So who thinks they have walked away from a nugget before??

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Definitely ,everyone has the memory of the one that they wish they had dug. I had one screamer recently that I didn't dig ,but dug another one 250 metres away to find gold ,am back to digging every thing once more. I think if I had a double d I could discriminate a lot of iron out?
Getting lazy can be costly, usually start out digging everything including screamers that tend to be iron of some sort ..... as the day wears on you tend to say "just some more junk" and walk on ......... I'm sure that Mike Brown nugget would have screamed and some may have just thought junk and walked on.
Walk away at your own risk ......
Cheers T.
stoneage said:
I heard a story of a guy that dug up half a horse shoe then rechecked the hole and got a loud signal but decided that it must be the other half of the shoe and walked off. His mate redug the hole and retrieved the second target....... a large nugget!! :eek:

i dont like this post too much mate, i done this at tuena twice, dug two halves of a horse shoe and got frustrated and walked away, then a mate asked me to check his tailing piles and i kept loosing a signal after about 20 mins of hear it, dont hear it, move more rocks signal moved i loose it again i walked away, the other week i made a post about my grizzly bar spacing i am wondering if i now walked from a nugget
I'm with you jamie, very depressing to think what might have been. I detected a piece of metal the other day, dug it and backfilled the hole. Started detecting again and swung back over the refilled hole and got a signal, dug it and found gold on the edge of the hole i'd just got the trash out of.
I also agree with teemore about getting tired and lazy near the end of a long session, i start walking away from louder signals rather than checking. I always have diggers remorse later on thinking they may have been a screamer!!!
Heatho said:
I know I have, mate pinged the same target 5 mins after me, was heading to the car for lunch, thought it was junk as it was a loud signal, mate came walking up for lunch too hit the same target and it was a nugget.... Live and learn.

That sounds familiar ;)

I'm certain I've walked past/over more than a few now, even ones I've found on successive trips in ground I've covered previously quite a few times. So many variables to deal with. That's what will keep the Gold in the ground for a good many years to come.

It's always evident when you return to an area and do something just a little different like swing across a slope instead of up and down, or perhaps something as simple as rolling a small rock or stick out of the way. This came to light during the last trip into the Central West NSW areas a couple of weeks back (with Heatho, Wally69 and Reeko). I decided to move a large rock (about 50cm round) sunk half way into the ground. I nosed the SDC into it's edge all round to roughly check while it was still unmoved, but once I had the rock out there was a very faint target just audible right on the edge of the hole. Turned out to be a 1.03gm nugget down at seven inches depth. It's my biggest nugget to date with the SDC and if I hadn't moved the rock it would still be there.
Pulled a tidy 8.76gm from the little area in total (not including Wally69's and Heatho's nice nugs) and we'd definitely been over the area before.


It pays to pay attention :D
Kindest regards,
We definitely all miss some. Went over a little surfaced area again last week that I'd got a few grams off & picked up 6 more little nuggets. It had been after some rain so thought it was worth another try. Only got 2 x birdshot which was a first - more gold than shot :lol: Previously I had got possibly hundreds of shot off there though.
Yesterday I was at a spot that I hadn't got gold from before. Thought I heard a very faint noise but then dismissed it as I had been getting a few hotrocks here running on setting 4. A bit further on I picked up 3 bits running in a line from the original "noise". Went back & persevered a bit more & a little 0.21 bit came to light. It was only about 2" deep but in some nasty looking red rocks & soil. I think mindset has a part to play too I.e. if the original "noise" had been somewhere I had found & knew gold was I may have initially investigated further but as I hadn't found anything before & was starting to doubt the spot it was easy to dismiss as a hotrock or slight ground noise. Once I got the others the mindset on that spot changed quickly :lol:
Yeah you were the mate I was referring to lol, I was too eager for a ciggie and a rest, now I don't smoke things will be different and I won't miss any. :) Different days and different conditions play a part for sure, I'm sure that that the ground last trip had just the right conductivily from the rain to make more targets that were undetectable before suddenly become detectable, different angles different EMI, I think you're spot on there also. Had been very dry on previous trips, moving that rock though was a good move. :)

Matt, I think once the obvious targets like birdshot are gone then it's easier to tune into the more subtle sounds of deep and small gold, everytime a loud target is found it takes a while for ears to adjust again to really faint sounds. The same happens during editing audio I think, once the loudest spurious noises are gone it's easier to concentrate on the subliminal sounds that are easy to miss.

Good you're getting some from among the Lead.