To Rake or Not to Rake

Prospecting Australia

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jamie said:
why do you say that DK? not causing trouble just curious as to why you couldnt use it

by using that i believe that you need to get off the "main road - track"

if you go 5-10 metres off the road they wouldn`t complain ... but if you go deeper ... they`ll come up with distroying fauna bla bla by driving the car in there and not sticking to road ....

they don`t like when they see "new tracks" or people that don`t stick to roads

that`s why i believe you couldn`t use it
Mungass said:
Was in Castlemaine week before last ,check this out .....raked shitless

Didn't pull any gold but maybe 10 bullets :eek:
Should not have missed them unless a new detector is out that ignores it ha ha :p

Lol that's something that I would do but it wasn't me
Hey all,

Good post here, depending on the ground I clear some area's based on reading the ground and minerals within can also help to distinguish if a necessity to rake, I think another post previously was great, if you find one piece of gold you might continue that area. If I find a few pieces in close proximity then by all means as close as we can get our coils to the ground the better.

Anything you can do to get closer to the ground, move sticks, leaves, logs, big rocks, under fallen tree's - if it seems too hard to get to a spot then that spot is perfect

In our local area where some gold workings are, there was a person Mmmm dont know who it could have been, who had raked and cleaned a section of the ground near these workings, this person also had a close friend working at the local council after many conversations the topic of gold prospecting was talked about. They advised that the council had been notified by the air surveyors of the fire and weather etc that they had spotted an anomaly in the bush what looked to be a large square patch from aerial observation

They inspected and found it to be a nice cleaned bush floor area and confirmed it was gold prospecting - but no fauna, tree's shrubs bushes had been removed only leaves bark sticks and grass any holes were also filled back in. The report was notified inspected and confirmed to be a nice job apparently

I rake if needed :)
Sometimes raking seems quite impossible... Yes we carry 2 rakes. One is an antique forged steel rake that is just a little smaller than the average full sized rake sold these days but it's much stronger and lighter. The other is a halfsized one from Bunnings just for Mrs M.

I pulled out an 8.5g piece from this hole last week and five more pieces for a total of 14.5g. I had the rake handy and I know that I surely would have doubled my finds but it was 38 degrees and the flies were doing their best to carry me off.


I'm no spring chicken and this is meant to be a hobby so there's a limit to how much effort I will put in. Take a look at that ground. If you were to rake a metre wide strip the windrow would be 300-400mm high and then what do you do with the next lot of rocks. The spinifex grass is another issue. It covers half of the ground so that's at least 50% that can't be detected at all. Some burn the spinifex but that's considered arson and the penalties are severe let alone the environmental damage. Many others pull it all out but it's nasty stuff to handle and a few metres pulled out can pile up a metre high.

Sometimes I choose to just walk over a lot more ground to try to find another patch. Patches are hard to find so I hate to leave but I have limited time and energy :/
Hey Moneybox,
Refer to my message,

rake a windrow, detect, move next lot of rocks into newly detected windrow. continue...

but i agree, looks like heavy work where that photo is taken.

can you levaly use a quad with an impliment?
Hi Detrac, I just read your posting on here about finding a rake in Chewton.

Is it A heavy duty solid toothed number, fairly new. I cant believe i left it behind. I usually always check that I've put everything in the ute before I leave. But not this time.
I can't email on here but my email isXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
And I can tell you which track it was on. Thanks much. Regards Richard

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My local fossicking ground has been raked over and over in year gone by so usually you're just clearing last autumns leaves rather than working down to undetected depths. It's not really worth the effort here. If I were working a virgin patch I can guarantee you i'll be raking it, hitting it with different detectors, coils and settings etc to get all the gold I can milk from it.