenue first. I'm pretty happy with the performance of the 4500 and I have confidence in what I'd doing in regards to settings. I must admit I think I've returned a few tiny tackers back to there home after wasting too much time attempting retrieval :/ while getting used to the Elite. Ya cant win'em all and the sensitivity at depth is next level. 6" for a .24 is pretty good for a 14" coil. Even though it was quieter than ground noise at the surface. I think I've strained my ears ;)
Well if you do hire one make sure you get the headphones and use them. Go super slow and have that coil on the ground. You won't be left wondering if you hire one and give it a swing over the areas you reckon it would be good. Alternatively, let me know the areas regards where you reckon the sdc will clean up and i'll check em out for you, just to save you all the bother :lol: :lol:
If your areas dry up let me know, coz I'd be more than happy to take ya out and put you onto the areas I'm finding gold. Although it would be awesome to find 30 odd pieces of the good stuff in a weekend. My two boys keep asking when I'm gunna find a big one. The 2.79 quietened them down a bit, but I'd love to see their reaction when they see a decent slug. So you can clean up my areas with the SDC, stuff that I miss as long as I'm there to see your rewards ;)
Well i'd be pretty chuffed with a 2.79 mate. Thanks for the very kind offer, i appreciate that, but don't go sharing too soon Neo, if you do hire a sdc and clean up you won't want any competition for the first hundred or so small pieces at least. :lol: I do have to get into the habit of searching for new ground for the sdc though because eventually the areas where i mostly go will more than likely dry up for me using the sdc alone i would imagine. But in the meantime, happy days. Good luck for the weekend coming.
Thanks chewy. It's certainly a great machine on the shallow ground, that's for sure. Looking forward to catching up at Ballarat meet and seeing some other methods in use. Oh, and you in your new neoprenes doing a jig :lol: :lol:
LOL... i can't even get them up to begin with (of ANY size) and you wanna make em smaller?...hahaha

Sorry, just frustrated trying to get mine sorted & given up altogether now. 8.(

Neither of the methods above seem to work, one crops the image, and the other doesn't "optimize"...oh well, i'm over it now.