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Prospecting Australia

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Tassie Daz

Darryl Rowley
Mar 27, 2013
Reaction score
Kadina, SA
I have been thinking on the moves to exclude prospectors from so many of the great goldfields, that something ocurred to me that perhaps might give us true leverage in the argument.
I expect its already been touched on but maybe we should major on the fact that we are all doing our parts to clean up the environment. The Govts expend huge amounts of money to interest groups doing their bit.....but we should be given credit for the huge amount of junk we take out of the environment too.
We are not a mickey mouse group. If you take the total number of people who have registered on all the Australian forums, and accept that all those people might spend 1,2,5 or even more hours per week, thats a huge amount of cleanup time thats not even given credit for.
Maybe we need to be focusing on that instead of our rights as prospectors. We laugh about the crap we collect and take home but we are doing something for this country thats tangible and measureable.
For example if there are 5000 people gold getting OR coin shooting in any ONE week, thats anywhere between 5000 and 25000 hrs of cleanup PER WEEK. Tell me what other group dedicates that much time to the cleanup cause.
Forgive me if its already been suggested.

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I like the way you think. A few weeks ago I saw a report on the news about strawkling wear snorkelers collect straws from the water & plodders, joggers collecting rubbish as they run. Maybe we need a catchy slogan. Cheers.
Sad, we seemed to be the environmental damage contributors. Even set aside what mining companies do in comparison... due to a strict "no smoking" policy on mine sites, Every little spot a car can pull up before a mine sight entrance, would be the worst polluted spot for 10kms either side with their rubbish. Yet the mine companies do nothing about it!
Rape and pillage! All good so long as there is a buck in it for the government! :N:
As I said before I think if we sell the benefits of our being in the bush.......and the Govt doesnt have to pay anything for us to do it......surely they will see the benefit of allowing our access to continue. Its all about the old adage...."whats in it for me" me being the govt.
If they can see they are getting something for nothing we'll be in for a win. If we are seen only to be taking from the bush we'll get much less.

Sell our benefits.

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