How are you spending New Yew Day.

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Just got home from the beach house about 1/2 hour ago, early dinner ready for work at 4am :awful: in the mid to high 30's everywhere and no rain in sight until Monday arvo so they say.
I probably shouldn't say this but I believe there is a massive vote gathering exercise going on amongst all the BS all over the country/state/territory.

Wow they actually worked out ok. Next up the chicken to go on them. Been soaking in Franks hot sauce for a few hrs.
And gummy bears for desert. :D
Finding some old coins a 1958 6 pence and a 1962 3 pence so pretty happy with the older coins plus some nice person buried 8 dollars for me to find a 1 dollar coin and 2 dollar coin and a five dollar note out of the same target
So a good start the new year with my new hobbie
I went detecting in the rain.... after I finished gathering a few Mangoes for chutney. Gunna have a percentage of ripe mango in this next round of batches to see if i can up the mango flavour.... sometimes ya just gotta adjust an old recipe in case something was lost in the translation. Maybe being in North qld way back the green Mangoes were a way of avoiding fruit fly larvae in the end result chutney. Anyway i thought that's what I'd do. Could get onto a few Bowen's and commons, so they can get mixed in evenly enough(too much Bowen mango and the chutney won't have that strandy texture to hold it together nicely)
Picked two boxes like this one :p

And scored a silver on the first day of 2022 :D

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