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Dec 4, 2014
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G'day there,

I an Ozi up in Asia & into Detecting gold rings etc on Beaches here ~!" .

Also studied quite a bit about Gold where I am & in the last few days got up the Mountains into known gold locations ( Was told of small 1-2 gram nuggets found around this Area ) & as its High mountains steep valley's and Fast flowing streams & little to Zero flat land.
Hard Yakka.
Used a Topographic Map & chose two sites that I thought Gold sources might be Still Trying to get up to these sites got 1/2 way up there on my Trail bike & its almost doing back flips & Raod came to Dead End.
Stopped down at the Main stream on sharp Bend with Bedrock & exposed Quartz veins and check out river bed & am seeing Gold flecks in the dry stream bed off the main bend of Bedrock.
Loads of Broken Quartz some clear some rose colored & some rusty colored and what appears to be Gold ore amongst most of this.
The Bedrock is Right on the Stream Bend & its a Big Stream Very fast flowing and & a good Straight Run before the Bed & all the Big Goolies during Typhoons Flash floods Slam into the Exposed Bedrock & Break up the Quartz bearing seems.

I don't know much about small gold Recovery but am Open to suggestions as what I am Seeing appears to be Quite a Lot of Gold flakes.

My only access is via a 250cc motorbike single saddle TRL250R 1986 so not much space for Excavators, Dredges, Highbankers, maybe small Sluice made from Flexi poly pipe etc & gold pan?.

Any suggestions Welcomed ~!~ .

Thanks in advance.

Highbanker can be put on a back pack so may be an option. Is dredging legal in that area of asia? Would love to know what country but maybe best to PM me after u have 10 posts.
If your seeing that much colour with your naked eye I would only be needing a pan a small shovel and maybe a small pick.but by what your telling me may be you only need a rechargeable dust buster :lol:
G'Day, Thanks for all the responses.

I am in Japan & have been for almost 20 years.
Dust buster yep yep yep Was thinking this myself as saw all these colors appearing then thought nah could not be this lucky ..But its Way overdue so after picking up a nice flake 2mm x 3mm knew what I am seeing must be the real deal.
I will figure out how to Load pictures & post some as I got a reasonable Clear Macro shot of the Bige flake of gold & some good Macro of the Gold bearing ore.
Tomorrow I will go back Early & turn some rocks & spend a Day picking up samples.
As you Expand the Wikinavi url you will See a Bend in the stream Top right thats where I am seeing the action.
I am Thinking of using some Large Black Agro Pipe to trap the flakes in the Riffles as I lay it in the stream bed and pour over the sands..?
But Higher up the Mountain is where its coming from also I am certain.
I will start Creviceing as thats the way many small nuggets are located up Japan away.
Come Summer I will Try Wet suit and Sniping off the stream bed.

Any & All suggestions Welcomed re Fine gold recovery & Anyone interested in getting their hands on some for collecting let me know & we can work something out as I can't see myself getting into Crushing nice specimens.
Its D Day & the Black snow clouds are Rolling in on the flat.
Google Navi appears to read clear 'ish skies.
Hang out & wait for the Rush Hour traffic to thin out ~ & leap onto my Trusty ~!" Crotch Rocket
the TLR250R & See what I can pick up in the Stream without sunlight.
Wonder how the Old Timers got by on the Dark Freezing Days in the gold Fields? , .Bundi ?.
Hope the mountain Roads not Iced, those Dam Steel Manholes in the middle of the roads here when Iced up
are Lethal Weapons.
Hi Lucas22,

Sounds like you have a nice spot up there in the japanese mountains...careful though...the mythological Tengu roam the mountains ;)

If you can see the gold in that creek I would take a little sluice and feed it all day or until your hands freeze off but are you sure its gold and not Pyrite? Would be good to see some pics of the place, I love Japan.

Waiting for those pics i'm sure we will all be drooling. Sounds like a little hand sucker pump may be a good investment!
Back from the Yama ( Mountains ) & Yep there is a LOT of Mica & Pyrite & amongst it all is the Gold.
I found a Big Mini wheel sized Rusted Quartz Goolie in the stream bed & saw flecks of Gold seeping out of the layers of Quartz & managed to Crack of a 10kg chunk & HID the Goolie off the stream Bed.
This has come from higher Up stream & is not off the Bedrock nearby as that is loaded with quartz veins & This is Solid Quartz Chunk that rolled down in a typhoon flash flood maybe recently 'ish? last few years.
Loads of Oxidization amongst the quartz & the layers where there is a soft 'ish vein of pyrite or Mica amongst this is what appears fairly pure pieces of gold.
It does not change color when moved around in direct sunlight as mica does & pyrite does, so I am hoping this is Gold.
My Minelab Excalibur 1000 gave off a few low level Beeps as I passed this big chunk under the coil at home.

It Looks like there are some chunks of gold in it too ..I Think I need a Geo opinion so will look for a web page to load some high resolution pictures & See if any of this fine Web forum members come forwards & let me know their thoughts.
Some pictures here of what I think is gold ore and specks of gold in quartz , I am finding it Hard to Macro this specimen, so Bear with me please.
One picture of the fleck gold I picked up yesterday from the same place.

OK No links till I have made 10 or more posts ~!" So hang in there ~

Gold panners pick up 25 meters up stream I noted the little hidden BBQ spot I was told about .So I am in the Gold location I am sure.

Always appreciate input & the Odd Humor keep it coming.

No Tengu today but always do see interesting Things in Japan.

k man said:
Yeah mate your on the right track now.don't forget to post some picks of your finds once your done.cheers.kman :rolleyes:
I am not allowed to do uploads as yet as a Newbie ..lucashardy22 on photo bucket will show you some pics not my best photography that for sure .
I went to the Hardware store and Bought a Chisel & Hammer & will go back and do some Rock Breaking and Backpack it all home in the next 24-48 hours Rain Hail & Snow.
My camera charges Up I will Try some Spotlight pictures Tonight and photo bucket em on lucashardy22.
I bought a Old Lens its actually a Loupe 4x made by Minette Made in Japan very fine quality with a light filter on it it slides over my sony digital lens ok.
Just have to do some practice shots with it re Holding it in position as I need three hands ~!" .
I will take the Camera up to my site and post pictures as its Fall here in Japan now & yup there Falling Fast.
IThink some rock Breaking will be in order to check out this Gold & IF its worthwhile I will invest in a small home system as your not allowed to use engine driven machines in rivers in Japan to source gold ~!~ however many many DO IT as there are no regulation re this supposed rule, unless the locals get nasty with ya.

I really am more interested in the small Nuggets as my back has numerous old Injuries & this type of work is painful.
Mate that's great to here sounds like you've hit it big time.I think you will be struggling to sleep for the next week or 2.
Sounds magic lucas22,

I've booked a plane ticket and am on my way over :D

I am hanging to see these pics and also to hear your tales of interesting things scene in Japan
Quick note & I am up the mountain again today to Break that Goolie.
Some pictures not very good ones up on photo bucket search lucashardy22
Why is it when ya find something exciting outside the Freezing Winds arrive & the only thing ya really like cold is beer.
I seem to have made ten or more posts on this forum & can't place photo bucket urls or post pictures yet?
Still on probation ~!"
As long as it's not that sacred mountain where even the Japanese leave the gold where it is,'s plundering time (only joking Lucas22 I don't know $#!^ about Japan).

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