Who has or has had sciatica?

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Hey stayer. Ive had a very similar experience. All the pain and symptoms seem to be similar and the so called experts are just a joke. They keep telling me that the damage isnt that bad but when I tell them i cant even put my own jocks and socks on they give me a stupid look like im faking it :mad:
So over being poked and prodded
Have you given any thought to the use of medicinal cannabis, there are trials being conducted all the time for people who have chronic pain?
Have posted elsewhere in the past about treatment years ago.
Was troubled with lower back pain and went to our physio who was filling in while regular was on holidays.
She did the usual physio type massage but suggested while at home fold a towel lengthwise then roll it up.
Lay down on the floor/mat or carpet and place towel under troubled area then lay back flat. It was very uncomfortable for first few attempts but persevered for a few weeks and believe me it brought relief, so much so rarely do I ever have any further back agony.
I have had and still have sciatica and have an injection to deaden the nerve every year or so. Having treatment for chronic pain makes you tolerate light pain like from injections, but you have to have stronger pain relief when it comes along.
^^I swear by these things. Worth every cent, I highly recommend everyone should get 1. It fixed my carpal tunnel issue after 1 go when I was told carpal surgery is needed.... Bloody brilliant mate. :perfect:
The only real treatment for sciatica is stretching. Down on your knees, put the leg affected up and over the knee of the other leg and stretch till you cant stand the pain anymore
Endone and Ibuprofen. You have to reduce the pain to stop the muscle knotting up the nerves. Endone a very strong pain killer (prescription only) along with paracetamol to kill the pain and Ibuprofen to reduce swelling in the area. In most cases it will see you right in 48 hrs.
I've had it on and off for 30 years but my latest episode isn't playing by the rules (It was taking three Endone to kill the pain, that's a lot, settled a bit now). The doc's are thinking about other approaches depending on the MRI results ranging from medicinal cannabis to surgery.

For me I have found a heat bag applied to the area where my pain comes from down in the lower right side of my back will be very effective, occasional taking of dispirin direct and celebrex when its really playing up, I don't take anything when the pain is low level and just try to ignore it, as I found in the early days of having this issue that the medication was making me feel worse so I stopped taking it. :drooling:

Best thing about gold detecting is that it combines both walking and stretching so its a win win situation, many of the aches and pains don't occur as frequently when I am out bush and more active, than they do when I am at home and walk less and sit more, and when you get a good signal the pain is gone completely only returning when you find it was not a nugget but just junk :awful:

Your body weight has a lot of effect on a back issue, so I try to manage my weight a bit as well, cant say that's working so well all the time but still try to avoid any junk food and excessive drink, well mostly O:)


Hi davent, I've had sciatica and back pain for the last 38 years. I'm 67 now and have slowly worked my life around the pain.
If you decide on massage DONOT use one of those mechanical devises, they will make things worst. But, IF you can find a massage therapist (NOTE not just someone who does massage but an actual massage therapist) you have struck the mother lode. I used a guy in Caboolture, Qld by the name of Peter Boardman. I couldn't walk more than a few steps when he started his treatment and in the end I was running 8 mile a day on the beach. I no longer live around there and haven't found anyone half as good but using your body differently is a learning curve. The first thing I learned was to never drive with my wallet in my hip pocket. It can ruin your day quick smart. Even turning your body can set it off so I turn on the toe of one foot so I don't twist my hips.
The only medication that works FOR ME is Valium so you can relax enough to sleep at night, good luck finding a doctor to prescribe it.
In short, it's all about body mechanics. Use your head, slow down, don't take stupid pain killers than only stuff up your liver.
Good luck
Really dont have much to add only other than reading others stories helps me feel like my personal chronic issues are shared by many and lessens the mental burden knowing its not just me finding ways to manage the daily.

While experiencing sciatica from time to time, some of the tips from members here I will take on board. When it comes I just live with it, the other issues I have means I dont bother with pain relief, and most of the medicos seem to shove you in that direction (or risky surgery as well in my case) when theyve reached their time limit as a catch all solution. When sciatica is super bad I just have a hot shower twice daily till the skin feels like its going to peel, pop a brace on for a few days until it passes, its rare to go over a week and a half.

I wish I had the power to grant all you blokes relief, probably just as stubborn and determined to keep at it as me.
StayyerAU said:

For me I have found a heat bag applied to the area where my pain comes from down in the lower right side of my back will be very effective, occasional taking of dispirin direct and celebrex when its really playing up, I don't take anything when the pain is low level and just try to ignore it, as I found in the early days of having this issue that the medication was making me feel worse so I stopped taking it. :drooling:

Best thing about gold detecting is that it combines both walking and stretching so its a win win situation, many of the aches and pains don't occur as frequently when I am out bush and more active, than they do when I am at home and walk less and sit more, and when you get a good signal the pain is gone completely only returning when you find it was not a nugget but just junk :awful:

Your body weight has a lot of effect on a back issue, so I try to manage my weight a bit as well, cant say that's working so well all the time but still try to avoid any junk food and excessive drink, well mostly O:)



Stayyer you are spot on about the walking and exercise. It works a treat. Plus the adrenalin of find something with the detector doesn't hurt. :Y:
I seemed to dodged a bullet this time! The lower back pain was all I got! And now it's all but gone!
Maybe it was the disk clicking back into place and not out?!
OldGT said:
Really dont have much to add only other than reading others stories helps me feel like my personal chronic issues are shared by many and lessens the mental burden knowing its not just me finding ways to manage the daily.

While experiencing sciatica from time to time, some of the tips from members here I will take on board. When it comes I just live with it, the other issues I have means I dont bother with pain relief, and most of the medicos seem to shove you in that direction (or risky surgery as well in my case) when theyve reached their time limit as a catch all solution. When sciatica is super bad I just have a hot shower twice daily till the skin feels like its going to peel, pop a brace on for a few days until it passes, its rare to go over a week and a half.

I wish I had the power to grant all you blokes relief, probably just as stubborn and determined to keep at it as me.

Edit. The sigle biggest difference I found to help with sleeping (dedicated side sleeper here) was putting a pillow (rolled towel would work too) between my kness, been doing that every night for about a decade.
OldGT said:
Really dont have much to add only other than reading others stories helps me feel like my personal chronic issues are shared by many and lessens the mental burden knowing its not just me finding ways to manage the daily.

While experiencing sciatica from time to time, some of the tips from members here I will take on board. When it comes I just live with it, the other issues I have means I dont bother with pain relief, and most of the medicos seem to shove you in that direction (or risky surgery as well in my case) when theyve reached their time limit as a catch all solution. When sciatica is super bad I just have a hot shower twice daily till the skin feels like its going to peel, pop a brace on for a few days until it passes, its rare to go over a week and a half.

I wish I had the power to grant all you blokes relief, probably just as stubborn and determined to keep at it as me.

Hi OldGT, don't forget the long hot radox baths. And stretching afterwards whilst your body is loose.
Thanks Badge. Mrs GT is always on me to have a regular bath cant sit in one long enough most of the time. Appreciate you saying as much though.