Use of Water pumps in Qld

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Apr 5, 2016
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GENERAL FOSSICING LICENCE...... alows the holder to use hand tools only...You CAN use a sluice or a highbanker... but water must be deliverd by hand or river flow...In Qld you can't use petrol or electric powerd anything at designated fossicing areas....Private property do what you want.....There is no loop hole to this rule...If you get caught... you can argue the point all you want.... but YOU WILL BE CHARGED Under the Qld mining Act......
If you are the holder of a PROSPECTING PERMIT ...Which is different than a fossicing licence.... than under special regulations you can use powerd water pumps to process your gravel.Ive just had a long and detailed conversation with a lovley lady from Qld mines department...So hope this helps clear some questions.... :D :D
Didn't ask that question mate...But i know there is a lot more involved in getting a prospecting permit than just a fossicing licence...More suited if your trying to make a living out of it..
Hope you got everything she said in writing smokey,
from reading many many threads and posts on this subject what the Qld mine dept says is dependant on who you talk to and where.
They dont seem to have a good handle on what their policy is exactly with conflicting reports from different parts of the state as well as even different reports from different staff within the same reigon.
Im not arguing your info as I read the current laws the same as youve said.
But the current laws leave too much in the grey area and I doubt anything less than a black and white document with all the necessary signatures would save any of us qld prospectors from prosecution if they thought we were in the wrong.
I personally would avoid use of water pumps except on leases and private property.
Maybe its worth inventing a waterfall channelling walbanker... :lol:
Hi green wanderer
I have brought up this issue at least 4 times with different people from the mines department. ...And all have told me the same thing ..No electric ...or fuel anything. .....For anything. ..I don't care if the person next to me is using a petrol highbanker....I wont have to pay their fine.....people can interpret the rules of the Act however they want .....but to me its pretty plan and simple.. :D
Fellas, there have been many threads about the mining laws in Qld, and everyone seems to agree that there are a lot of grey areas. But isn't that what legislation and rules are all about? Confuse the hell out of the average Joe, and then knock him off for doing the wrong thing.

As I've said before, the only way to get a definitive answer on all this, is to get knocked off and then go and fight it in court. You will need lots of money for a suit to defend you, or you will very wise as to the way courts work, and you will know the law backwards so that you can argue about the grey areas. And as I have experienced myself, even if you are right, doesn't guarantee you will win. If any of you have been through court on traffic/driving issues, then you will understand what I mean. I defended my son in a matter where the cops could offer no evidence except their sworn statements of lies. At the end, the magistrate said that she had no reason to disbelieve the cops, and she had no reason to disbelieve us. But you guessed it, guilty! Would you believe that the cop's camera failed, and their voice recording machine failed, very convenient, but still guilty.

A bit of a story I know, but just trying to make you all aware, that if you decide to challenge the mining laws, you will need lots of money and lots of knowledge, and it is still doubtful that you would win.

The only real way we are ever going to get the laws changed to something acceptable is through politics. And to do that, we have to work as a combined unit, probably throughout Australia, and try to have a strong organisation supporting us. That is how things get changed in this country and many others. Cheers
Prospecting permit is around $1400. for a full year! But can have a 3-6month licence for $300-900! (Can only be got if you have the EPM holders permission)
And can take months!!

Fossicking permit is somewhere between $30-80 bobs depending if single or family permit!

Was getting into it last year so price is prob higher now! (prospecting permit)
Was not worth it as it will take at least 6years to get a lease through all the Gov bull and boofheads, after pegging it out!
That's if all goes well!

Would be to old and buggered by then! Small scale mining in QLD is dying a fast death with little or no new leases being pegged now days!

Can pump water if you have/get a water pumping/transfer licence! (Not for fossickers) and not worth it for my small 3" pump!
Can also pump from a rainwater tank! As long as its yours!
The water belongs to the Gov as soon as it hits the ground! So a funnel the rain walbanker is needed! lol

That's the BS I got from the last Miners mob meeting I bothered to go to! We had a Wally in to tell us to get a water licence to pump water!
Funny how the group that is going to help mining and alike bring in more boofheads and cost! Well worth a join if you like Xmas dindin!

Just do the right thing and don't stuff it up anymore than it is! Its just not worth it.

Illegal mining is classed as the Proceeds of Crime in a QLD court of law!
If in doubt, don't do!

Happy fossicking :p
Thanks Brother for the answer.

Brother said:
Prospecting permit is around $1400. for a full year! But can have a 3-6month licence for $300-900! (Can only be got if you have the EPM holders permission)
And can take months!!

Fossicking permit is somewhere between $30-80 bobs depending if single or family permit!

Was getting into it last year so price is prob higher now! (prospecting permit)
Was not worth it as it will take at least 6years to get a lease through all the Gov bull and boofheads, after pegging it out!
That's if all goes well!

Would be to old and buggered by then! Small scale mining in QLD is dying a fast death with little or no new leases being pegged now days!

Can pump water if you have/get a water pumping/transfer licence! (Not for fossickers) and not worth it for my small 3" pump!
Can also pump from a rainwater tank! As long as its yours!
The water belongs to the Gov as soon as it hits the ground! So a funnel the rain walbanker is needed! lol

That's the BS I got from the last Miners mob meeting I bothered to go to! We had a Wally in to tell us to get a water licence to pump water!
Funny how the group that is going to help mining and alike bring in more boofheads and cost! Well worth a join if you like Xmas dindin!

Just do the right thing and don't stuff it up anymore than it is! Its just not worth it.

Illegal mining is classed as the Proceeds of Crime in a QLD court of law!
If in doubt, don't do!

Happy fossicking :p
There needs to be these details written out and printed by those giving out the information. Without letter or proof, no word is useful for anyone

Not that I'm against what's been said in any way at all, I'm just saying there needs to be hard copy answers. And if they exist, then they should be spread throughout of every Qld mining information website and on the licenses for every recreational fossicker to clearly know.

I'd be ringing them back and get them to send the proper Rules and regulations with exact definitions of what's to be known officially.
The Department of Natural Resources and Mines administer the mining act and the land act. The lands section has a policy section that writes amendments to the acts for the minister to table in parliament and they control how the act is interpret so everyone is on the same page but mines don't have a policy section so they all interpret the act the way they see it that is why you get different answers from different people. It is best to get everything in writing and signed to cover your but if someone comes along and tries to slap a fine on you for doing what you have been told is legal.
Fishman said:
The Department of Natural Resources and Mines administer the mining act and the land act. The lands section has a policy section that writes amendments to the acts for the minister to table in parliament and they control how the act is interpret so everyone is on the same page but mines don't have a policy section so they all interpret the act the way they see it that is why you get different answers from different people. It is best to get everything in writing and signed to cover your but if someone comes along and tries to slap a fine on you for doing what you have been told is legal.

Thanks Fisherman.....that explains where all the confusion is coming from. How did you find that out mate?
I know someone that worked for the department for 25 years part of in the state land policy section.
Fishman said:
I know someone that worked for the department for 25 years part of in the state land policy section.

Ok cool, sheds some light on things.
bundyjd said:
So hands up, who has been fined for running a water pump anywhere in QLD?
I think the majority of people are doing the right thing...and hopfully its just a small minority of people.... that arnt helping preserve our hobby....the more people that do what they want....and go against the sure.....will not help us get more land to prospect on..
Do you actually think we will get new land??
For the past 20years people have tried petitions lobbies ect...
And we have received nothing other than more restrictions...
And land closers.... presserving our hobby is acting on it...not sitting idle while we get pushed aside and forgoten...
Half of the coucilors here didnt even know we had a GPA?
And pethitic people worrying about fuel spill or acid from a battery....when you have 4x4 tours busting through bush and creeks for fun... seriously like my mate chopper reid would have said... HARDEN THE FARK UP AUSTRALIA...
Yer i here what you want yobs ....But if you feel that way why whing every time somebody leaves a energy drink can behind... or if they cut a bit of bush out of the sound a bit hypocritical mate :D