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Prospecting Australia

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Nanjim said:
Listening to the wind and rain.......
This place is shivering and shaking like a dog shitting razor blades....
Every now and then the tree out side....
Decides to bitch slap the building....
Just a normal weekend in winter in the southwest of Western Australia..

I know exactly what you're saying Nanjim every time the wind picks up around here the sliding doors and windows start to buckle. I'm surprised the house is still standing after some of the storms we've witnessed. Dog's shitting razor blades is a saying we used in our 20's after a night/week on the grog :Y: :beer:
Bjay was freaking out but his a bit deaf now so just cover against the door and hes all good:
I do love my kitty though. Shes a bit special. Thats just weird.
Bjay said:
I do love my kitty though. Shes a bit special. Thats just weird.https://www.prospectingaustralia.com/forum/img/member-images/5449/1598627929_e96dcb03-24a0-4fa2-ab57-529506c1507f.jpg

Yep weird comes to mind, without your input :lol:
Muk said:
Back home after getting a nice chunk cut out of my nose and a chunk for a skin graft out of my cheek uglied me up a bit but thats ok just hope its all good cheers Muk
Muk hope all is good .If a little bit uglier no-one will notice ,as it seems of late your heads down finding gold.Get well and get back out there.
Just finished wrapping up the Xterra 705 to send to Miners Den for repair.Hoping it can be fixed.
In isolation, waiting on my Covid test results 8.(
Caught a cold so went and got tested.
Got to do the right thing.
Suppose this is our life now.
Caught it off the plumber I was working with
in a bathroom. He got tested and called me
with his test results. (Negative) Good bloke :Y:
Should get mine today
Might go bush once I get my hopefully negative
Funny thing is we can hold Covid at bay
But still can catch the common cold as easy as that
And I live in a small town :(
Mackka said:
That's the Aussie Spirit Banjo, proud of you mate and i am sure that nuggy will still be waiting for you.
Thanks Macka.
Dreaming of that nug :goldnugget: until I get out there
Stay tuned :playful: