Working that bed rock

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Jan 27, 2013
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Goulburn, NSW
Here is an interesting post over at the Bedrock Dreams blog. While it is focussing on working dry gullies, it is obviously relevant to the kind of gravel bar locations we commonly work with our high bankers.

Basically, he recommends getting down to the bed rock or clay layers where the chunkier bits accumulate. Problem is, we don't have X-ray vision to easily find those spots where this material is only a foot or two under the gravel.

Anyway, I'm just throwing the link out there for consideration and discussion. At the time of posting this Jim only has part 1 up, but the next instalment should appear soon.
Look for cracks and faults etc along the creeks edge and walls and follow them down to where the water once flowed. Look at the layers in walls ( if available ) and watch for dipping..follow them too...? He doesn't mention anything like that. Look for grass which indicates moisture and dig where the ground is dampest ( darker soik ). Roll some wombat poop and see where it stops ;) haha ok mabey not that last one.. :p Look where bigger rocks have stopped.

I used to use a prod rod in the early days I made out of a whipper snipper shaft with a pole welded at the top for a handle. It was for finding bottles and rubbish dump sites. Bottles would make a glass tink noise, and rubbish dumps usually consisted of tin and cans which would crunch. It would work in some areas to find gutters as well. Even to find damp ground ( if you can make it penetrate )
Thanks for this post, love crevicing, probably my favorite, just not much where we go, 'Deep Creek'. Thanks AR for the tips.
Here's the prod rod

Thanks Doc
Subscribed to his blog and been reading his post on sluices.
He has some good info there.
Last time we were digging in the Mookerawa some of his tips would have been useful on crevicing.
Hows your recovery going, are you planning to get out to Tuena after New year ?
Where we were working in Tuena where I advised you to not go there,
About 100 meters down is a very good spot for this. :D
I will advise you accordingly. LOL
See you around those dates. 7 - 8 - 9 - 10th.
I'm really happy for you DrDuck,... good to see you are ready to get back on the horse. ;) :D
A good read on prospecting is book written by Ion Idriess, titled Prospecting for gold. It was written during the depression for the NSW government, to help unemployed look for gold. Book can be obtained from your local library. Well worth a read. Cheers Coachie.

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