Using a dredge in Australia for recreational prospecting is illegal - information and questions

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bhogg to answer some of your statements

speeding, done it lost my licence so never done it again
drink driving done it lost my licence so never done it again
texted or talked on phone while driving done it got a heavy fine never done it again
so in your eyes i am no saint far from it HOWEVER
Dredging even before i started prospecting i knew dredging was illegal as it ruined the river bed for the fish and other water animals so i have never even thought about doing it
my father was an avid fresh water fisherman also worked with the fisheries restocking the local rivers with fish so i learnt a lot from him about water ways and what dredging does to them
so with that i will back the greenies or anyone else in shutting down the clowns that are still doing it and then sleep like a baby at night
so please dont tell me the guys on this thread and others dont know what they are doing is wrong
i hope they get busted and cop a heavy fine might be lesson learnt for them
the cartoon below says it all and trust me thats what most of the judges belive

I know it looks like a big hose but there's no way that little pump would pump enough water to run a big venturi.
My honda engine has to run full noise to get enough suction on my 5 inch dredge.

I just can't believe how bloody blahzay they are.....
My limited knowledge tells me they wouldnt successfully lift heavies to the height of the sluice , from what i understand the sluice needs to be close as possible to the waters surface to acheive a proper suction lift.

I say these idiots are only on their first trip and looking at them some good vigorous shovelling into a high banker would have done that pregnant one the world of good :lol:
I was telling Marksman I stood in front of a guy recently trying to explain to him that what he was doing (dredging) was illegal and sheds a bad light on people trying to do the right thing. He got pretty belligerent and insisted in broken English he was doing nothing wrong, he was highbanking and that he knows dredging is illegal.......the whole time he was standing there with a venturi nozzle in his hands, not to mention the water monitor he was using to cut into the river banks :Y:
I have seen Dredges suck in 3m deep water... Depends on the Venturi... if it's spot on angle wise and a good pump you would be amazed at the depth these things can go to..... :rolleyes:

i took this photo from the video as i cant load the video on here for some reason
not the best photo but you can see what he has in his hands and where the blue water pump hose is connected
he disconnected it to clear a blockage
Ken, your post relating the lessons you learned..(the hard way) ]:D is how a lot of us have pushed the boundaries and been held to account!. The thing is we learned from the experience and we were better people for it. :D .
Your post above was spot on cobber. :Y: These pair of Turkeys will probably evade the law and as a consequence will learn sweet f.a. :eek: ]:D Only when they do get busted and lose a whole lot of cash will they ever stop...and maybe not even then! :mad: Meanwhile back in the law-abiding ranks of the average fossickers and prospectors, we diligently fill our pannikins from the creek water in our buckets. :D ...cheers Rossco....P.S.I loved the cartoon mate...had a real chuckle and Gafaw!....hehe.
Funny, I met some people today who were discussing, and comfortable with, the idea of dredging, highbanking, and even detecting in national parks... I had no reply :(
7.62marksman said:
while i was watching it looked like they were having trouble with blockages that might explain why
Hi 7.62, Iam not saying yes or no and dont mean any insult but one question, Why were you hiding in the bushes for?? Why not front them, Iam 72 year old and i would have,
7.62marksman said:
because i didn't need the confrontation (still sick with the flu) and didnt want my camera to be broken
and if they had stopped there would have been no photos its to easy to remove the pipe then nothing would have shown up
no pipe no dredge no proof
Hi 7.62 Why i asked, My neighbor was a ranger for parks he told me they get a lot of their info of forums then work on it, People talk to much was his words,
Yep, people do talk...That's why Rangers and others of that ilk should not be able to just access the forum and have info at their fingertips.In the case of someone Dredging, I suppose it's a good thing. but there are other issues more relevant to our cause ...that they should not be able to have free range at.
The sad truth is that they are the enemy a '5th column' if you like, gleaning information in order to use it against us. Many of them will accost you and pull you up on what is essentially their personal interpretation of the law.
And we should not be making it easier for those types.
All who have access to the forum should have some kind of 'vetting' process. I don't know how it can be done but something needs to change when at any given time there are up to ten times as many 'guests' online then there are members. WHO are they?..What's their motive?...In what way do they contribute to the forum? other ways they're just parasites.