SDC 2300 vs gold bug 2

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justin woods
Oct 17, 2014
Reaction score
Devonport, TAS
OK all what is the difrence between these two detectors ? Minelab sdc2300 and a Fisher gold bug 2. Apart from ( SDC is fully submercibal, SDC is new, GB2 is not submercibal, gb2 is a older detector, what ells ? Gb2 coil is water resistant, gb2 had 3 avalibal coils for it SDC has 1 fixt coil, both are grate on very tiny gold. What have I missed ? Oh price gb2 $1500 SDC $3500. I know I'll be told there is nothing to compair there nothing alike but humer me plz. I know nothing about detectors only what iv read so far thanks.
SDC is a pulse induction, GB2 is VLF. SDC will handle extremely mineralised soil better and punch way deeper on small gold. GB2 will struggle on Aussie soil.
SDC is PI (Pulse Induction) which by design handle highly mineralised ground better. It runs a unique MPS (Multi Period Fast) timing not seen or in use on other PI machines as yet which makes it very hot on small, shallow gold previously only seen with the GB2, GMT etc.
GB2 is a higher frequency (72khz from memory) VLF which by design won't handle highly mineralised ground well. Higher frequency VLF's excel on small, shallow gold but can suffer in bad ground.
In mild conditions there probably wouldn't be much between them & the GB2 could even come out on top.
As the ground gets hotter then the SDC will begin to take over until you get to a point where the GB2 can become very hard to use or even some might say unusable

Edit: beat me to it Heatho :lol:
A few members here use the GMT and GB II in Tassie in a lot of places where the ground is not too hot into the medium high Areas, They will see Smaller Gold and big Gold Too, but the SDC handles the Hot Ground,

With Higher Frequency VLF's you will be shocked how small the Gold is that they find, they will see Gold even Smaller than A Grain of Sugar at A Distance of 3 inches Plus, They are A Good way of increasing your chances to find Gold because they can see every type of Gold just about, and the GMT which has a lot of other uses,
There are A couple of issues with the SDC like Coils and Such but to me it seems to Do the Deed Very Well, If you are going into Very Hot Ground Areas then the SDC is the right Choice. Money no Object I think we all need an SDC like we do A VLF and A Higher KHz VLF, No kit is Complete without these three types of units.
I personally think the SDC is the bees knees down here, if you can afford it. I can pack it in my walking pack with camping gear, fossicking gear and three or four days of food and reach pretty remote areas.
Like others have said, the SDC is incredibly stable compared to any VLF. If I was looking to purchase, I'd be tossing between the SDC and a second hand 4000 or 4500. But the portability of the SDC wins hand down. At least for me.
I know a couple of others with SDCs down here and we all agree, it's like it was designed for Tasmanian conditions.
Like many others I started with a VLF (in my case a Garrett AT Gold from Jack Beltane), and pretty quickly gave it up to coins only. Places like Mathinna and Lefroy were just too wavery to really hear the signals. If spending 4K is hard to justify, I'd personally shoot for something that is also ok for coins, because when you decide to upgrade you're less likely to loose money.
After a year of owning my AT Gold, I had found more than enough moderns (and quite a lot of silvers) in parks and ovals to come up well on top if I decided to sell it second hand.
Get the GB2 if you don't like it sell it at a loss and buy the SDC.

You won't be so disappointed if you don't like the GB2 but a $4000 SDC you might' everyone is different I think the SDC is a dreadful machine and won't buy one but would buy a GB2 only because I know it will pay for its small price tag.
Might also be worth the wait to see if the new GMT isn't just a color change.
Zuke_Lynzy said:
Get the GB2 if you don't like it sell it at a loss and buy the SDC.

You won't be so disappointed if you don't like the GB2 but a $4000 SDC you might' everyone is different I think the SDC is a dreadful machine and won't buy one but would buy a GB2 only because I know it will pay for its small price tag.
Might also be worth the wait to see if the new GMT isn't just a color change.

That's a good point, it is easier to cover a smaller price tag than a big one, and cheaper than a Divorce,lol
I'm not married so only the dog and kids to contend with lol yea I understand the price difrence is almost double for a SDC but a SDC is holding its price better at this point second hand. I'm just thinking would rather detector pay for there self's down here in Tassie soil.
I use a Goldmaster2 down here in Tassie and have come across a few places where the mineralisation is too much for it. From everything I have read and heard, there was never a lot of large nuggets found down here and I haven't seen very many over 2 or 3 grams found. If you are planning on paying off your detector with gold nuggets you want to get a cheep one because there is a lot of dirt between them. Don't want to discourage you, it's a great hobby. Good Luck
alwayslooking said:
I use a Goldmaster2 down here in Tassie and have come across a few places where the mineralisation is too much for it.

Have you had any success with it, mate? I'd have thought one of those might do OK in the some areas down there, especially with a Shooter coil fitted that would let you access cracks and crevices.
Yes I know tassie has 99% small to pin head size gold nugs to be found that's why I want a detector that will find the small stuff. But the mineralised ground is my worry.
It's a tough choice but one you need to make, if you plan to come to Vic detecting in the future get the SDC.
Do you want to detect on the beach in tassie? Get the SDC.

Potentially could find a nice gold ring on the beach with it...

Depends also how you look at the $4000 price tag,
Waterproof- if you need it? Worth $1000
Compact- $1000
Good on small gold- $1000
Works in hot ground- $1000

The GB2 might be the cheeper alterative but it hates Victoria and getting wet.

But at the same time if you find nothing with the SDC you will wish you got the GB2, not that the GB2 will find it better that's just life.

"I still don't want one" but everything has its good points it about you justifying the cost just like every other.
alwayslooking said:
I use a Goldmaster2 down here in Tassie and have come across a few places where the mineralisation is too much for it. From everything I have read and heard, there was never a lot of large nuggets found down here and I haven't seen very many over 2 or 3 grams found. If you are planning on paying off your detector with gold nuggets you want to get a cheep one because there is a lot of dirt between them. Don't want to discourage you, it's a great hobby. Good Luck

If you fit any of the Goldmaster/GMT with the Twin D Coil that will smooth things Out A Little Bit to handle The Ground, All the earlier models ran concentric coils and they are extremely sensitive,

Yes the GMT is definantly worth considering probably over the GB2 in hotter ground.

but I didn't want to upset the minelab boys by bringing up there best competition now look what you have done RR! :D

(Edited the smiley face to be funny)
Zuke_Lynzy said:
Yes the GMT is definantly worth considering probably over the GB2 in hotter ground.

but I didn't want to upset the minelab boys by bringing up there best competition now look what you have done RR! :D

(Edited the smiley face to be funny)

But, but but, Im sorry I'm going to stand by the Naughty Wall,,, AGAIN.

Sorry everyone I did not mean to steer the topic in that direction, it was coz A certain Gentleman mentioned a machine with a concentric coil in hot ground,, YUCK, But so does the GB II.

Shame on you RR,, Bad RR, Don't do it again RR,,,,,,,, :eek: :eek: I won't,,, iLL be Good,, I propmise,,,
I have found some very tiny bits under birdshot size with the Goldmaster 2 in good ground but the red sandstone and ironstone we have here is very "hot" and makes the machine pretty useless. I have seen a few second hand GMT's sell for around $600, they would be a good buy if you pick the right ground. I picked up a second hand TDI Pro Oz the other day to play with so I think it will help find some bigger bits among the "hot" areas I can't get to with the GM2. It came with a 6X8 Sadie coil but I am looking to maybe try a Razorback coil which I have heard good things about.
I was out with a group one day and a fellow was using a Gold Bug , I think the Whites is a better machine but that's just my opinion. :8
tassietaurusbull said:
I'm not married so only the dog and kids to contend with lol yea I understand the price difrence is almost double for a SDC but a SDC is holding its price better at this point second hand. I'm just thinking would rather detector pay for there self's down here in Tassie soil.
Why not start with a 2nd hand GB2. U can find them for around $750 with 2 coils. If after a while u arent happy with it im positive u will get your 750 back. Ok the SDC may run better and find more in certain spots , but the GB2 will find gold for you in the right spots and learning to overcome noisey ground. Once you are sure of areas that turn up gold but get a bit hot for the old girl you will know then wether to upgrade or settle with what u have.
Get a tiny nugget say 0.1 grams. Sweep it over both coils in air - they will both respond and the gb2 will probably quack twice as loud.

Now, bury that 0.1 grammer at 3 inches, and cover with mineralised dirt with some small hot rocks thrown in for good measure. Which detector wins?

My money is on the SDC.

The switch on and go aspect of the SDC also allows you to cover sooo much more ground.