Prospecting prices in Australia are astronomical!

Prospecting Australia

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Agree with you Dave ...waste of time trying to compete with china or the States on small volume items for the sake of one extra bowl of rice at the end of the day... :) I'd rather just pay the couple of extra bucks to keep the local guy's head above the water. Big price discrepancies on specialty that's another story...I'll want the best bang for my buck for sure like the next bloke....cheers Wal. ;)
Excellent post Newbie it makes you think about what we have here. We are a very clever nation but I don't think our decision makers are what they could be. Why is that the man on the street can see the problems but our leaders seem to look past them? Even so I'd rather live here than anywhere else in the world.
Its a very tough decision to make.
I love our country, and i also love my children and my gold prospecting.
If i can save a decent amount of money on my prospecting equipment, it means i can spend the savings on my children. Obviously my children come before any gold prospecting equipment. Its the same with everything in life.
Im happy to spend the extra few bucks to keep a local in business if its a small price, but when we are talking 100's of dollars, unfortunately i need to look elsewhere.
WalnLiz said:
looking for some gold bottles at the moment Ken....If you make some I'll be your 1st customer.. ;) Cheers wal. :)
Just a thought wal, next time you are anywhere near a Darrell Lea shop/stand/stockist, have a look at the jars they put the little boiled lollies in. i think they are called Little Bo-Peep jars;)
Will do that bisho...will take Liz with me as she ..loves..boiled lollies. She'll probably buy a box full of jars...even if they're the wrong size lol.Cheers Wal. :)
Kemjak there is two main reasons why the people who run the country make poor decisions, firstly some times the right decision isn't always the popular one for example introducing a new tax or reforms that whilst cause short term hardship have the best outcome for the nation long term. It is in the best interest to stay elected hence go with options that easy and popular. Take for example the introduction of GST in to Australia was quite a large issue at the time. The libs won the first election saying no Gst when labour were keen to implement it. People were afraid of the change but in the end really didn't hurt when it came in. Apart from the paper work but it generated quite an amount of new income. Carbon tax is much the same people are scared of it but the way I see things at the moment it gives this country such an oppertunity to be a leader of innovative products in clean/safe power generation. Believe in the green house effect or not it is hard to deny that the globe is going there a period of more extreme weather. More intense floods rain and storms and drier hotter droughts. We need to make cuts to emissions not for us but our children's children's children. Wouldn't we all enjoy an enviroment where our great great grandchildren can prospect as we do in prestine Forrest.

Second problem you mention them not being to bright it is really a matter of pay peanuts get monkeys a politician these days make the same as a good general manager of a small company of say around 30 staff. We never going to attract great talent doing that. Why be the elected official with our a 3 year contract taking home 300k when you can be a Solomon Lue of the world and run Telstra which is much easier thing to do and take home millions in bonus each year. We have awfully lucky to be where we are today our isolation and location regionally helps us a lot. The will be a big shift to the east as china emerges as the next super power. Based on a solid base of manufacturing.

Problem no one has all the answers and no ones willing to make the hard decisions for longterm benefit of the country.
Sorry to go on about it but it is also something I am passionate about.

I agree with the other guys before talking about the Cost for a die to mould plastic it is extremely expensive having a limted market place makes it uneconomical to make it.
Good post Newby....lots of good points. :) not quite as passionate as you about all the green house effect scenario as if things keep going the way they are ..then our great, great , great grand children won't even know what the word fossicking means let alone experience it :) .If the.. "greens".. had it their way everything would be a National Park and nobody would be allowed to the air.. (unless you pay bit more for a carbon tax lol) ;) ...But I really don't want to go down that track as there are some pretty passionate arguments on both sides of the fence. :) In the end it's up to all of us to keep the ."poli's" honest and balanced ...and who knows...maybe just..with a little luck and good management our great, great,great, grand children will be fortunate enough to have both a "job" and a chance to scratch out a bit of gold...we can only live in hope. :) Cheers Wal.
Well that's debatable about GST. It sucks house prices alone tripled in price over about 3 years. I purchased our house 22 years ago so I was lucky, I was 23.
How old are our kids going to be before they can afford a house and move out? Not that I have a problem with them but just making the point.
Also our house was 100k when we brought 10% deposit & 5k for legals, $15,000 to move in & 90,000 mortage. Even based on this how long it take to save $35,000. My opinion our kids will need a lot more than 10% deposit because you need 2 dam good wages to pay just the interest on $270,000 and if something goes wrong they go bankrupt so easy.
What would happen if interest rates go back to what they were 18% or when we brought 13% . Then how many young & not so young will hit the wall. As far as I'm concerned it is not IF it is when.
Australian's are not out of the woods yet simply because too many owe too much.
Totally disagree GST absolutly sucks. The prices I have used are approxmate only on a small house in my area.
Wakey wakey, guys Darrel Lea has been in resievership or bankrupt for some time,
the penny will drop soon and someone will say"what happened to all those bottles".
They must be round somewhere and may be cheap as, you maybe able to score some full of lollies too.
Keen Ken said:
Wakey wakey, guys Darrel Lea has been in resievership or bankrupt for some time,
the penny will drop soon and someone will say"what happened to all those bottles".
They must be round somewhere and may be cheap as, you maybe able to score some full of lollies too.

Maybe we could come up with a bulk offer on all the remaining bottles :p
Thanks Ken I thought that but was unsure whether they all closed or just most of them, my neighbour was a manager of one of them and she didnt even know till it was too late. Don't know whether she ever did get her entitlements or not, she was owed about 15 weeks just in long service & holidays. Ouch
Keen Ken, maybe you haven't heard but Darrell lea has been bought out by a Queensland based aussie company and are back in business. They did however shut down a lot of the retail shops. I have been told that the people that bought it might actually be the people that own Ritchies who in turn own a lot of IGA stores. the reason why i believe this is that on announcing they had purchased Darell Lea they said that the product will mainly be available in IGA stores plus various newsagencies. I believe they are still investigating their options of where or what retailers will retain the rights to sell the product :)
That's great news, I hadn't heard that.
All goods they sell are top quality.

That means the bottles will be full!

I'm not so optomistic on filling one with gold though, If I fill a ounce bottle this year I will be doing extremely well, considering over the past years to Jan. 2013 I had found less than 0.05 of a gram.

Thanks to the guidance from good people in the forums I have met on the fields my first trip this year yeilded 0.1 of a gram at the Prophet Mine near Kilkivan west of Gympie in Qld.
John Parson has a huge stock pile of gold bearing gravels.
At $11 per person it's great value, He will give you some excellent tips and I found gold in every pan, Dad found a few small "Pickers".
He is re-opening on about the 16th of March after repairs to the bore.
You can even sit down and pan, suck on your Darrel Lea lollies, they will give you a small bottle to put gold in until you have eaten all the lollies. ;)

A darrel Lea bottle would have to hold close to 6 ounces? :cool:
One day china's cost of living and cost to do business will be out of control. The US will reinvent themselves and the Aussie dollar will return to its real value. All the guys and girls that have been sending their dollars offshore will turn around and start shopping here. Only to realise the retail shops are now owned by China and US companies. All the guys and girls will then drive to there nearest industrial suburb to find a manufacturer to help them fold some alluminium and weld some riffles up. Only to see, for lease signs and for sale signs on every second factory.

They will return home dejected and beaten. They will then say to themselves this country has turned to sh#t. Wish it was like the good old days.

My advice is pay the price.
Pay the Aussie business their price. Pay now or pay later with interest.
The cost to do business is high here in Australia however if there is more money in our economy there will be more business competing for your dollar, this will keep prices from skyrocketing due to competition. It will also mean more jobs.

If you don't believe me, have a look at our agri business.

WalnLiz said:
Certainly is a dilemma...I often buy goods from abroad... especially if the same product is sold by the big department stores. ;) Specialty items such as gear and fossicking gear ..I prefer to buy from the local guys. They always look after you the best they can and in the end you would only save a few bucks by getting it from the "States".....each to their own i guess...Cheers Wal. :)
Exactly ... Be friendly .. Chat , get first name basis , handshake ... Then you usually get ten percent off.... I'm at about twenty at the moment . See a staff member at the pub , buy a beer , share the love . Next thing you know , old stock you want just got a lot cheaper...and you've made a mate...
Ryan27 said:
One day china's cost of living and cost to do business will be out of control. The US will reinvent themselves and the Aussie dollar will return to its real value. All the guys and girls that have been sending their dollars offshore will turn around and start shopping here. Only to realise the retail shops are now owned by China and US companies. All the guys and girls will then drive to there nearest industrial suburb to find a manufacturer to help them fold some alluminium and weld some riffles up. Only to see, for lease signs and for sale signs on every second factory.

They will return home dejected and beaten. They will then say to themselves this country has turned to sh#t. Wish it was like the good old days.

My advice is pay the price.
Pay the Aussie business their price. Pay now or pay later with interest.
The cost to do business is high here in Australia however if there is more money in our economy there will be more business competing for your dollar, this will keep prices from skyrocketing due to competition. It will also mean more jobs.

If you don't believe me, have a look at our agri business.

thats right , china has affected my business , though now , the manufacturing costs to produce a similar item has risen by 300 percent in the last few years . Now things have picked up as people prefer an item that is of quality for a little extra. Taken a while though, but don't think they will be going back to the Chinese . Dont get me started on the crap they put in the air or water though...or the general crap they produce, which is only good for landfill, where it ends up , days or months after its purchased.
Ryan27 said:
One day china's cost of living and cost to do business will be out of control. The US will reinvent themselves and the Aussie dollar will return to its real value. All the guys and girls that have been sending their dollars offshore will turn around and start shopping here. Only to realise the retail shops are now owned by China and US companies. All the guys and girls will then drive to there nearest industrial suburb to find a manufacturer to help them fold some alluminium and weld some riffles up. Only to see, for lease signs and for sale signs on every second factory.

They will return home dejected and beaten. They will then say to themselves this country has turned to sh#t. Wish it was like the good old days.

My advice is pay the price.
Pay the Aussie business their price. Pay now or pay later with interest.
The cost to do business is high here in Australia however if there is more money in our economy there will be more business competing for your dollar, this will keep prices from skyrocketing due to competition. It will also mean more jobs.

If you don't believe me, have a look at our agri business.


what happens if there is a war one day between China and Japan/India/USA

Overnight we will find we cant import anything from china

Just how long do you think it would take to restablish all of the factories that disappeared off the australian map and retrain all the highly skilled workers ?

wouldnt be overnight would it . 8)

If we had a govt with an ounce of brain cells they would devise an emergency strategy to intervene and mothball certain sectors of the economy that would have been shut down , sold off and gone offshore so if / when they are needed , all it takes is a push of one button to get the ball rolling and reopen what is needed , bring out skills training that was recorded and saved from the old timers who knew what a days work actually was and retrain workers to step in to those old shoes.

There is more to say on this but not here and not now.

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