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Just finished watching this go up....

Went for a fish today near Newbridge here in Vic. Donuts fish wise, but was a nice day out regardless. Came home via Newbridge Lana road and saw this on the roadside just up from the Tarna, Laanacoorie crossroad intersection. Hope it didn't once belong to anyone here. Mongrel car thieves obviously going by the cop tape and missing plates. :(
Unfortunately it's becoming a trend as far as joy riding goes I see quite a few on my travels, some might be an insurance job too.
RM Outback said:
Unfortunately it's becoming a trend as far as joy riding goes I see quite a few on my travels, some might be an insurance job too.
Yep, think some I see could be that too mate. Keep seeing those here and there in the Central Vic region. It sucks that todays cars once they pass the warranty stage are not worth owning due to repair costs when parts and failures kick in. Gone are the days for many vehicles of simply going to the wreckers and driving on like I did with mine as a young bloke. 50 bucks here a 100 there. :(
Same Coonara as mine ,except i have the original handle !!! I have had to rebuild the 2 big 10mm plates about 3 or 4 times over the years and made about 5 baffles in that time ,too. I even had to weld up the cracks in the thick top plate where the flue goes through and reinforce it. I used to burn a lot of pine and burn it really hot ,but when the flue started to glow orange , i stopped doing that. Didn`t want to burn the house down !!! Been through 5 glass doors, too. Had 2 explode and 3 had wood fall and crack or shatter them. I am a bit hard on my heater , aren`t i ?
just starting said:
Same Coonara as mine ,except i have the original handle !!! I have had to rebuild the 2 big 10mm plates about 3 or 4 times over the years and made about 5 baffles in that time ,too. I even had to weld up the cracks in the thick top plate where the flue goes through and reinforce it. I used to burn a lot of pine and burn it really hot ,but when the flue started to glow orange , i stopped doing that. Didn`t want to burn the house down !!! Been through 5 glass doors, too. Had 2 explode and 3 had wood fall and crack or shatter them. I am a bit hard on my heater , aren`t i ?

Yeah this one is pretty old. Geez, must've burnt a he'll of a lot of pine to get the flue changing colour.
I've had to rebuild the lining on this one with Anko mortar but been all good otherwise. Was an indoor unit before I got it under the pergola.