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Prospecting Australia

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May 4, 2014
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How about locking all the older folks up. Let the virus run rampant so we reach herd immunity. That way the younger generation can survive it through their stronger immunity. Any younger victims will be able to access a ventilator if required. Once herd immunity is attained the rate of infections of the older generations is less.
Close. But not sure it included a lock down for the elderly. They are the most vulnerable. This thing will not ever disappear until immunity occurs.
mbasko said:
Isn't that similar to what the UK were trying to do.
How's that working out for them?

They never did it because people didn't want to be Lab Rats. And the backlash was more than they expected.
Whilst great in theory it means that your health system will be overwhelmed in the short term and many people will die as well as the economy.
Possibly up to 80% of the population need to be infected tso that herd immunity happens.
Have a guess at what the rate of infection is now? :(
It does not pay to push older folks around, Their best years are behind them and they have nothing to loose, Same as the man who has nothing, Back either these in to a corner and it won't end well for you,

LOL, Once I was late paying my power bill by a couple of days and the bimbo on the phone tried to tell me that it could effect my Credit Rating So I told her not to be stupid and asked here Who in their right mind is going to Lend me Money at my Age So don't try the Emotional Blackmail Routine On Me, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Blocker said:
I am older and aready locked up, so lets see how the experiment works??

That's my point. NZ is in 4 weeks level 4 lock down. Maybe they will eliminate it in that 4 week period, maybe not. But as soon as their borders are opened up again they are susceptible to having it again and back to square one.

Italy has been in total lock down for three weeks, since ninth of March. Some areas since late February. On the 12th of March Italy had 1000 dead and 15,000 cases. Two and a half weeks later of total lock down Italy has 92,000 cases, 6,000 new cases in the last 24hrs, 10,000 dead, 800+ dead in the last 24hrs. I guess it may of slowed the rate down but the problem is still there, alive and well. The medical system is still over whelmed.

How long can a country sustain this for? I doubt till a vaccine is freely available. Australia struggles to supply enough vaccine for rabies because of high demand and rabies has been around a long time.

Thomo said:
How old are you Mr Magoo and what is your interpretation of old
And what about people with factors other than age

Of coarse include those with other underlying factors. Even those who just don't want to catch it.

I'm in one of the higher risk age groups but I would happily (not) catch it tomorrow, roll the dice and hopefully come out the other side and move on with life. At least I'm not locked up, my business will survive, I keep house and I'm now immune to another virus.
Good on ya Blocker :Y: all the best hope you come through isolation in good health :beer:
Just have to isolate and test/quarantine until a cure or prevention is found.
This should be well before herd immunity is reached ever reached.

PS: There's no hard and fast start to herd immunity.
If the rate of infection RO is around 2.5 (each infected person will pass it to 2.5 others before they recover), then when 60% of the population have recovered, there is only 40% who haven't had it.
Then, RO drops to 2.5*0.4 =1, so the number of active cases is level.
With RO<1, the number of active cases drops away.
With social separation and testing/quarantining, if RO drops by half, say to 1.25, then when only 20% of the population have been infected, RO =1.
If you define herd immunity as the point where RO=1, you can see that the % of population varies dramatically depending on social separation and the efficiency of detection and quarantine.
Even if Australia reaches 25k cases, that is only .1% of the population having been infectected - a long/long way from herd immunity!
BigWave said:
Just have to isolate and test/quarantine until a cure or prevention is found.
This should be well before herd immunity is reached ever reached.

PS: There's no hard and fast start to herd immunity.
If the rate of infection RO is around 2.5 (each infected person will pass it to 2.5 others before they recover), then when 60% of the population have recovered, there is only 40% who haven't had it.
Then, RO drops to 2.5*0.4 =1, so the number of active cases is level.
With RO<1, the number of active cases drops away.
With social separation and testing/quarantining, if RO drops by half, say to 1.25, then when only 20% of the population have been infected, RO =1.
If you define herd immunity as the point where RO=1, you can see that the % of population varies dramatically depending on social separation and the efficiency of detection and quarantine.
Even if Australia reaches 25k cases, that is only .1% of the population having been infectected - a long/long way from herd immunity!

I think what concerns me is how the Ebola pandemic worked out in west Africa in 2014. Ebola was less infectious R2.0 but more deadly yet it took three years to get control of it. Three years is a long time for any economy. It was suggested the actual economic aftermath caused more deaths than the virus it's self. That is my concern and believable.

To this day there is still no cure for Ebola so I'm not convinced this will be any different to Covid 19 but I'm no expert. In three years of lock down we will be back in the stone age. At the moment we are concerned about overloading the health system. Twelve months of lock down we may not have a health system. Italy is still being flogged
There are also reports some who had had the virus and tested negative are now testing positive again.

In a nutshell I agree, lets try and control it by lock down but smashing the economy when no end is in sight could be disastrous in the long term. Italy's figures are hardly encouraging.
I know the UK has starting to give up testing. It may also explain China's miraculous figures
Mr Magoo said:
BigWave said:
Just have to isolate and test/quarantine until a cure or prevention is found.
This should be well before herd immunity is reached ever reached.

PS: There's no hard and fast start to herd immunity.
If the rate of infection RO is around 2.5 (each infected person will pass it to 2.5 others before they recover), then when 60% of the population have recovered, there is only 40% who haven't had it.
Then, RO drops to 2.5*0.4 =1, so the number of active cases is level.
With RO<1, the number of active cases drops away.
With social separation and testing/quarantining, if RO drops by half, say to 1.25, then when only 20% of the population have been infected, RO =1.
If you define herd immunity as the point where RO=1, you can see that the % of population varies dramatically depending on social separation and the efficiency of detection and quarantine.
Even if Australia reaches 25k cases, that is only .1% of the population having been infectected - a long/long way from herd immunity!

I think what concerns me is how the Ebola pandemic worked out in west Africa in 2014. Ebola was less infectious R2.0 but more deadly yet it took three years to get control of it. Three years is a long time for any economy. It was suggested the actual economic aftermath caused more deaths than the virus it's self. That is my concern and believable.

To this day there is still no cure for Ebola so I'm not convinced this will be any different to Covid 19 but I'm no expert. In three years of lock down we will be back in the stone age. At the moment we are concerned about overloading the health system. Twelve months of lock down we may not have a health system. Italy is still being flogged
There are also reports some who had had the virus and tested negative are now testing positive again.

In a nutshell I agree, lets try and control it by lock down but smashing the economy when no end is in sight could be disastrous in the long term. Italy's figures are hardly encouraging.
I know the UK has starting to give up testing. It may also explain China's miraculous figures

According to the News tonight they have been testing 10,000 per day and they are going to step it up to 25,000 a day, but really they need to be doing 100,000 a day to stay on top of it,