Wild dogs and prospecting

Prospecting Australia

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Meller9.3 said:
Had this happen many many times, Especially when i have my gun-dogs with me while contracting on dog-trapping jobs.

Some of my closest encounters have been full blown terratorial charges, usually from the blindside and only ended with bullets resulting in a dead dog at my feet. Id post pics to verify the stories, but last time i posted hunting pics i got people offside and upset.

Man's evolution has taken a very long time to get to where we are today, 200-300 years ago many lived off the land and depended of farming/hunting to survive.
That is just a tiny spec in time. Now modern culture/influence has sanitised the hell out of everything, just not allowed to upset anyone these days for fear of hurting someones feelings.

200 years ago you would have been sought after by women for being a good hunter/provider, people would have respected you for your skills, but now you are made to feel ashamed of what you do. Social media has a lot to do with this, I would be happy to see it disappear overnight.
Meller9.3 said:
Had this happen many many times, Especially when i have my gun-dogs with me while contracting on dog-trapping jobs.

Some of my closest encounters have been full blown terratorial charges, usually from the blindside and only ended with bullets resulting in a dead dog at my feet. Id post pics to verify the stories, but last time i posted hunting pics i got people offside and upset.

I don't think anyone at all wants to see photos of dogs and cats that you've shot.
Here we go again.
Lets not start another blue.
Meller9.3 clearly indicated that no pics would be forth coming.
And I smell something a little bit fishy about your intent tuner or is it tuna.
Lets not provoke anther silly bun fight guys.
Cheers Steve
Dude...are you implying that the above poster and I are the same person?
1968falconxt said:
I don't think anyone at all wants to see photos of dogs and cats that you've shot.

Not wanting to inflame anything here but sometimes others like to see what species are around, what condition they are in etc, it's not just a gruesome exercise in chest beating. People who rely on their stock for their income really want to know as much as possible about the enemies they have that will cost them serious money.
He said he wasn't going to post pics so no need to get stressed, but spare a thought for the people that have to do this after a hard days work just to keep their stock safe. Here in Vic wild dogs are causing big problems even as close to town as glenburn, one farmer was on the news the other night, they have a bugger of a problem as he backed onto a Nat park where you are not allowed to hunt pests at all. They came out from Gov land attacked his stock then pissed off back onto Gov land that he can't shoot on, BUT the gov will not do anything about it.
I wasn't trying to start arguments either, but I have stumbled across some photos on this forum already from Meller that I personally find quite disturbing. Each to their own I guess.
If I saw a pic of this fella lying shot dead, I would be repulsed also.....

But wild feral dead dogs,....show me all the photos youve got.
If you have a weak stomach for it, dont look :skull:
I hope this is a rare occurrence, have enough prospecting gear to carry without needing to carry guns too :awful: Americanism edited ;)
madtuna said:
Dude...are you implying that the above poster and I are the same person?

Ha haa, very funny madtuna :playful:
I was hoping that you would jump in mate.
Cheers Steve
1968falconxt said:
I wasn't trying to start arguments either, but I have stumbled across some photos on this forum already from Meller that I personally find quite disturbing. Each to their own I guess.

That's what the Grey button to the left of the 'EDIT' button is for. (Bottom right corner).... REPORT It...... if there is something Not Right in your Eyes... the Gods May Remove it... :koala:

Bang Bang each to there own.
Farmer friend had wildish dogs that killed his lambs just for fun which had to be eliminated. (town dogs :pickshovel: running wild at night)

Back on topic !

Never came across dogs. Seen wild cats that were almost the same size of a dog. Head bigger than a football !
Owner of farm thanked us for due diligence letting him know where to find it.
a spot on the map an abc radio session interviewed a person from laverton wa. who was concerned for the safety of prospectors concerning wild dogs. The area use to run 16000 sheep but doesnt anymore due to dogs , and he reported that recently a bull was attacked by 5 dogs at the same time. I cant remember all the details as I was on my way to work , but I dare say there would be a podcast, I listened to it saturday morning.
Just a reminder for those heading to WA this year to be very careful and aware.

The dogs are suffering through this drought just like every other beast so are becoming desperate and extremely cunning.
I've wacked 4 this week, missed 6 and just last week Doug and I saw the biggest boof headed brindle dog I've ever seen.

Here's a timely article from the ABC website where a lady was badly bitten on the face and her pet dog was killed. 5 dog attacks in Ashburton shire in the past 2 weeks.

Good to have this reminder. A lot of us, I'm sure, wander away from whatever group we may be with. I've come across pairs of dingoes and other semi/wild animals but it is the wild dogs in packs I worry about more than most. And I suspect even if you or your wife/partner stay close to the car or camp there is still a danger from dogs.

Spoke to a bloke on the weekend that said he was chased back to his car recently by some dogs near Mount Magnet, he said they were still trying to get at him even after he jumped into the car, and then continued to jump up scratching and growling at the windows and such, he also said he was glad he was near the car when they showed up as it would have been much worse if he were some distance away from it as he was earlier on, and he also stated that they were just large wild dogs not dingoes.

The drought conditions are making them more aggressive and they are apparently coming closer to the towns, I have been seeing them about for years but never was too worried about them as usually they will disappear when they hear a car or bike coming, we will have to be more careful now and watch your pets if you take them bush with you as they might take them as well.

