Managed to tick a lil one off the bucket list.

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Jan 23, 2014
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Well a barra has always been on the bucket list so the rods were definately in for the trip and I was determined to atleast catch one.... Ok I fished in only 6 different locations and managed to catch barra at 5 of those, the one place I didn't catch a barra was an arm of Darwin Harbor whilst I was waitin for my phone to be fixed (got a bad habit of placing things on the bullbar, and they always go under the front wheel when they fall off.)

Anyhow, I'd say I've come home with atleast 40+ knotches in the belt, and more than happy with that result.... Most definately hooked on the species now!

And a little bit of candy for the story....

Awsome stuff matt well done that's what dreams are made of wish we had them in vic still haven't caught a barra yet
Campfish4x4 said:
Awsome stuff matt well done that's what dreams are made of wish we had them in vic still haven't caught a barra yet
We do mate. Fisheries are trialing barra in Hazelwood pondage at this very time and if they survive it's gunna be game on :lol: :lol:
Lovely barra matty, well done.
Nice one Matty, whats that in the shadow behind you? Looks like a dead dog with a big bite out of its back?
Matty. Now that's what I'd call a barra. What a ripper. No wonder a bucket list item, and well and truly ticked off your list. Well done. The adrenalin and excitement must have been pumping hard when you brought that baby in. Congrats :eek: :p
davent said:
Nice one Matty, whats that in the shadow behind you? Looks like a dead dog with a big bite out of its back?
Looks like the swamp thing sneaking up on you Matty, thats definately a hind leg, well spotted Dave ! 8) :eek: :eek:
I think it's just a rock.... (I hope, haha) plenty of salties there, was preying I didn't lose it to a croc during the fight, there was a 2.5m model and a smaller one that I knew of in the immediate area not more than 10min earlier.... And here was me just a fishing rod and a camera solo with not even lip grippers, pandanaus one side rock the other and the closest thing to a trophy barra I was gonna get for the trip sittin a good meter below me with a near worn through 40lb leader.. Had to lie on me stomach and throw my hand down its mouth, first attempt failed when I realised the weight as she erupted as I went to lift... 2nd time round my hand was an adrenalin fuelled vice grip and ditched the rod for the other hand in the Gill.... VICTORY.
jeez, it could be a rock, but it looks like a dog with a shark bite out of its back!
silver said:
Awesome fish ,... bet it tasted awesome too ! :p

Indeed it did ;) far too much for the two of us so we invited our 4 camping neighbours for a communal dinner, took a slab off it and donated the rest to the locals from the community (straight on the floor of their pajero, no eff's given about the blood mess)... I'm sure none was wasted and the 6 of us ate very well.