What a wally!

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Chris Johnson
Nov 7, 2013
Reaction score
Mount Gambier
Well that was a waste of time, drove all the way to a detecting spot, only to find I had no pinpointer with me, could have sworn I put it in the car! Got home and sure enough, still sitting on the workshop bench. I think from now on I will take both pinpointers with me, simply can't operate without them trying to pop coins. I must have looked like a kid lost in the park looking for my mummy, with detector in hand! :p
Done that at various times on long trips and had to buy an
-set of sieves and pan
these days I double check before I load my car :D

Goldpick I hope you still manage to find something with your detector :)
Lol. I try to ensure all my junk is in my duffle bag. And my pin pointer is connected to the arm strap of my detector so if I know I have em both.

But I do find myself checking inside the bag every odd morning making sure its all there. I even have a Ziploc bag with spare AA batteries and a 9v just in case.
That's why I now have backpack for all my gear, though I bought it with gold detecting in mind, so I can carry the Infinium, and put a VLF plus extra coils etc in the pack. Unfortunately, this time round, I just quickly threw the dectector and finds bag in the car. Didn't end up doing any detecting without the pinpointer, would be too frustrating. I'll pack up the Garrett backpack tonight to show you how well suited it is for detecting. :)
Sure. You show me yours and I will show you mine. Lol.

Mine is my QGC duffle bag.
(was an LNG IT tech and the gear you got was insanely good. Clothes, boots, cargo pants etch)
Add in my Ace 250
Pro pin pointer attached to the arm strap
A garden spade
A camping fold up spade
A garden knife
A sieve
A sand scoop
Bag of batteries.
Wide brim hat, long sleeve shirt.
Water bottle.
And a lucky charm.

Will show tomorrow. Its an easy setup.
Not having a good day today, this time I've lost my garrett digger tonight, I need to attach everything to a piece of string! Also bought some new batteries straight off the shelf, but the detector started to play up as if it was starting to run flat. I did the ol tongue test on the three 9volt batteries, turned out one of the "new" batteries was nearly dead off the shelf, replaced the single battery and all was good. Looks like I'd better restock on rechargeable 9 volt batteries for future outings.

Only found a few coins tonight, but popped out a nice pine cone pendant, think it is only silver plated, but at least it kept things interesting. :)

I like that Pete!
I have a holder for the belt, but this will guarantee it is with you when you detect instead of making a wally out of yourself... lol
Just need one for your digger now. I went up north for a week and left mine behind :( lucky I was only digging in sand. I did want to dig in some parks but I couldn't :(

Yeah, it's a real pain, went back out there this morning, but it's long gone now. Quite frankly, I do more coin popping now vs using the digger, so its probably not such a great loss, I'm always a bit cagey about leaving any sort of mess behind. I met a couple of locals that said theat particular area was well detected, but were comcerned about a guy digging plugs with a shovel in the manicured park lawns recently, they were going to report him in if they found areas of lawn not regrowing as a result of the large plugs.

I already have my pinpointer on a leash so to speak, so no worries about losing that, bit more expensive than a digger, would devastated if I lost that! :)