Prospecting 8 hour shift

Prospecting Australia

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Best way to insure good weather for anything is not plan it. Those weather gods are crafty.
15 years ago while on holidays with the family We set one day aside for one of those days Father, Son ,Grandsons and women folk ..shovels ,pans ,picks 5hp pump sleuce ,sangers tea, the lot !!! 8 til 4 result NONE the Richer But Much Happier ,,,, Coal Mining Paid Much better !!!! but not as much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ag Man said:
Does anyone here prospect full time?

If so how is it going?

Been a bit of discussion between a couple of mates of mine to go out one day for a solid day prospecting.
We're all self employed & if & when we get a quiet day, to go prospecting but treating it like a job for one day & see how we go.
Not a regular thing, just to try it one day.

Most of my outings are for a couple of hours on a weekend morning & then only once/twice a month or someting catching up & meeting new people.
Quite often it's just one big social session & lots of chatting.

Start at 9am finish at 5pm.
Have the usual morning, lunch & arvo cuppa, but other than that it'll be head down, bum up working the creek.
Not a day to teach, learn or try new techniques or equipment - just doing what we do - digging, sluicing, panning.

Anyone tried this & if so how did it work out for ya?

lol sometimes i work on my reef from 10am to 7pm :eek: :D
under ground
I generally do 4-6hrs a day and average about 1/2 ounce a week doing it full time. That average includes over 1/2 ounce per week in the west and sometimes as little as 4-7g a week in the east. But would never trade the lifestyle as its great. Best tip is to reduce your expenses ( have no bills before starting ) that way there is not any pressure and it remains enjoyable. I only need about $400 per week living expenses so the rest is in the kitty for more gear and holiday times.

When I go out I spend at least 8 hours and only get about 3 or 4 specs but I live in a not so good area