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Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Hello everyone,

First day for me here, just wanted to say hello and as you do ask and share any tips.

I have seen the maps on the forum and dis a fair bit of research.

At the moment just gathering info and just got my SD 2100 recently (the tuning is a challenge as you need to be on the field...not in the office with too much interferences)

If you allow may I would have a couple of questions:

1- I spoke to many department here in NSW but is there a way (online preferably) to check what is private land or crown land ?
2-Is there anyone from Sydney willing to share experiences? where i the first reasonable fields accessible from Sydney (closiest and non private land?)

many thanks for your patience with a newbie!

Fabs 8)
Hi Fabs, I can't assist much with your questions but wanted to say G'day as a fellow newby from today. I live in Newcastle and would also be keen to know more about accessible land.
Welcome to the forum Fabs, There's quite a few guys in the Sydney area who will be able to give you advice. If you read through the forum threads you will find many answers to your questions. Look forward to interacting and I'm sure it won't take too long before your heading down a clearer path. Best of luck,

Cheers Wal.
Welcome on board Jack, hope you get a lot of useful info from the forum members. Look forward to hearing about your prospecting adventures and if there's any questions you need answering we'll give them our best shot. Best of luck,

Cheers Wal.
G'day Fabs, I'm in Sydney also, most gold fields near Sydney are about 3hrs drive, some a little closer. The closest is Sunny Corner area near Lithgow, Sofala/Hill End area and the Oberon area. A few places have gemstones also. Oallen Ford also, a lot of the members here go highbanking and panning there also.
Hi Jack1,MBasko,WalnLiz, heatho and The duck,

Thanks for your many replies and help, sorry i was not able to connect earlier, I have been busy working on technology side of things (currently co-develloping a "coiltek: like battery system and getting into coils as well)

Looking to go to Hill end area mid September to do some testings.

Heatho ro other sydney member if you want to share infos let me know.

Good propsecting to you all