Hi from the Latrobe Valley

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Jun 19, 2013
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Hi everyone
Im one of those people who when he gets a new hobby he goes in boots and all, actually not a new hobby but a return to one after 30 or so years. At this stage Im in pre-retirement mode and Im gathering up toys and hobbies to keep myself busy when I finally pull the pin in a year or two. The way I see it gold prospecting will be the one hobby that can keep me fit and interested well into old age and you never know I may even make a bob or two on the way.
Plan A
Buy a Minelab CTX 3030 detector in the next few months and check out the old mining camps in the district. (Gippsland)
Build a high banker, just like the one Wal has kindly demonstrated and provided plans for on this forum (Thanx Wal)
Buy a GPX 5000 the day I retire and have time use it.
Hope to see you down the creek
Dogz (Peter)
Welcome to the forum Pete, Good to see your actively planning for that retirement mate. You're certainly going to do it in style with your selection of hunting machines.

Hope this forum remains a big part of you active planning, as i'm sure you'll find a wealth of information right at your fingertips. Best of luck out there and may many of your targets be golden.

Cheers Wal.
Welcome Dogz, It's a great way to keep yourself busy getting out and about..looking for gold that is.
I have had the pleasure of working with a few of your valley brothers of late and if you are as
Passionate about the valley as these guys, then it will be only be a matter of when, not IF, you find gold..
I wouldn't mind heading down your way for a look in them there hills,,but I might need to renew my pass port :D

Catch you out there..

Rambling Rude
Hello Dogz,

I am also in Traralgon and love the hobby, I first started panning in stringers creek some 25 years ago and not long
purchased a Minelab XT17000. It has served me very well until last year when I purchased a GPX5000, the only problem is the boat is under all that dust.
As for me I still have about 23yrs before I retire, but it may come sooner.
The 5K machine is awesome on the beach and has picked up two bob at 1mtr down, as for the gold it is great. I have just got back from the GT with another 17 bits and a total of just over 11gm.

Thanx for the great welcome guys and its great to hear that there are a few like minded forum members in the local area, hope to catch up with a one day. If you see my Hilux (youll know its me) driving around or parked by a creek dont be shy and say hello.

the duck said:
Welcome, we would like to help you but, you cant teach an old dogz new tricks :D welcome aboard

That's true, but they can still bite ;)