When I was a lot younger

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stoyve said:
Dragstar bicycles with the T-shift for gears, a sissy bar and extended forks like a chopper.
Thought I was Fonzy from Happy Days.
Heavy wooden skateboards with the chalkie wheels, they used to leave whit marks everywhere and were really noisy.
Adjustable roller skates to fit over your shoes a nbd a totem tennis pole.

And they were so cool. T-shifts.
I had the Dragstar with wrist twist gear change...easy to use.
A home made bow and arrow--dangerous!!
A home made cracker gun using a T connector with a hacksaw cut to let the fuse protrude--bloody dangerous with a twopenny banger inside and ball bearings inside.
A 6 foot tall kite which would drag me along and eventually cause a power outage when it wrapped itself around HT power lines.
Set fire to a tree hollow to get to some possums and started a small bush fire. Was reported in Dandenong Journal and they are still looking for me.

Haa haa Jaros,
I loved the cracker guns that we made and yes, very dangerous, but I never heard of anyone getting shot.
And you reminded me of my best mate when we were little kids.
He got a massive box kite with the duel controls and a big gust of wind caught him off gaurd and lifted him a foot or two off the ground.
His old man just might have soiled himself a little bit that day.
Soooo much fun.
Speaking of seatbelts, I guess the past was not all rosy.


I remember when they came in, and my mother commented on how bad all the deaths of horse-riders used to be before cars.....
The saftey of the cars have greatly improved too. Saw a cheap little Japanese buzz box get t boned by a woman running a red light the other week. Car was spun around and pushed backwards up the oppisite lane. The woman who got hit was in shock but okay. Her drivers door took the full impact and curtain airbag protected her head. I know old cars were built heavier with more metal but imo in that situation an old cars door would have caved in on her.
Tathradj said:
I like that. :)
Any References to the artist. ?
And the image.

No Tathradj I have no information on the image ...
Nancye sent it to me via message as I don't have Facebook ...
I think that is where it came from ...
Don't forget hard jubes, rasberries and freckles.
Then a couple of ice creams, choc wedge, eskimo pie and bubblo bill
One of my worst memories from 60's was my pop coming around every second sunday and buzz cutting the hair
Also hated drying the dishes - after a few dropsies - wash only for me :Y: