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Not enough passion and aggression in the vocals for me. I was there in the grunge years following Nirvana and the live versions of this song were mind blowing ,but that is just my opinion. I used to run a radio show on community radio called Lithium for about 2 years and all i played was Nirvana. It was a time in history for the Gen X ers that can`t be explained unless you lived through this.
Another band that gets the loud button treatment in my car. First heard them when Psalm 69 came out in the early 90`s while i was working at a gig in the bluestone walled basement of a pub at the Vic Market with the volume turned up flat chat and the sound of the guitars and drums just went right through you.

I liked the comment someone made on one of the Ministry videos that when i listen to Ministry ,so do my neighbours !!!



