The Prospector chronicles (a noob's adventures with the GPZ)

Prospecting Australia

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May 18, 2014
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Finally got my GPZ today from EE day in ballarat, and so begins my couple of months prospecting the golden triangle!

I went out near Talbot today where I found a few small bits last year with the GPX, using the GPZ on factory settings for the first hour with the volume up a bit higher, then I turned up the sensitivity a little. Either way I was getting a bit of ground noise, but I was picking up plenty of led shot, so it works.
After a few hours in my spot there without much luck, I decided to try a new spot that looked pretty good on the map, but it was so trashy I couldn't walk a meter without having my ears blown out.
So the result of the day is a few bits of scrap and a sore back, but i can't wait to get out again tomorrow!

As far as the GPZ goes, its a lot like the GPX, but heavier, I didn't set up the harness on this first outing and I'm regretting that now. Tomorrow should be a bit easier on the back now I've got that set up.

Oh and to explain the name of the thread, I'm a prop maker, PROPspector - prospector.... I thought it was hilarious...

I'll be back tomorrow, hopefully with some pictures of the yellow stuff.
Keen to see how you go AusFX. Nenad has been recommending to turn the gain down a bit if there is a bit of ground noise.

Best of luck for today, hope there is a nugget for show and tell. :D
Lunch time update, No luck near my spot in Talbot, tried messing around a bit more with the detector, home for lunch and then I'm going to do some exploring near Creswick.
lucky streak said:
Go back to the gpx 5000 you will find gold for sure.

Sorry lucky but the what the hell would you know?

Dont make senseless, uninformed statements for the forum readers about products you have not even tried or know anything about.

It only enforces your status as a complete dipsh*t.

Have a nice day :mad:

Go get those nuggs AusFX!

At least your out there having a go mate and I reckon its only a matter of time!

Yeah lets not have any GPZ bashing here, there are plenty of other threads for that. Besides, it finds buckshot just as well as the GPX so I know it works ;)

I had a bit of an explore around the pine plantations west of Creswick, the ground was much easier to dig than Talbot and not as mineralised.
It was marked on the Tully map as 'Shallow ground, good gold' so I figured it could be a great spot. But no luck. I do however think I found a quartz reef not marked on either of the maps I have for that region.
Once more plenty of buckshot, a few bits a random metal.

My piece of advice for the day, don't go down forestry roads in a ford Falcon, you will definitely get stuck for a good few minutes... not that I would ever do that... Again...

I'm going to head back there tomorrow morning and have a bit more of an explore. If I don't have any luck there I might move a few KM's to where there have been diggings before or pick an area below Creswick to check out.
Fortune Seeker said:
If you're interested in catching up? I can come by there in the morning and we can try a spot I picked up a number of little bits. Send me a PM if you'd like to :)
Done! Absolute legend mate!
i have some spots south of Ballarat i would happy to go out with you just to see the gpz working , I went into EEday last week but havnt ordered one yet

Try the east side of Kangaroo gully Creswick,several years back 22 and a 5 oz and a lot of small pieces were found near the track that runs up there through the bush,it is a rough track.

Regards Frank
Oh boy do I have an update!

But first of all, big thanks to Fortune Seeker for showing me a spot with some nice bits of small gold near Creswick. I didn't have much luck on the gold but he was kind enough to give me some tips on using the GPZ as well as general prospecting know how which is even more valuable in the long run. He certainly knows his stuff!

I took the weekend off to go catch up with mates in Melbourne, have a few drinks, and have the Cat Empire make sweet love to our ears, it was absolutely amazing, best gig I've ever been to... You could say it was ever 'Brighter than gold'
See what I did there? ;)

Now back to the yellow metal!

I went back to my spot near Talbot with dad to give it another go with the settings on the GPZ adjusted. I was only planning on spending a few hours out, but ended up not wanting to leave.
We passed a few other prospectors on our way who seemed pretty friendly, my first time actually encountering other wild prospectors. I put it down to the long weekend.
Anyway, we spent a a good few hours pottering along, digging the odd false signal but getting much more attuned to listening for good signals. About 2 or 3 hours in I come accross a signal at the base of a tree, which sounded like it might be something. Scrape away a bit of dirt and now it's starting to sound a lot like trash, but we dig every target.
Low and behold only about 2 inches down we strike gold! A nice .72 gram piece, my biggest yet, and my first bit with the GPZ.
We got a decent signal on the other side of the tree, but it turned out to be about 6 bits of buckshot. We will be going back to the same spot tomorrow to give it a really good once over.

