victorian field trips gemstones gold and fossils

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Dec 20, 2012
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down a hole
hi all just letting members know I run field trips over Victoria for mainly gemstones but sometimes gold as well. im thinking $5 per person is reasonable cost to cover some my costs plus knowledge/history/geology about the places I show you. you will need a car and lunch for the day. field trips run once every month to various locations over Victoria. and a minimum of 5 people to make it worthwhile

in the future I may increase the price to $10 but this will include lunch and extra things

please pm me if you have any questions
Hi " gone walkabout" I'd like to chat with you a bit more about your prospecting, fossiking trips.

This December I plan to check around a few places but need a buddy, will be travelling from Narbethong en route to Beechworth then to Batemans bay where the trip ends. A return journey will need to be paid for.

All finds would be shared equally, as well as equipment costs pro rata ( taken off the finds, and if you decide to keep equipment the expense goes back to me)

I will provide a car and some gear depending on what we need.

Am desperate to get some serious cutters for gems, ( would like to sell them to help me make things right with some people)

And some for an investment in health work.

Please email me if you are interested. And what you might have to offer.


Thanks ramjet, I realised this...
Hunting the yellow is the guy I meant to speak to :/ my bad,,..

Is this guy fair dinkum? Is he reliable?

On a pension ( disability and 36 years old) and sick of not being able to get a reliable job. ( due to my history( ex criminal, off the drugs, smokes and dope- never been free,er :D)) and hearing impairment/ a little autism. I am a volunteer gardener at a health retreat and enjoying the benefits though lonely as wish I had someone my age to work and talk about projects e.t.c

Am hoping to find a few goodies while fossiking enough to help me start some small business re health and community based teamwork. But need something to start off with. Also from my ex history, have a few people I would like to make things right with but the pension isn't enough to to make ends meet.

Sob story aside.....

I know finding the good stuff is hard, and can also mean hard work too. But looking for some prime spots at the very least something to start by.

Would you know anyone who might be willing to help :| thanks.


P.s if we did kick off on a trip, it would make a great story with updated posts on our trip for the members to be on the edge of the seat :)

I don't think HTY is doing this currently as he is busy with another project which has taken up his time and 'off the grid' so to speak.

I understand your position, and you may find more certainty in starting some sort of low-cost startup home based business (plenty to be found if you do a google of home-based business ideas), as relying on "finds" to help your bank balance to "make amends" can cost as much (or more in some cases) as it takes to find the 'payoff"...

Read a few threads here and it will become evident that many go out to "find"..and come home poorer than before they left..

I don't want to burst your enthusiasm as i DO hear the willingness in your text to make a positive change, and i applaud that (and your forthright & open honesty), however, i do feel you need an honest understanding of what it takes in terms of costs & time before you begin to make headway in this hobby...

I wish you well, and hope you find the answer to your situation...

Dear Gypsy Gold.

Thank you very much for your help, I understand and appreciate your caution and thus preventing possible further loss. I have quite a few months to consider this or other avenues and costs, and the feasibility. I know it's a bit of a gamble. I guess my next step is to get hold of a rentable 5 acre block where I have freedom to set up a few things re : gardening and soil health. And hope to get an income from that. Will see how things go.

Meanwhile I'll hang around and see what comes around and ears open for fresh territory to fossik.

E.g new opening parks for fossiking areas.

It's a thrill reading through the forums, but hope I don't get gold fever, otherwise I'll have to lock myself outta here.

Thanks again Gypsy, you're a real friend.
Ineedofcompassion said:
Thanks ramjet, I realised this...
Hunting the yellow is the guy I meant to speak to :/ my bad,,..

Is this guy fair dinkum? Is he reliable?

HTY is a good guy and reliable but as I said he is not currently active on the forum so you won't be able to get hold of him.
Ineedofcompassion....i'm not sure about 'gems', but if you look in the 'Member Meetups' or 'Epic Prospecting Trips' you may find others also heading to where you wish to prospect, and meet up with them?

A lot of members here are only too happy to tag along with another, and along the way you will pick up gems of advice, from equipment choices, to technique and prosperous areas...

Given time as member, and others getting to know you, you may just be surprised as to the outcome. ;)

Be aware also, a new to the forum member (Welcome by the way) asking to be taken out before going through the basic motions of learning the 'craft', can be met with some reservation, as in life,...we don't all automatically find it in ourselves to extend "trust" to a stranger.

Food for thought..

Appreciate your bluntness but straightforward understanding,. I have learned some of the craft when I was fossiking wiht my dad at Glenn Innes, Dwyer Tenterfield. Though that was a long time ago.

However will wait patiently as there is time to ensure something works out. Especially for December.

Will set up a page and see if anyone knows anything or will be willing to join en route.


No worries Ineedofcompassion....I'm in no position to help with your quest, but i do wish you well in your endeavor.

Please be aware, i wasn't casting any aspersions on you personally, as i don't know you or your background, i was only trying to highlight why you may not have been getting the response you had hoped for.

In your first post you mentioned your journey will take you through Beechworth, so if i may offer advice, it would be to drop into the Beechworth Museum (Tourist Info.) and ask for Darren (if he still works there) as he has had active leases, both wet & rock, over the years and may be able to offer some assistance in the local area.

Additionally, although i'm not aware of the local detector shops in the region such as Albury/Wodonga or Wangaratta, it may pay to give them a call or visit, and they may know someone local who conducts day trips/tours to get you started.

I wish you well..

I better organise a trip getting a little bit of interest ok next question what do you want to look for/find ? I mainly do gems because you generally find something instead of metal detecting for gold all day and find bugger all.
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