Some finds from Lowmead

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LoneWolf said:
Look at what happened at Black Duck Valley...... Boys will be Boys I suppose..... We are planning a visit to Lowmead in the near future Lefty... be good to catch up for a chat... ;)


Will let you know when I next hope to be there LW :)

Was going to go back this weekend but I really have to finish off my lapidary workshop. We converted the old thatch-roofed Balinese hut down in the yard to a proper little workshop, nearly finished but it needs gap sealing and painting and the sooner the better.

LoneWolf said:
Ha Ha Nice workshop idea Lefty... We will be up that way in about 3 weeks.....


I convinced the missus the space was just being wasted - we weren't really using it anymore and we had wired it up with lights and power points and built a deck under it, the thatch was deteriorating....why not turn it into something useful? Now the noisy, messy cabbing machine and trim saws are out of the house and there are drums of rocks that finally have a place to live :)
hiya folks
been a little while since i,v been on
spent the weekend at lowmead and met up with wazza mechia and their tribe (lol)
great to see young kids out in the nature enjoyin themselves
had basically not luck sat only couple small smokies
had much better day today with some nice purple colour
i will post pics when i get them washed up
way to stuffed to do atm after 2 days burying my head in a hole or 7
hope u all have had great weekend
cheers len
Good stuff mate! I'd like to be there next Sunday if possible.

Just finished another one of the small smokies from last weekend. Been experimenting a bit. This one has lowered crown angles and is definitely brighter than the last one (which is still a nice stone regardless). The light tan and pale brown tinted smokies, I think you can do pretty much anything with them faceting-wise as long as you respect the critical angle. But the ones that look black and don't show their colour until you hold them to the light, I think you need to do what you can to get more light in them. Lowered crown angles is one such method, as is using four or six-fold symmetry which returns the most light (supposedly). It's still a round brilliant, think I might experiment with different shapes with the lowered crown. I have one 130 carat deep smoky crystal - the biggest facetable one from last weekend that I kept - that I want to cut a big single stone from, trying to work out the best way to handle it.
toogoom trio said:
hiya folks
been a little while since i,v been on
spent the weekend at lowmead and met up with wazza mechia and their tribe (lol)
great to see young kids out in the nature enjoyin themselves
had basically not luck sat only couple small smokies
had much better day today with some nice purple colour
i will post pics when i get them washed up
way to stuffed to do atm after 2 days burying my head in a hole or 7
hope u all have had great weekend
cheers len
Thanks Len it was a great day and was nice to meet you the kids had a great time even though they didnt find much they are happy to find any little bits at the moment it is all fascinating to them hubby is still annoyed that you found amethyst and all he found was little smokies this time. :)

few funky pieces in wot we found
double points
hitchhikers with double points
points on matrix
maybe one that wood cut but only small

i,m sure in time yr hubby and kids will find some Mechia
this is way far my best trip
only luck of the draw
Mmmmm.purple. Great work toogoom.Love those weird shaped we get at Lowmead Everyone seems to be finding some good stuff lately. Hope to continue in that vain on Sunday myself.
Yeah, Lowmead is the place for odd shapes alright. I like that last one, double-terminated with alternating bands of amethyst and smoky :)

Very difficult to capture in a photo but there was a definite increase in brightness with the second smoky with a lowered crown.


The stone lights up more from the inside and shows that nice smoky coppery colour. Some people may say "it's only quartz" as they have on other forums but they are often missing the point because as good as some of them are at producing outstandingly well-cut stones, they are not fossickers - some of them have never actually stuck a pick in the ground despite having been cutting stones for 20 years :/

Regardless of what a stone is, there is a different quality entirely to something you found yourself. Much more meaningful than something simply bought from a catalogue that came from some far-off place in Africa or South America (and who knows if it really came from there anyway, look at how the best Australian sapphires are often sold as "Ceylon" by unscrupulous Thai dealers :mad: ). And some of the Lowmead stuff facets a stone that looks beautiful and of course, it's just the right hardness and durability to use for general jewellery setting. I'd really love to find a clean faceting piece that was half amethyst, half smoky and cut it in a long step cut, that would look cool :)
Hi all,Went with lefty to have a dig this morning.Bloody good weather for it.Good to see ktmman and his bro aka the crystal whisperer :lol: there.We didn't have to much luck today no big pockets :( .We got a few smaller amethyst crystals and one decent piece the first of this colour I have found at lowmead.Should cut a nice stone :D

Yeah mate that brother of yours is I lucky bugga,always seems to find the pockets :) That's the biggest crystal I have seen come out of there that's for sure,Almost as big as the one at the pub but not quite :D
Yeah, it still wasn't a bad day between the four of us - the biggest crystal I have seen unearthed there and one of the best faceting grade crystals I have seen found there. The one Dieter found of such a size that it makes me wonder just how big they actually get on Clarke's road - there could well be some football-sized ones hiding there :eek:

The one Rockhound found is a superb piece of faceting-grade amethyst. A lot of the amethyst from there has a smoky tint to it (which still looks good) but this crystal is just a straight out rich royal purple, solid colour by the looks, no colour zoning. A crack runs down the middle but otherwise it's pretty clean - it will facet two very nice looking stones :)


I pulled out one that is almost perfectly clean and crack free (haven't photo'd it yet). Smaller than Rockhounds and smoky purple with colour zoning - it will still facet a nice stone but Rockhounds is pretty hard to beat.
Yeah, not much longer now and that heat will really start to kick in. I'd like to go on Sunday, not sure if I can yet though.

For people silly enough to keep exerting themselves in the heat - ie, me :) - these things look like the go. Pretty bloody exxy though, and you would have to be sure to get the freezer gel variety for anywhere on the coastal side of the ranges, the evaporative cooling types would be near useless in coastal tropical humidity I think.

I'd like to give these a trial though. If you can nullify the risk of heat stroke, the only thing that would stop you from going digging in summer is heavy rain.
Very similar to the Ice Vests the V8 Supercar Drivers wear...... When you work in Extreme Heat, water alone in not enough.. :p . dig in the early morning and afternoon...
When we went to Cloncurry in summer :| we had a large industrial fan that the generator ran.... That was nice..... and cool too..... ;) The local Kookaburras thought it was a good idea.....

Went down to LM the other day with a couple of mates, weather was great - mostly overcast with one spot of drizzle!

Last time there was 25 years ago or thereabouts and it has changed heaps.
Apparently you can only work on the Northern side of Clarkes Rd - is this right? We stayed on the Northern side just to be sure.

I didn't get anything worthwhile but the mate got a couple of amyphyst crystals. Another couple of blokes were there from Bundy and they got a couple of small pieces also.

Just one thing - the fellas from Bundy called in to the pub to verify direction and the publican asked them whether or not they had permission to dig on the property - I hadn't realised that you needed to ask the property owner and was under the impression that he had OK'd it years ago - can some one confirm this? Not sure whether to announce ourselves down at the farm house or not?