That was the week that was.

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Feb 25, 2015
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Mt Gambier
What a week! Gastro ripped through the whole family, I think I lost a kidney or something through that. Mrs Chewys Grandmother got admitted to hospital, she went up and visited Wednesday night, said she'd go back up Thursday night but got the bug, so called and left a msg to say she wouldn't be up. Crook as a dog both of us. The 9 yo lad Matty, the 2 yo lad Karnak, and the 16 month old baby girl Rebel, all crook, then The 3 yo girl Jazzy got it the next day. 4am Thursday morning Mrs Chewy got a txt from her mum saying her Grandmother had passed away. Oh frack. She was close, and is doing it tough. I got the opportunity to earn a little extra cash fixing up tv reception for some friends of the family, thats tomorrows job as I wasn't up to dangling from a mast the last few days. Roll on next week and good stuff you're hopefully bringing with you. Funeral will be interesting, as Mrs Chewy and her mum are not close, and neither is she close with her bro and even more so her sis. We haven't even been told when the funeral is officially, though we found out. We're keeping a close eye on Rebel, our little girl. She copped the gastro bad, 16 months old, born with a heart defect she had heart surgery back in October last year. She was also born with Downs Syndrome so there are a few health problems that go along with that to. Thought we might have to take her to hospital earlier, but she has gotten a bit better so we'll just watch her. She's been fighting against the odds all her life so we named her Rebel. Soooo glad its bin day Monday. It's chockas with crappy nappies. You wouldn't believe how much I am looking forward to this Ballarat meet. :)
Chewy, I sincerely feel for you mate. I can't begin to imagine how you are coping in the face of so much adversity. you have done yourself a favour though by sharing your trials with us here, its a great way of processing the emotional and physical stress that you are going through. God bless little Rebel and all the chilluns, give them a loving kiss from Uncle Rossco and Aunty Robyn... and one for you and the wife..chin up mate :/
Hi Chewy,
Sometimes when it rains it pours and when your in the middle of the monsoon season during a cyclone, life seems a little unfair.
Hang on tight and be the rock you need to be for those you love, when you get through all of this you will find your all stronger and closer.
Life has a habit of getting in the way of living.
All the best mate.
Cheers Steve
Thanks guys, I appreciate the kind words and support. We'll be fine, and keep plugging along. As a positive I made a little headway on the IT study earlier in the week. Thanks AR, both Mrs Chewy and I love ancient Egypt and named our son Karnak, after the temple complex of Karnak. Just loved the sound of it, sounded strong, long lasting like the temple complex. :) Jazzy was born really quickly, and although she was fine and healthy had a blue appearance to her skin all over. Went away within an hour or so but we still call her Smurfette occasionally. Lol :lol:
reefer said:
Chewy, I sincerely feel for you mate. I can't begin to imagine how you are coping in the face of so much adversity. you have done yourself a favour though by sharing your trials with us here, its a great way of processing the emotional and physical stress that you are going through. God bless little Rebel and all the chilluns, give them a loving kiss from Uncle Rossco and Aunty Robyn... and one for you and the wife..chin up mate :/
Thanks guys, I will do that. :)
Hope you and your family recover from the gastro soon Chewy, its crazy how quick it spreads through a house with youngens. I hope Rebel gets over the gastro soon along with you all and I Hope you guys have a stress free funeral for your wife's gran. Thinking back through your posts and obviously not knowing Rebels situation or any other battles you might have been going through since I joined PA. It is clear to me now. You have been one of the nicest, funny, seemingly stress free blokes on here. Cant tell you how many times you've made me laugh and smile through reading your comments. Come Ballarat I look forward to seeing your smile once you've got a few nuggets in your pocket and I know you'll have a ball.
I hope I haven't been too forward. I honestly know no other way. I wish you, your wife and your children all the best for the future.

Shite Chewy not good all round mate and my sincere condolences.

On a lighter note, perhaps you should just come to the Ballarat meet and put your feet up buddy. Leave all your gear at home and just bring a comfy chair :lol: the rest of us will get out there and find some gold for ya :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sorry mate, couldn't help myself. Be great to finally catch up when you come over here and in the meantime chin up :p
We had Rebels cardiology check up (yearly) last week, all good there, and to see how different she is now almost a year after the surgery is a hell of a contrast to say the least. Rebel had her op at RCH in Melbourne, by one of the top tiny ticker tinkerers in the world. His name is Yves. Bloody magicians him and his team. Un bloody real what tey can do these days. Rebel had a couple of leaky valves, which they patched up, and also 2 holes in heart. They were between the 2 bottom chambers, and 2 top chambers, so while her heart was pumping blood around it wasn't doing a very good job at it, and eventually it would have started to pump blood back into her lungs. That would obviously be very bad, so about 6 monhs after we found out she needed surgery, we g8t the call to say they had a spot for her. Not a moment to soon, she got her surgery, and then an infection the next day. ICU for a few days, got on top of the infection and then road to recovery. Seeing our little girl hooked up to all those machines, not knowing if she would make it, was the hardest thing you could imagine. I dunno how we got through it, we got through it together. Mrs Chewy, is a very special lady. She was my 1st girlfriend back when we were teenagers. We went our own ways, but met again 23 years later, and both knew we should be together. Soulmates. Life is hard sometimes, but we have each other. :)
NeoGeo said:
Hope you and your family recover from the gastro soon Chewy, its crazy how quick it spreads through a house with youngens. I hope Rebel gets over the gastro soon along with you all and I Hope you guys have a stress free funeral for your wife's gran. Thinking back through your posts and obviously not knowing Rebels situation or any other battles you might have been going through since I joined PA. It is clear to me now. You have been one of the nicest, funny, seemingly stress free blokes on here. Cant tell you how many times you've made me laugh and smile through reading your comments. Come Ballarat I look forward to seeing your smile once you've got a few nuggets in your pocket and I know you'll have a ball.
I hope I haven't been too forward. I honestly know no other way. I wish you, your wife and your children all the best for the future.

Thanks Lee, Monty Python told me to always look on the bright side of life, they're richer than I am so I figure there must be something to their theory. :p I look forward to meeting at Ballarat to. It's gunna be great to be able to share a few laughs and meet some new friends, in person. :)
Aye aye aye! :rolleyes: We all have one of those mates, ya know the ones? They're like a brother to ya. You have gotten drunk together so many times over the years, sometimes with volitile outcomes, mostly with good times. You've known each other for about 30 years, and despite the occasional blue always forgive and forget...yeah. My mate calls and wants to go out for tea, Monday night with the whole family, ok. No problem......then calls back and wants to talk to Mrs Chewy. (It's about this stage we realise he's pi55ed as a newt, awesome.) He has a big problem with his booze, in and out of rehab and he has an income that can support his habit. Mrs Chewy isn't exactly in the mood for his crap tonght, so he's got the 5hits up now, and is msging me saying good luck in life looks like we won't be having anything to do with each other. :| wait what did I do? Ah silly bloody bugga. I'll msg him in a day or 2 when he's dried out. Ya can't reason with an idiot, or a drunk idiot, even if you do love em. Lol
Chewy said:
Aye aye aye! :rolleyes: We all have one of those mates, ya know the ones? They're like a brother to ya. You have gotten drunk together so many times over the years, sometimes with volitile outcomes, mostly with good times. You've known each other for about 30 years, and despite the occasional blue always forgive and forget...yeah. My mate calls and wants to go out for tea, Monday night with the whole family, ok. No problem......then calls back and wants to talk to Mrs Chewy. (It's about this stage we realise he's pi55ed as a newt, awesome.) He has a big problem with his booze, in and out of rehab and he has an income that can support his habit. Mrs Chewy isn't exactly in the mood for his crap tonght, so he's got the 5hits up now, and is msging me saying good luck in life looks like we won't be having anything to do with each other. :| wait what did I do? Ah silly bloody bugga. I'll msg him in a day or 2 when he's dried out. Ya can't reason with an idiot, or a drunk idiot, even if you do love em. Lol
I feel ya certainly there mate and I hate doing the emotion loop with heavy drinkers. There's no room for behaviour like that especially throuhh hard times, and right now his alcohol like most, is his best friend. It is very hard to resson with the sort and I've unfortunately comebto the crunch, put my foot down and said no more.

Hard alcoholics need rehab and it hurts when all you want them to do is listen but chances are a drunk or very emotional reply. Ive had to stop talking to them to sort my own life out. Worry bout your family mate
Tears for ya Chewy,... was that Grandma that had the gastro that sadly passed away ? 8.(
Gastro is not a nice thing to cop,...we've had it here(long time ago now) with all the kids sleeping in the lounge on the floor to be closer to the toilet, and Mrs S and I asleep on the lounge to be close for assistance(has you worrying for life"and ya spleen").
Tear Ass(Peanut paste"obviously crunchy by whoever named that" on toast) and Bung Hole(Block cheese on toast),...these are the names that save the day when it comes to Gastro,... we never use butter or margarine at all,... and we never use crunchy peanut paste either.;)
Hope all has panned out well for you all when this section of life is in the past a bit.
My dear old Dad(gone now) used to say "This too shall pass" when he could see that I was battleing,... and it does. :)
Hang in there brother,.. be it good, be it bad,...yet every breath is worth it. :)