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Feb 18, 2014
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I have just spoken to my BIL and he told me that next week he has two funerals to attend, so what you say, happens every day, yep!
A very good friend of his said come on mate hook up the van and lets go tecting in Qld for Winter Answer hah mate sorry got a lot of work on.
The mate and his wife went on there own. He had a bad headache and went to the doctor, no worries mate its a migraine.
Couple of weeks later arrived in Qld, bad headache, just a migraine its ok.
This bloke had never had a headache in his life. Died two days later from a brain aneurysm.
Today he went to the hospital to see another mate.
He will die tomorrow according to the doctor.
He suffered from a bad cough for a couple of years.
Didnt see a quack, cough got worse , its the cold weather, its dust, its too much booze, its crap.
He has lung cancer which could have been treated but because of male bravado he knew better.
I met him a couple of times at family functions and he was / is a great bloke, lots of fun and enjoyed life, loved tecting.
Fellas and ladies, I have written this before and I dont want to have to write it again.
Please have Yearly Medical checks, men, blood and Prostate, women Breast and Cervical.
Not too many people realise that MORE MEN die from prostate cancer than women from breast cancer, its a fact but not published.
Get yourself checked.
With Love
The cancer statistics are frightening in this country.
Lots of people I know have had close calls, myself included, a few didn't make it and another mate if mine just recently found out he's only got to 8 weeks left to live. I for one didn't know anything was wrong with myself until I went to my Dr. for a check up back in 2012.
Get a regular check up.
We have known for a long time that prostate cancer was a major killer, although it is only in the last year or so that it passed breast cancer, but men are not good at being checked.

One of the issues is that prostate cancer is more complex. There are apparently fast and slow-acting versions (so with some cases men die of something else in old age before the prostate cancer gets them). As the article says "84pc of men survive 10 or more years following a prostate cancer diagnosis". Also the blood test is a bit unreliable. And the aggressive form can be difficult to treat.

Not a reason not to be checked. Lots of lives can be saved.
Have a look the chemicals that they spray on our food.
Look at all the paddocks that have been sprayed with weed killer,completely dead from it,orchards,vineyards,potatoes to kill the stalks,that is the things I can think of now.along with all the sweeteners in food
Then pick up a packets that food comes in,lists of who knows what.
Then we do not look after ourselves,weight, and lack of exercize.
The cost of living in our world. :(
Hi Mackka, life is to short. Live everyday to the fullest, I wont see my grandkids grow up, but knowing I left my kids the knowledge to love life to what the world has to offer. Its ok to go when its time.

For me its not about living longer but more about the quality of the life you have, I would rather die suddenly one day and be able to do what I want up until then, better to go that way than be kept alive just to suffer a long miserable slow death, and knowing that you have a limited time would be the worst thing, a lot of people I know who have aged quickly and died early have been mainly the ones that have lived pretty hard and not looked after themselves very well, many being inactive and just eating and drinking themselves to death, and many have been younger than me as well.

I don't believe in a pristine lifestyle either as you have to be able to enjoy your life as well and if that means the odd drink and pork chop then so be it, but I do think moderation and a good variety of basic foods such as meat, fish, and vegetables will do you more good than harm, if you look at the statistics its pretty clear to see that many of the ailments that afflict people now where not so prevalent in the early days, we didn't have the takeaways and highly processed foods that are common place on the menu these days, personally I think that the processed foods and the low nutrition that it offers is the reason people are getting sick and are more easily getting cancers and such as its slowly weakened our immune systems, also more children are also becoming allergic to basic foods many more than I ever remember hearing about as a kid.

Anyway just enjoy what life you have and as long as you can get it some detecting and get out of the rat race for a bit then all is well.


im hearing u macka i give up my job back here awhile to spend more time with my detecting mate ,second dad , going through prostate cancer his doing fair (cemo done etc)now time will tell .but all get tested it takes a few minutes ,but i misss him out on the field Flatlander
Sorry to hear that Mackka. Good post, great advice.

Barring external environmental and internal genetic factors the remaining factor which has the biggest determining influence on our longevity is what we put in our mouths. ie Food & Liquid.

Hippocrates said 'Let food be thy medicine'.

If you get this right then all you need to do is a bit of exercise and avoid walking out in front of a tram and you should do alright.
Sorry to hear Mackka, a sobering reminder that we should all take care of ourselves and respond to the body's warning signals. I often say I have no time to be ill, I learnt my lesson many years ago and now have regular check ups.
life can suck at times. i don't know what is worse, dying all of a sudden or stretching the sickness out, if its all of a sudden you cant say goodbye but the person goes easier, if it is strung out they and their loved ones get to say goodbye but the person sick suffers a lot.
my Dad died on the 12/4/2019 after a battle over years and it broke my heart to see him go from a big man to a scrawny little bag of bones. we got to say goodbye but it was the hardest thing ive done in my life and the hardest thing my dad ever did. :brokenh:

sorry Mackka i should have put this in yobskins thread.
My sincere sympathies Numpty, to you and your family.
I know where you are coming from having watched my Father pass at a very young age and then my Mother a few years ago.
For me, quick is my preferred way. Each morning before I get on the road for the day I make make sure that tell my Wife that I love her and give her a kiss. I then say goodbye to my dog and ask her to look after Mummy.
When I get into my car, I say a small prayer for a safe day.
Love to All and give a kiss and a hug to those close to you.
Thanks for getting the message out folks.
By the way blokes, the fickle finger is no longer used.
Aint old age great? Can't wait to be spoon fed, and have some poor Indian wipe my bum for me!!!!
Reg Wilson said:
Aint old age great? Can't wait to be spoon fed, and have some poor Indian wipe my bum for me!!!!

As long as you dont end up on a Current affair Reg getting slapped around on the hidden camera by said Indian with slipper :awful:
The only way we can live a long life is to grow older.
With that, we grow wiser - some happier - some sadder.
Apart from the above truisms:
1. I would hate for my friends & children for me to go suddenly without saying good bye, but
2. I don't want to languish with them saddled with long term care and worry.
I know we can't choose, but wishing we could.
My Mother and Father died moderately quickly, but with time to say goodbye.
God Bless them both.
God also bless all your folks who have gone before :flowers:
Mackka said:
My sincere sympathies Numpty, to you and your family.
I know where you are coming from having watched my Father pass at a very young age and then my Mother a few years ago.
For me, quick is my preferred way. Each morning before I get on the road for the day I make make sure that tell my Wife that I love her and give her a kiss. I then say goodbye to my dog and ask her to look after Mummy.
When I get into my car, I say a small prayer for a safe day.
Love to All and give a kiss and a hug to those close to you.
Thanks for getting the message out folks.
By the way blokes, the fickle finger is no longer used.

The finger is still used on a periodic basis (mine only 2 months ago), as previously mentioned as the blood anti test is not 100% reliable and confirmed by my doc. So if your doc is only using the antigen test, ask if he is happy with the %. Also I believe that some prostate cancers are slow to form, others are more agressive.

Rob P.
Hey Rob, I think your doc might be just liking you as I went my doc for my yearly checkup , dropped my tweeds and he said , we dont do that anymore as they have found it is not reliable.
Just sayin, anyway enjoy your visit mate :( :( :( :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: