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Ross Langlands
Jun 17, 2013
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Well, I spoke to 7.62 Marksman today....thanks for the call Ken!...should'a known something was in the way of you dropping in to see how the old heart attack king was! :playful: guessed it, folks...Ken 's had the bloody wham bang knock you arse-overhead flu...the one that sticks it's middle finger up to the Flu=Shot...So many others I know have had it as well. Ken's has been active near 4weeks or so...and his partner has gone down with it...hope her's is a little less virile than that which you have had mate...and...hope those who are also suffering get well as soon as possible.
I got influenza a this year off a client I was working with..
It's all gone after a week..No shot for me...
My client had the flu shot and he's still :lol: :lol:
FIL (Father in Law) 3 weeks ICU with total organ shutdown ( died 3 times) and now on Dialysis and still a long way to recovery with unknown long term outcomes. They expect another month in hospital and kidney function may be permanently compromised.

Started with a runny nose and the usual dull headache and just feeling a bit off in the morning. Home visit Dr called that evening and Ambulance called due to his rapid failing and fluid on his lungs.

Influenza A

74 and a fit man and never smoked - He refused the Flu shot but the MIL had hers. But who know what could have happened if he had the shot ? Could have maybe not got it or maybe not as bad; we will never know.

When it has your number you are in a pile of sh1t
Im 66 years old, dont drink, dont smoke. I eat a healthy diet and get daily exercise. Never had a serious illness in my life.
Never bothered with flu shots, didnt think I needed it. In Feb I got the flu. Flu became pneumonia. Pneumonia triggered atrial fibrillation ( one chamber of the heart throwing a hissy fit). AF puts you at high risk of blood clot / stroke. Ended up in a hospital bed with tubes and wires everywhere and put the family through a lot of worry.
Back to full health now but it was a wake up call. Its amazing how things can quickly spiral out of control.
In my case being so early in the season most people arent protected, but I wont be missing any flu shots in the future.
If you get the flu and develop a cough that lasts more than 3 or 4 days, go and see your doctor. I should have.
AM, hope your FIL pulls through ok.
No flu shots for this little black duck..... :cloudy:
got our own antibodies for that naturally !
We all got that Swine flu inoculation though..... as humans had no natural imunity to it whatsoever (at least we'll live through that when it slips out'a the lab) :eek:.