Prospects dim for fossickers - The Age newspaper article.

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Hydraulic Sluicing...

Goldtarget said:
Nice work Heads Up.

all we can do is give it 110 % mate and if they still stuff it up ....... well i guess we have the illness in this country of politicians who are completely and utterly on a path to destroy the country

obviously an alien worm crawled into their brain and gave them instructions to wreck the joint . lol
The Green M.P in the t.v. segment has just accepted an invitation for an education session in the Woolshed Valley. A chance to really show what we do and how we repair our own damage. I will make sure she goes home with some gold. I will use a bilge pump powered small highbanker. Little noise, little damage and stick a solar panel to trickle charge the battery. She will like that. :D
I just put a thread over on ExplorOz forum

anyone want to go there and fluff it up a little bit by sharing a view ?

there is sadly a habit in this country of sitting back and copping bad government , we really need to stand up for whats correct and try to straighten out the mess of bureaucratic insanity that seems to be prevailing lately

we deserve better

we can have better

we just have to work harder to obtain it
HeadsUp said:
well it wont hurt but generally posts on twitter are lost pretty quick arnt they ?

welcome to share any ideas on lobbying though
I think their twitter feed displays on their public site,
After looking at exploreoz site, it seems that a large amount of people still are not aware at the little enviromental impact sluicing has on our enviroment, one of the (maybe the greens are right) comments on there was from a prospector that uses a detector, so what else do you think we could do to raise awareness that its a ecological friendly way to wash dirt for could we get a paytv show going,
are there any budding TV wannabe directors out there................if there is, i have a spare room, a spare seat at the dinner table, free travel to our prospecting destinations.
So if you, or you know of somebody that has been chewing at the bit to become the next reality tv directing guru, drop me a thread or PM and lets get this ball rolling, im as keen as mustard.
the mrs is raising an eyebrow :| ,
Ok, so if your a very attractive, budding, reality tv directing guru, there might be 3 of us going out filming prospecting (4, once HeadsUp reads this)

Seriously, if you (PA members)know of someone that has been planning to do some filming like this tell them to get in touch with me via this site.
Intending to do exactly as you say dwt. A short doco on sluicing to show how little damage is done and how much gold is possible to recover. I will PM you tonight Dwt and we can have a talk about it. I have another person would likely be involved too.
Puddler Bill said:
Intending to do exactly as you say dwt. A short doco on sluicing to show how little damage is done and how much gold is possible to recover. I will PM you tonight Dwt and we can have a talk about it. I have another person would likely be involved too.

it would help if people see some gold being recovered , it would bring more people interested in the hobby which means more support for the hobby

it would also help if they see some of the many families that go out prospecting with kids getting in there having fun ( as they do )

i emailed Angus McKirk and The guys at GoldHog to get their support for the petition too :)