The renaming of history!

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Yes...the old names of places and things has served us well for over 200years. It;s hard for many of us...especially those of Celtic and British descent to ascribe to ...":that's the way it's always been and if it were good for me ancestors then it's good for me.:"..OR..."My Dad,uncle brother,grandfather,sister etc went to war to protect our way of life" ingrained in our society and within that context there's nothing wrong with that view.
Fast forward to 2020 an The Bureau Of Statistics indicate that 29.7% of the population were born overseas,representing every single country on earth.
England...1,000000 China 660,000...New Zealand 600,000 ...etc immigrants up to year 2019.
My friends the times they are a it or not change is upon us and it's how we handle that change that will define us as a new,dynamic,inclusive and prosperous nation.
The Republican Movement is gaining momentum and the mood for an entirely independent Head of State is growing like a southerly swell,and the winds are on shore, whipping up the sands of change that will reach into every nook and cranny in the Nation.Name places will change,the Constitution will change and CROWNS WILL DISAPPEAR FROM THE CANTER AND FLY of State flags.
Most importantly we will change as a nation and hopefully that nation will have a government OF the people,BY the people FOR the people in the name of ONE NEW AND ONLY ONE...TRUE BLUE FLAG. Just Say'in :cool:
The flag will probably change too, There ain't no Black in the Union Jack.
It would be I interesting to see who the people are who signed the petition, I bet there's no White Australians names on it, well maybe one.

RIP Australia and us white folks.
So people have to change their birth certificate because that town no longer exists
EVERYTHING that you used your berth certificate for is NO longer legal
I as well as many thousands of soldiers will have to change where they served as it no longer exists
And it will go on and on and on
I can see the $$$$$$$$$ add up for all these changes

They were told that we were sorry (by the government not me As i was not born then) to what happened ssssoooo many years ago
Time to let it go and move on with life its to short now without this sort of crap
You risk losing everything because you no longer exist
So glad Im not the only grumpy one about this. Too many practical reasons just to leave it be, but theres a ever growing shift in this direction. We are just starting to see the chickens coming home to roost on electing these wolves in sheeps clothing.

I feel like speaking up about it just puts you in the crosshairs, but if we keep allowing this movement of reality to keep going eventually it will get too much momentum to stop. Under the guise of racism they are masking the true intent.
Nanjim said:
That would be a whole new can of worms lol.....
Mate there is so many changes that would need to be done
They are using this racist crap for their own agenda and not thinking with their brain
Ok lets take away history from day dot
Nothing no cars, phones, roads, tv, food, houses NOTHING
Next question you must ask yourself what do they use that was introduced to this country
The answer is EVERYTHING the same as us however if you look into it, they have a lot more benefits then we do
Look it up you will see that i am correct
Just a start to look up try medical and housing
Lets just leave things alone
And no i am not what you think when posted to 51FNQR for 3 years they were the best soldiers i had the pleasure to work with
So dont try and pull that lame excuse of being a racist with me
Cant we just ignore a post like this.
They all go the same way, the same old comments gone over and over and over.
Its like beating a dead horse.
Thomo, by ignoring it gives them the green light to do what they're doing.
Speaking up about such things let's them know not everyone is happy about their agendas.
While I can understand how some historical names can be hurtful (I lived in a town where the main street was called Hermann Goering St, which would bring bad memories to anyone Jewish), the issue is how long is a piece of string. Slavery is a difficult issue because it has been widespread for thousands of years, and was OK with every Monarch, Prime Minister of Britain and most public and commercial figures for hundreds of years - a lot of renaming (capitals, towns etc.) would be required. While not rejecting it outright, I think it needs to be confined to limited names of people who directly did very hurtful things to people in the area where the name is used. More based on their actions than their widely-shared opinions, which reflected society of the time not the individuals (e.g. leaders of massacres etc). Otherwise let history be...the sands of time and all that.
Well lads, There are somethings that will never change...despite whatever protests that might be brought to bear.The gallant service of our military Is and Forever Will be enshrined in our national identity. Some name changes MAY occur where it is recognised as being offensive or derogatory to the first Nations peoples and some practices...such as walking upon sacred, Ayers Rock for instance...This has been a change that most Australians have gracefully accepted as being an act of respect worthy of our consideration...ULURU it is now, and we respect it's cultural significance by abiding by the elders directions to not go traipsing up and down it.There are a sizable minority of activists who will clamour for changes to be made in the broader sense of Australian culture, this is as a consequence of their own sense of racism toward white society.You'll find them at every rally, bashing on a drum or a didgeridoo, calling out whatever catch-phrase is in favour on the day and there'll always be this 'ratbag' element calling for change just for the sake change...the reality is, these lot will never change anything of substance in our way of living.
It's true to say that when it comes to Housing and Medical and Education etc there are avenues of assistance available to First Nations people today then there was in years gone by...I think considering their treatment in days gone bye that we as a country ,try to do what we can...after all they have been treated pretty mass shootings,land annexation etc etc right through to the Stolen Generations etc The whole conversation around Aboriginal Rights and all that is dependent on each of our experiences on an individual basis, and everyone then has a different opinion on what they feel and how they see things might turn out in the long term.My considered opinion...humble as it that things in this realm of affairs change very slowly...if they ever change at all...and so the things we love ,think, see and do will be around for a bloody long time so your official documents,certificates,etc will Not change.
The things I hope will change and for which I have posted here and previously is 'changes of the Heart and Mind '..changes to Our way of governance is crucial to the sustainability of our Social Democracy and the welfare of ALL it's white yellow and brindle..It is the 'System' of our government that has brought about the racial divisions in our society.Get the SYSTEM RIGHT and you can set about shoring up social cohesion.
Otherwise...chill out people we all in this tagedda bro. :cool:
It is getting beyond a joke. Next we will have republicans wanting the name of Queensland changed because it was named after the young Queen Victoria, and Victoria's name changed because it was also named after her. Incidentally, the PC brigade have always been with us-

Tasmania agitated to have its name changed from Van Dieman's Land in the early 1850's, in an effort to throw off its association with Convict transportation, and because at the time Demon was an early Colonial derogatory name for a Homosexual....

If you go back even further, you find my Saxon forbears punished for using their own language. Words like C*** S*** F*** and many others beside, were actually normal, inoffensive, and legitimate words until the Norman invasion. Norman French being the language of the royal court after that, meant that anything Saxon was seen as vulgar, substandard and inferior , and not worthy of mention- Much the same way as many colonialists and modern day Australians view Aboriginal Languages and place names.

In the 1200's still, there were streets in London and other English towns with signposts that read Gropec*** Lane. They were usually the areas where prostitution was practiced, and at the time to the Anglo-Saxon folk at least, the name was as inoffensive as say Grey Street St.Kilda, or Kings Cross Sydney.

A recent online poll of Britons asking "should the name Gropec*** Lane be reinstated to the Towns in which it originally existed in?" (which have long been replaced with such names as Grapevine Lane etc.,) came up with a result of 94% in favor. Funny though, in the past whenever I have typed S*** on here, Jaros has swooped and immediately erased it in favor of :poop: which of course is exactly the same thing anyway :lol:
Deepseeker said:
It is getting beyond a joke. Next we will have republicans wanting the name of Queensland changed because it was named after the young Queen Victoria, and Victoria's name changed because it was also named after her. Incidentally, the PC brigade have always been with us-

Tasmania agitated to have its name changed from Van Dieman's Land in the early 1850's, in an effort to throw off its association with Convict transportation, and because at the time Demon was an early Colonial derogatory name for a Homosexual....

If you go back even further, you find my Saxon forbears punished for using their own language. Words like C*** S*** F*** and many others beside, were actually normal, inoffensive, and legitimate words until the Norman invasion. Norman French being the language of the royal court after that, meant that anything Saxon was seen as vulgar, substandard and inferior , and not worthy of mention- Much the same way as many colonialists and modern day Australians view Aboriginal Languages and place names.

In the 1200's still, there were streets in London and other English towns with signposts that read Gropec*** Lane. They were usually the areas where prostitution was practiced, and at the time to the Anglo-Saxon folk at least, the name was as inoffensive as say Grey Street St.Kilda, or Kings Cross Sydney.

A recent online poll of Britons asking "should the name Gropec*** Lane be reinstated to the Towns in which it originally existed in?" (which have long been replaced with such names as Grapevine Lane etc.,) came up with a result of 94% in favor. Funny though, in the past whenever I have typed S*** on here, Jaros has swooped and immediately erased it in favor of :poop: which of course is exactly the same thing anyway :lol:

Quite right - wipe out all reference to the monarchy, we are independent ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

Victoria was none too popular in South Africa - something to do with two Anglo-Boer wars and the deaths of 28,000 Boer women and children (22,000 of them children) in her concentration camps that housed 115,000. That was 10% of the Boer population (and 20,000 Africans died in her other concentration camps). We see John Eyre as a famous explorer and few Australians would have negative views of him. But many Jamaicans were not fond of him in times past. When he left Australia he was Governor of New Zealand and then of Jamaica, and in the latter role he ordered the murder of 500 Jamaicans who were pushing for independence, including a recognized senior politician. Even the British saw him as a murderer, and to prevent conviction by Britain he declared a state of emergency and pardoned himself (no Trump did not invent such things). He returned to Britain and there were three separate attempts to try him for murder in Britain. He was not convicted because of a technicality about Jamaican emergency law being valid in Britain etc. We remember him with statues and a lake etc because he was an explorer, and I would protest any attempt to change that. However I could understand if Jamaicans wanted a statue erected to him as Governor removed from the central square in Kingston (although I might wonder why they did not do it at independence). So local relevance is an issue.

However to be fair, the names of bloodthirsty individuals can be sensitive - King Leopold of Belgium is not loved in the DRC - he used to have the hands of his slaves children cut off if he felt their parents were not working hard enough in his Congo rubber plantations (I have a photo of a pile of toddlers hands and a father looking sadly at them, but sensitivity prevents illustration). I remember the destruction of statues of Stalin as the Soviet era ended, because most Russian families had known someone who was murdered, tortured or sent to the Gulags. But he had only died tens of years ago, and fortunately such name changes and most statue destruction occurs with things like regime changes, when the people concerned had only died in fairly recent memory. Some of my extended family died in the Nazi concentration camps (grandparents, uncles), so I would st ill be inclined to stick a plug of gellie under a statue of Hitler (I might not bother so much for some of his less well-known lackeys). However I really don't give a damn about any names or statues of the the bloody Black and Tans who murdered some of my Fenian ancestors - too long ago, and I did not know those ancestors, nor did my immediate descendants. So that is really another issue with these things - has the blood dried recently, and did it affect people who you actually knew (or upset people who you knew because they had known them). I can understand how that might still be valid to some aborigines and kanaks, I would support them in removing a name or statue of the leader of the Coniston Soak massacre (my great-uncle who I knew was dogging around there at the time, and the massacre and a trial involving my uncle affected the Aussie white conscience at the time, 1931, resulting in some law changes).

However most of this stuff does not meet the above criteria, and defacing statues of Captain Cook etc. is ridiculous and totally unreasonable, his connection too remote to such things. As are the majority of these demands, while accepting that there can be a gradation. As I said, people who actually committed atrocities, not simply people who shared attitudes of the times. But lets not totally lack sensitivity on extreme examples (Victoria is fine by us, but many here have expressed anger at Kitchener and his treatment of Breaker Morant - what is good for one should apply in principal to all - however there are still statues of Kitchener in Oz, so gradations, gradations....). There are still statues of Queen Victoria and Kitchener in South Africa, a Kitchener Kop (hill). There is a city of Kitchener in Canada (it was previously called the City of Berlin until 1916 - it is not just indigenous people who change names).

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