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Prospecting Australia

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My sincere apologies. I left out an important word... iridium. :8
Feel like an idiot. :8
I have edited the question as follows...

In the 70s, a soil sample from Umbria was tested and found to have 300 times the ammount of iridium normally detected.
What did this tell us?
4He occurs in the last 4 Myrs of the Cretaceous, over which the concentration of 4He in the detrital component rises by 300%. This rise tracks a strong increase in the seawater 87Sr/86Sr ratio, suggesting a globally signicant change in the composition of continental detritus delivered to the oceans, possibly arising from increased continental weathering.
Seems to me that this may be as a result of the huge meteor that ultimately wiped out the dinosaurs..

This layer with the rich Iridium will be found between the Cretaceous(K) and Paleogene(T) layers, and is due to the massive impact by the meteor and debris sent flying into the atmosphere then settled over thousands of years. The ejected material settled more quickly whilst the Iridium settled later upon this material over the next 10,000 years.

In brief the K-T event?
Which single month in the history of gold prices had the highest $/oz increase/fluctuation? (just $/oz not %)

Whilst your at it, let's go with the highest decrease/fluctuation in a single month too.

I need the month and year for each.
I admire your confidence, so place your answer if you think it is easy... It does require some research and number crunching to get the correct answer!
I admire your confidence, so place your answer if you think it is easy... It does require some research and number crunching to get the correct answer!
Great question Eternal.
For you who knows the answer it may seem simple.
But for us mere humans it's a little more complicated.
Try googling all permutations of "record gold price rises" etc and there is countless web pages but none that answer your question.
I will keep trying to find an answer as time permits.

Once again... great question. Makes us test our research skills and learn amazing facts we didn't know before.