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BigWave said:
Celebrating 2nd year "all clear" from Oncologist from a Level 4 (Intermediate) Melanoma.
All tests came back "pristine".
Just shows that serious drinking works :perfect:
Now only have to see plastic surgeon every 6 months for skin checks and Oncology (CT scan and blood test) every year.
Whoohoo :beer:
8 years for me after bladder cancer. Still ok. Well so far.
RM Outback said:
LoneWolf said:
Any border zone residents who have been in a hotspot in the last 14 days will have to quarantine for 14 days in government arranged accommodation at their own expense when they enter Queensland. The whole state of New South Wales has been declared as a COVID-19 hotspot.

So I called them and YES I can go...

If you do go the way I read the above specific to the whole of NSW declared a Hotspot you will have to pay and isolate for 14 days as required by QLD Covid19 regulations when returning :| If you intend on going I'd be getting written clarification prior to crossing the border.

Yes that's how I read it too, So I called them and No issues as long as I don't go past Glen Innes Shire.... Its strange, I cant go to Byron Bay (100klm from me), but I can go to Glen Innes (400klm)... and further west, I can go about 1000klm into NSW... :rolleyes:

Goldfreak said:
We have to get out of the mindset that this or that state is a hot spot and start locking down the areas early that are hot spots. It's seems stupid to me that if for example Brisbane and Ipswich have an out break the whole state needs to be infected before stopping the virus at the state borders as happened in Victoria. Use the resources on the state borders to ring fence the infected metro areas early instead.

Also... if anyone is travelling between towns (not goods transporters) they should do the two weeks isolation as soon as they get there. (Should be policed too.... and recorded on a movement record) :D
Sorry to hear of your loss Smokey :flowers:
On a brighter side, I am designing (about to start building) an Analemma to fit on the Gnomon of a circular sundial.
The Analemma has built in corrections for solar elevation and the Equation of Time (EOT).
It'll look roughly like the pic below.
You can see that normal sundials are sometimes 16 mins late (sun fast or ahead of clock noon) or 14 mins early (sun slow or behind clock noon), so this should reduce the error to less than 1 min (hopefully) regardless of season.
Those ancients really knew their stuff!
Today's math regarding the Earth's tilt and elliptical orbit around the sun has backed them up, so today, we have a very accurate Equation of Time for the Earth and other planets/moons in our solar system.
Sorry you have the added anguish through the C19 as well Smokey.... I hope you hear the voice of wisdom as real as life still as time goes on mate. I still hear my fathers voice when perplexed with difficult choices (so the advice is still there and pertinent 11 years on for me) :flowers:
silver said:
Goldfreak said:
We have to get out of the mindset that this or that state is a hot spot and start locking down the areas early that are hot spots. It's seems stupid to me that if for example Brisbane and Ipswich have an out break the whole state needs to be infected before stopping the virus at the state borders as happened in Victoria. Use the resources on the state borders to ring fence the infected metro areas early instead.

Also... if anyone is travelling between towns (not goods transporters) they should do the two weeks isolation as soon as they get there. (Should be policed too.... and recorded on a movement record) :D
Shouldn't be needed if we go to where the virus is and ring fence it Chinese style when and where it first starts :playful: right now I am sitting on the local footy oval in the Adelaide hills enjoying the afternoon sun and having a picnic. My daughters training on the nearby netball courts and sons training for footy. Grassroots local footy, no big money, no gambling. Just local pride and volunteers since 1905. If SA doesn't get the AFL grand finals I don't really care. Perth can pay to host it :perfect:
LoneWolf said:
Nah it will be held in Brisbane... :playful: :lol:

Brisbane is welcome to it. SA doesnt have enough money to give to the AFL, our premier said as much today on the radio even though he is still making a bid :lol:
Listening to the wind and rain.......
This place is shivering and shaking like a dog shitting razor blades....
Every now and then the tree out side....
Decides to bitch slap the building....
Just a normal weekend in winter in the southwest of Western Australia..
Back home after getting a nice chunk cut out of my nose and a chunk for a skin graft out of my cheek uglied me up a bit but thats ok just hope its all good cheers Muk
All the best Muk :beer: if your face doesn't heel try radio :playful: apparently that's where all the beautiful ugly bastards work.