Taking photos

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Jan 18, 2013
Reaction score
Yarraville West, VIC
just a word of warning some phones and cameras have a gps function, you can get software to strip the photo into parts and get the gps position from the picture
Be carefull when posting your pictures and dont forget to turn this function off when taking a pic of your favourite gold spot etc
One step ahead of you duck. I'm already stripping personally identifiable exif data from images posted to the forum on a semi-regular basis ;). As mentioned it's really only an issue with certain camera's that have the GPS function enabled. Yes take caution (as always) but there's no real need for concern.
Good word of warning Duck.

I thinks that may have happened to me a good six months ago :mad:
Found a nice spot, got a 1g piece out of it :D & within a month the place was raped. Holes everywhere, tracks cut & areas cleared for camping.
I'll be switching the camera location function "off" on my phone...
iPhones are one that have that function. Tells you location time & date, shutter speed, if u used a flash etc.- good for personal use maybe. If posted thru a site like photobucket, that info gets stripped I believe
[h]Removing Personal Information from Photo's[/h]

Exif data can be removed easily enough before uploading your image. Right click on the image and select Properties, then click on the Details tab followed by the link "Remove Properties and Personal Information", OK. (See image below).

I can confirm that the image optimizer program that I recommend to members also strips away all Exif data :D
I upload my pics to facebook then use the image location link to post them to forums. Facebook strips everything out of the exif.

If you want to read ALL of the exif data, because the windows image properties function doesn't give it all and a lot of it gets repeated use this little online tool - http://regex.info/exif.cgi you can use it to upload your own image or to view the exif of a image you've seen online.

I often use it to see what settings someone used in a photo.
What makes you say that LR? The whole purpose of striping the exif data is to protect our users identity :/
Nugget's good like that. He's gone out of his way to ensure our privacy. Not only does he strip identifying information off the photos we post, but I bet you didn't know that a lot can be learned about a user by the way they type. So in order to ensure our anonymity, Nug has a team of trained baboons who retype every forum post.

I know they retype mine, cos I couldn't come up with this drivel by myself.
You could have some real fun and put some new exif data on the pics
like all composting thunderbox's on the east coast. :)

You can turn these functions off in cameras and the like, but I think
the default options for devices a lot of the time have them set to on.

Disable all location data when taking pics to be safe, though as nugget
said that data is stripped here but will still be on the originals if posted