Quartz crushing? Need info.

Prospecting Australia

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As I was packing up after a day sluicing and an old timer pulled over to have a chat, turned out he was from the same town and asked how Id gone. I showed him my snuffer bottle proud as punch as I had almost a gram (personal record) and also had a pretty nice picker. He laughed at the contents and told me my picker wasnt "big" as the biggest they had found in the creek was 16 oz. We both had a laugh and Im sure my cheeks reddened a little. Anyhow he gave me a few tips and I asked him if he was still prospecting and he told me he was up checking on his Old mine he had for many years and had sold to a friend. Told me he used to spend most weekend up there (Tanjil River) crushing quartz and had done "quiet well". I asked "how" well, and he said just over 2000 oz. "Wowzers" was my response and I asked how do you start an operation like that, and he simply said pick a spot. I should have asked more questions and was kicking myself after he left. Does anyone know what might be involved in starting or even restarting an operation in Victoria (small scale). Hundreds of old tenements around West Gippsland and would love to spend the weekends crushing some rock for a bit of color.
Im more asking if anyone knows how to get a claim up and running. Is it viable? So many abandoned mines around here, I know the are abondoned for a reason but seems like it would be fun to give it a crack legitimately rather than dodgy. Especially with so many great crushers available.
It definatley is viable to peg your own claim, depending on which state. NSW is bloody expensive, WA is cheapest, VIC , QLD and Tas aren't too bad. Havent looked at NT, SA yet. Finding vacant ground ( with gold ) is the hard part , then it just comes down to thinking and hard work.
