need help finding nuggets with my gold bug pro

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Feb 23, 2015
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Hey guys im a rookie at using a detector I got myself a fisher gold bug pro ive only had it 6 days but been out every day to bullumwaal to old mining sites and along creek beds where I had found a nice 2g nuggets and 2 quartz gold specimens but so far ive had no luck with the detector only picking up old .22 cal shells and lots of led shot. Ive been searching the harder edges of the creeks and in the shallows. Im using a 5' DD coil so I know it should be picking up gold the size of a match head but so far no luck. Im putting it down the error from the driver not the machine because that works extremely well. Also for any of u who dont know the bullumwaal area its HIGHLY mineralised and full of hot rocks which arent a problem using the gold bug pro. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated as I had much more luck panning but would prefer to get atleast a few nuggets before I pull out the pan. Cheers
Haha mate im in the same boat as you got nearly 7 grams or so with the old pans but nothing other then junk yet with the gold bug pro. I suppose you just need to keep looking as I have heard if your finding the junk with it you will find the gold as well. But there is also a section for fisher detectors try post under that subject maybe better help.
The cool thing about panning is that getting some colour is usually relatively straightforward, although getting gold with some weight to it can take a lot more work. A detector is a very different proposition, as you are both finding.

In the creeks or rivers (wet or dry), look for bedrock with cracks and crevices that could act as natural nugget traps. Flakes of gold can work their way surprisingly deeply into even tiny crevices, where they will be invisible but detectable by a Gold Bug. In the hard ground alongside a waterway, try on the inside of bends, where you can see that the soil/gravel is lying on shallow bedrock. Deep ground is your enemy with a Gold Bug fitted with a small coil - they are fantastically sensitive, but won't penetrate mineralised ground to much depth.

Don't let the junk break your heart - the first nugget will make you forget all that trash!
Thanks heaps ill keep at it ive only been prospecting for around 8 months now and in the past 2 months panning I got just under 8 grams all up so i was stoked with that but always wanted to try a detector. I will order myself in the 10 inch coil so I can get some more penetration! Bedrock exposed everywhere but my small coil wont go down far enough into them. Looking to find some old tailing as ive seen the gold bugs do some great work on old tailings piles but I havent been able to find any tailings yet. Would love to get in touch with some guys keen to do a camping trip around bullumwaal and deptford areas. Id be happy to supply the beer n food in exhange for a bit of first hand knowledge!
nuggetbusta said:
Haha mate im in the same boat as you got nearly 7 grams or so with the old pans but nothing other then junk yet with the gold bug pro. I suppose you just need to keep looking as I have heard if your finding the junk with it you will find the gold as well. But there is also a section for fisher detectors try post under that subject maybe better help.

What size coil do you run on your gold bug and what areas do you go searching?
If you are getting shotgun pellets then gold is only a matter of time. Gold and Lead have virtually identical behaviour when under a detector coil.
Thats a good sign for me then ive got a few slug gun pellets aswell. Will be heading out again tomorrow out to bullumwaal again. Does anyone know this area and know where I could find some tailings?
Try and find slatey ground and move very slow. The GBP will keep up with the threshold but any metal will give a solid 'ZIP'
I dont think I have came across any slate areas yet but ill be keeping my eye out now. Is the hard concrete like stuff that has heaps of quartz all through it any good to detect. Its all around some of the old mine sites
Thats probably the deep lead conglomerate and is good to detect but will be noisy. VLF likes consistent ground, pebbly creek beds are out, bedrock is in. But of course there is always exceptions
Ill post a couple of photos of where I have been panning and getting good stuff but nothing as of yet with detector. If the wind holds off tomorrow I will make my way out. It took me a hour and a half to get to my spot because I had to clear the road of 4 fallen trees!
It wont post my photos but I will post how I go tomorrow while im out. Need a hunting buddy down this way!