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Here's a good reason to not leave shoes outside.
Chewy said:
Myazma said:
On the money there Bjay, I think if most city prospectors had their way 'whacking day' would be an weekly event over summer. Don't like them just buy DTs cons and stay in the 60km zone.
My dad can remember when he was young they used to have snake drives here. No shortage of them. The whole community would get together and go snake hunting. No idea how nobody got bitten or shot. Shottys were used. And thats not in the city. I reckon I'll leave em be like I always have. But I do prefer them dead to alive, I reckon a few people might be trying not to antagonize the greenies with a few statements on here. I'm a country boy and I have seen many snakes killed cos thats how it really is. :)
Must like rats then
Myazma said:
Chewy said:
Myazma said:
On the money there Bjay, I think if most city prospectors had their way 'whacking day' would be an weekly event over summer. Don't like them just buy DTs cons and stay in the 60km zone.
My dad can remember when he was young they used to have snake drives here. No shortage of them. The whole community would get together and go snake hunting. No idea how nobody got bitten or shot. Shottys were used. And thats not in the city. I reckon I'll leave em be like I always have. But I do prefer them dead to alive, I reckon a few people might be trying not to antagonize the greenies with a few statements on here. I'm a country boy and I have seen many snakes killed cos thats how it really is. :)
Must like rats then
Heatho said:
Myazma said:
On the money there Bjay, I think if most city prospectors had their way 'whacking day' would be an weekly event over summer. Don't like them just buy DTs cons and stay in the 60km zone.

Uh ha, the sandstone Heathlands around my place have some of the biggest Brown Snakes I've seen, plenty of them too, right in the big smoke, most people just walk a good distance around them or wait for them to move on. I'm not going to generalise though but I've only ever seen snakes shot on country properties, several actually. See snake, out comes the shotty, do that around here and you'll have the TRG turn up. :lol:

Us folk who live in the city aren't as jumpy as some would imagine, snakes are generally the least of our concerns, it's the dodgy people you need to worry about.

To right about the snakes , the land sharks are way worse
Chewy said:

That's a beaut shot. Be a helluva shock slipping your foot in that one! Good thing someone checked first. I always forget to check my boots. Lots of red bellied blacks and a few brown snakes around here in SA. Ran my coil over a sleepy red bellied black at Jupiter creek the other day. Didn't see it right away but alerted by the hiss through the headphones. Long trousers = no worries.
Chewy said:
Myazma said:
On the money there Bjay, I think if most city prospectors had their way 'whacking day' would be an weekly event over summer. Don't like them just buy DTs cons and stay in the 60km zone.
My dad can remember when he was young they used to have snake drives here. No shortage of them. The whole community would get together and go snake hunting. No idea how nobody got bitten or shot. Shottys were used. And thats not in the city. I reckon I'll leave em be like I always have. But I do prefer them dead to alive, I reckon a few people might be trying not to antagonize the greenies with a few statements on here. I'm a country boy and I have seen many snakes killed cos thats how it really is. :)

Country boy here too mate. Only a pussy would kill a snake for fun and feel like a big man about it. Know plenty of people who believe a good snake's a dead snake. If I see someone clubbing at a snake that isn't posing a threat I'm more than happy giving them the same treatment :)
Girl got bit by a brown yesterday at home, walking on a track, and bugger me she lived, harden up fellas
Don't risk this but the first bite with a reasonably mature brown is
a dry bite.
The second one is when they really let go.
The small young ones get it wrong.
I will have a look back in my old HDD's as I have photo's of when I was tagged
on my right arm.
I ended up in intensive care for a full 24 Hours.
And that was two days after I was bitten.
I will tell the story when I find them.
I was bloody lucky. 8)
Snake bites can give you trouble for sometime after I've heard depending on what the snake is and how much venom you copped. Some venom have toxins that necretise tissue, and if treatment is a while after, permenant damage can be done to kidneys etc. I would not like to be bitten.
Most people I know around my area ( farming community )would think that the best snake is a dead snake as well. I think that the difference is I was brought up not to fear them ( old man was a farmer too) sure we didn't like to see them but was part and parcel of what we did. I'm about as far from being green as brown gets ( love hunting fishing and all that goes with it)
Only stating the way I feel about them and the fact that I think there misunderstood which creates fear. More likely to be killed by lightning. Or for that matter the ice fueled scourge of society.
On a lighter note last week when out detecting the Missus and young bloke raked an area as soon as they finished out popped mr lizard and proceeded to clean up all the ants right next to themwithout a care in the world.
When you live on the farm you got animals around. Chucks, ducks, poddy calfs and so on. There is always some feed spilled. You also have a few fruit trees and veggie garden. You try to keep grass around the house green. This is a little paradise and every bloody creature from surrounding National Park will come around to have feast. Including snakes who are atraced by the mice and small birds on the house paddock. So you don't want to worry about snakes when you move around . It is you back yard, you should not have to wear anti snake armor. You should be free to walk around in the shorts and tongs.
I'm with Bjay on this one, any snake found on house paddock get killed.
Hey Karl's
While I respect the right of people to protect there family and livestock I have never killed snakes to do so. That's my choice and I respect others choice to do so . Have relocated a few and I feel happy to do so but each to there own. My biggest issue Is possums I hate the fu$&"ers. Got rid of 5 last week.
Im terrified of poddy calves, hate em, when im out prospecting, if I see a poddy calf, I kill em!
and koalas! Sneaky buggers up trees, like Jap snipers!