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Uncle Buck

Barry Jones
Feb 15, 2014
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A few of the members of the Narellan RFS, including myself, trundled up to Hill End for a few days camp. I had some basic panning gear and some "hand me down" basic knowledge, so we ventured down onto the fossicking grounds for a play in the dirt. Fun was had by all. Fast forward to RFS training tonight and no one was interested in training but wanted to know more about panning, fossicking, gold, sapphires, camping, good times etc. the group now exceeding the five original blokes. Long story short, I have put them all onto this forum, all are keen and now I am busy organising future trips of the "Narellan RFS Mining Company". Should be good for a few laughs, a great time and who knows...(tell him he's dreaming). So if any forum members are ever in the Hill End, Tuena or Grabben Gullen area and see a motley crew of blokes from 18 to 60 years of age, laughing their heads off, obviously working cluelessly, then you have found us. Come over, say hello, join in if you silly or game and um, ah, please share your wealth of knowledge. At the moment it is a case of the blind leading the blind. One thing we can do well is build fires to drink, laugh and gather around and like that quote from the movie, "you are welcome at my fire anytime". The best thing about this bunch and what I am picking up from the forum member bunch is their is no bad attitudes and in this increasingly angry world that us a great thing. With the various trades in the brigade we should be able to knock up all sorts of flash equipment and do dahs, look the part etc. now to learn what the heck we are dong and where is the best place to find what we have come looking for.

A lot of it is practice, but if you can get someone with experience to come along and help you choose spots to dig, show you how to process things, etc, it makes things easier.
G'Day Uncle Buck

if you keep an eye out on the Members Events section in the forum 8) .............and if there is a mention of a planned gathering of the 'P.A. clan' ;) .................see if you can organise your 'crew' to attend such gathering :) ...........

and you will have a fantastic :lol: , unbelievable :lol: , brilliant :lol: time!!!!

Apart from this forum, these gatherings are a great way to learn, ask questions (no question is ever stupid here), tag a long in the field, get some first hand knowledge by some friendly and very helpful people, maybe be shown how to use your equipment correctly, explained how to 'read the land' and where to look, plus a whole heap other other things to boot!!!!!

Look forward to catching up one day soon.

Cheers Monty.
Thanks all. They are a great bunch who all love the bush and have all had their interest in fossicking piqued. I hope some do join this forum as it will save me me from explains (insert raving) about what a great site and resource this page is.