Sometimes you just get lucky

Prospecting Australia

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Jan 21, 2014
Reaction score
Tuena, NSW
So in a couple of months I am getting married, my partner and I have spoken about where we are going to go on our honeymoon and Japan was number one on our list, but we were going to have to wait a little till money was saved etc, well we hadn't really spoken about it to much more since but last night my partner said what about our honeymoon so any self respecting fianc as they do after a couple of beers says "yeah what about it" yeah I know wrong answer lol well she turns around and says "why don't we go camping and says why don't we go to tuena, I like it there and you can go prospecting too"
As they say "gold is where you find it" just thought I would share, and if anyone is around tuena at the middle of July, come and say hi, I will be the guy prospecting on his honeymoon :D

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