Super Pit tailing's.

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Jul 2, 2014
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I have a question that someone from the West may know the answer to.
The Super Pit at Kalgoorlie is listed as being 3.5km long, 1.5km wide and 400mts deep. It is easily seen from space and on Google Earth it takes up a massive area.
Anybody that has ever dug a decent hole will know that when you dig virgin ground you end up with a pile of dirt that appears to be about 4 times the size of the hole.
My question is where are the tailing's from the Super Pit?
I have looked on Google Earth and can not see any large areas of new soil anywhere around the town. Are prospectors unknowingly detecting the tailing's?
Speaking about "spoil" a long time ago, one of my army mates pointed out something interesting to me.
On a full or new moon, you dig a big hole (we dug fighting bays, about the size of a grave, but only 1.5 m or so deep) you have more dirt left over than you need to fill it, and on half moons, not enough dirt to fill it, co includes with spring and neap tides, don't know if there has been any real study, but it seemed about right to me.
With the improvement in gold recovery techniques i was under the impression they were going to rework the tailings, in which case there must be a mountian there somewhere , either that or the roads are built on gold rich gravel.
If you find the superpit look out on google maps you can see the hills in the back ground and the the right hand side of the pic doesnt look like much but there is a heap of dirt out there from the satilite pic out the back of the pit you can see the slurry pits the 3 white areas
Dirt is Compressed before you Dig... When you dig, you loosen all that compressed dirt... That's why you always end up with what appears to be more dirt..(same amount of Dirt mixed with Air Tho)..
I recon there would be not one spot of Colour in those Tailings... Modern technology would make sure of that.... I know there are some Footballs down there somewhere :p

davent said:
Speaking about "spoil" a long time ago, one of my army mates pointed out something interesting to me.
On a full or new moon, you dig a big hole (we dug fighting bays, about the size of a grave, but only 1.5 m or so deep) you have more dirt left over than you need to fill it, and on half moons, not enough dirt to fill it, co includes with spring and neap tides, don't know if there has been any real study, but it seemed about right to me.

Yeh and if you cut your Hair and fingernails on a full moon, They grow back twice as fast..... :p ]:D :rolleyes:

LoneWolf said:
Dirt is Compressed before you Dig... When you dig, you loosen all that compressed dirt... That's why you always end up with what appears to be more dirt..(same amount of Dirt mixed with Air Tho)..
I recon there would be not one spot of Colour in those Tailings... Modern technology would make sure of that.... I know there are some Footballs down there somewhere :p


Find our whose kicking those footies will ya, it's over 200m from the oval to the pit. I'll pay him whatever he wants if he can kick goals from that distance! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Markoman03 said:
If you find the superpit look out on google maps you can see the hills in the back ground and the the right hand side of the pic doesnt look like much but there is a heap of dirt out there from the satilite pic out the back of the pit you can see the slurry pits the 3 white areas

I saw those areas on Google Earth but thought it was just more mining activity, a bit hard to tell the height of the land from the google maps. I will check it out when we get there next week.
Magilla said:
I have a question that someone from the West may know the answer to.
The Super Pit at Kalgoorlie is listed as being 3.5km long, 1.5km wide and 400mts deep. It is easily seen from space and on Google Earth it takes up a massive area.
Anybody that has ever dug a decent hole will know that when you dig virgin ground you end up with a pile of dirt that appears to be about 4 times the size of the hole.
My question is where are the tailing's from the Super Pit?
I have looked on Google Earth and can not see any large areas of new soil anywhere around the town
. Are prospectors unknowingly detecting the tailing's?

I was with the SuperPit operators Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines on the Admin side for 14 years from the earliest days of the SuperPit (although we weren't allowed to call it that while I was there!), and although my firsthand knowledge ended in 2002 and I don't speak for them, I can hopefully offer some explanation to resolve the puzzle.

The 'missing' material removed from the open pit is actually hiding in plain sight, as part of a lengthy planning process and work by environmental and mining personnel. In the overhead Google pic below, the SuperPit itself is labelled 'Fimiston', although that's actually the suburb name for the entire area of the minesite and much of its immediate surrounds. Throughout the area to the right of the pit (east) and below the pit (south), grey generally = roads/waste rock/ore stockpiles.

The area to the right of the South Boulder label, where grey and brown rows are visible, is where waste rock from the pit is being formed into rows for access, and will eventually be capped with precious topsoil and carefully revegetated with suitable native plants, forming a range of low, rolling hills. The area above those rows (north), is at present a patchwork of waste rock, ore stockpiles and access roads, surrounding a vast processing plant where gold-bearing rock is crushed to powder and turned into a slurry for processing and extraction of the gold. Upon completion of mining, this minesite area will probably also be landscaped and revegetated.

The white patches further to the right of the pic are tailings dams, where the remaining barren slurry (tailings) is pumped at the end of the gold extraction process. These dams grow ever higher as the slurry dries out and more tailings are pumped in, but eventually the dams will also be landscaped, covered with topsoil and revegetated, becoming hills that will merge into the natural bush landscape of the area.


The angled Google pic below might help to better illustrate the sizeable area which will eventually be transformed from waste rock dumping ground, tailings dams and minesite, into a planned, natural-appearing environment:
Try and get there when a blast is on its a sight to see and now the big land slide going over one part of the haul road keep an eye out for small holes in the face of the wall ull be able to see how far down the old timers dug
Manpa said:
LoneWolf said:
Dirt is Compressed before you Dig... When you dig, you loosen all that compressed dirt... That's why you always end up with what appears to be more dirt..(same amount of Dirt mixed with Air Tho)..
I recon there would be not one spot of Colour in those Tailings... Modern technology would make sure of that.... I know there are some Footballs down there somewhere :p


Find our whose kicking those footies will ya, it's over 200m from the oval to the pit. I'll pay him whatever he wants if he can kick goals from that distance! :lol: :lol: :lol:

]:D Not when you are Standing right on the Edge up top... ]:D ]:D ]:D Worked there many moons ago for 2 weeks and was ONE thing We (boss and I ) wanted to do..

Opps... :eek: Awesome Pics.... :Y: When I was out there We were taken down to the very bottom... Massive that's for sure... :Y:

grubstake said:
Goldchaser1 said:
14 yrs grubstake :eek:
did ya hear about the slip the other day?

Yes, I did. At first I thought it didn't look like much, then I noticed the size of the nearby drilling rigs and vehicles: it's a pretty decent sort of rockfall!

They estimate 1.3 millions tons,theres a crack up there also so a bit more to come down yet,retreived the shovel,dozer and drill rig about 5 days ago,they knew there was movement before the intial slip so had an exclusion zone but the shovel got a cracked window and a cuppla rocks came through the dozers side widow onto the floor,weve lost that ramp (y ramp),buggered the place up at the moment sadly,some people are gonna lose there jobs,(probably newest recruits,im hoping im safe,6.5 yrs) ive been on the dumps havent got down there for a look,one of them rocks on the floor the boys say is bigger then a shovel,moods been a bit somber up there :(