old mine is now mapped and recorded :)

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Zuke_Lynzy said:
Hunting the yellow' your avatar photo? I know that Rickety bridge' is that one of balaclava tunnels? If it is Iv spent alot of time around those tunnels there's one that you may not have noticed as its out of sight tho if you go deep enough it still has the tracks on the floor' I'm not interested venturing underground anymore but happy to point out a few in that area'

nar its actually from a mine a lot closer to where I live dean or the other mine explores haven't been into the one in my avatar pic yet

but I have explored every shaft and tunnel on and in the balaclava mine so I know where they all go but the deeper levels are like a bees nest honeycombed out
Tathradj said:
Thought so. LOL
Please don't get me wrong as I would never remove anything like that.
It would be there for a purpose.
That looks like a top spot to explore.
May I also ask has the mine been made "Safe for entry or is that the way it was left.??

its been made safe quite recently by dpi or parks vic I think because in 2013 that grate and most od the gated off side tunnels you could still go in but now they have gated up the drives/tunnels off the main tunnel
Loving this thread guys.

Came across an entrance to a mine near Bendigo recently,had a look in but got all weirded out felt like something was looking back at me from the dark so i backed away and continued detecting lol.

It got the better of me though and i had to go back with a torch but it was collapsed a few meters in,i had no intention of going in i don't know enough about mines to explore safely.
Anyway keep it up guys i look forward to the next lot of pics.
you just reminded me that ive got some resent snake pics here's a small snake I found 60m down a old shaft poor thing was dead but I almost shat my pants when I put my hand on it lol the poor bugger didn't survive the 60m strait down drop died instantly it was only dead for 1 or 2 days old at the most when I found it

its 2ft long and the 4th dead snake ive seen down a shaft so because it was in good condition I carefully picked it up with gloves and put it into a bag and brought it home to take some photos of it before I chucked it in the bin before it began to stink im guessing it broke its back and hopefully died instantly with no suffering but I don't know cos I wasn't there to catch it when it fell but its just 1 of the weird things you find down the mines

Thanks for the photos from the mine and of the snake. By all accounts the tea cup party down in one of the lower levels was a great success - rich, abundant , varied and prolonged. The explorers sipped their favourite drinks and nibbled at their favourite dainties. Back up on the surface I had to make do with sandwiches and bottled water. In the photo below you can see a side door blocking a drive leading to a shaft.
So after reading every single post on the 19 pages all i can say is Wow.
Some awesome history found. I do remember as a kid going in to a mine in Warrandyte Whipstick Gully i think was the name but i do belive it is all locked up now.
Keep up the exploration.

GAZZA2582 said:
wow great post, Im in the Walhalla area. there's a lot of old abandon mines down here. I've been to many of them however not game enough to set foot inside.

Gday Gazza,
I can see that you exercise common sense when it comes to adits/tunnels.
anyone without out experience must take extreme caution if they decide to have an underground adventures.
I'm one of those fools who been exploring underground over the last 40 years on and off and l still come across new challenges even now.
if anyone is new to the forum and is thinking of entering the world of the wombat, I strongly recommend you read all the posts on this topic before you consider going underground.
if you do make that choice, contact one or two of the experienced guys on the forum and they just might help you out.
And remember, never take sunlight and oxygen for granted.
Cheers Steve :D
most definitely Steve, Even prospecting around these areas can be dangerous as so many shafts are covered with timber and dirt. Had a few experiences a year ago I was logging just out of snake valley in a plantation fairly flat ground compared to here, My Forwarder's (logging machine) wheels would quite regularly disappear on what a first seemed like flat / stable ground. im pretty sure it was Lewis Bros mining area originally
In the mid 1800s gold was discovered and mined in the area now covered by Lerderderg State Park, about an hours drive north-west of Melbourne. While it was nearly 200 years ago, there are still plenty of signs of this early activity, although with the bush regrowth, its hard to imagine thousands of people were here, toiling away trying to strike it rich.

GAZZA2582 said:
most definitely Steve, Even prospecting around these areas can be dangerous as so many shafts are covered with timber and dirt. Had a few experiences a year ago I was logging just out of snake valley in a plantation fairly flat ground compared to here, My Forwarder's (logging machine) wheels would quite regularly disappear on what a first seemed like flat / stable ground. im pretty sure it was Lewis Bros mining area originally

That's right Gazza,
A few years ago here in Ballarat, a builder mate of mine was preparing a sight in his bobcat and the left back wheel broke through a false bottom into a shaft.
needless to say he got a bit of a fright.
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